“It’s good, and the action isn’t so bad.” Looking at the person in front of him, Ryo Shibu also couldn’t see any expression on his face, but there was a little light in Hinata Shunping’s line of sight.

“Xiao Zheng, give me all the balls next!”

Listening to the words of the person in front of him, Seijuro Akaji had not reacted at all, and the rest of the players in Luosan couldn’t help but turn their heads and focus their eyes completely on Reiyao Shibu.

Hayama Kotaro did not have any hesitation before he was ready to refuse the person in front of him, and Seijuro Akaji in front of him had already decisively agreed, looking at the firmness in Seijuro Akaji’s eyes in front of him, Seijuro Akaji’s face did not have any expression.

“Then I’ll leave it to you.”

The ball finally returned to Nakayama’s hands, and the moment he took the ball, Kotaro Hayama still did not dare to disobey Seijuro Akaji’s order even if he was reluctant, and looking at Reio Shibu, who had already prepared, Kotaro Hayama threw the ball in his hand directly in the direction of the person in front of him.

Watching the person in front of him directly take the ball, the audience in the audience even looked at the square of Hinata Shunpei on the side, and everyone knew in their hearts that the person Shibu Reiyang wanted to target was Hinata Shunpei, who was also a shooter.

“Hinata, just do your own defense!” Looking at the person in front of him, listening to the voice of Izukijun on the side, Hinata Shunpei pursed his lips slightly, and looked at the person in front of him with a completely guarded look.

“Come on, little Hinata, let you see something better.”

Listen to the opening of the person in front of you. Not only Hinata Shunpei on the field, but everyone focused their eyes on the person in front of them for a while.

Bang, bang, bang, listening to the sound of the basketball constantly hitting the floor, the audience under the court only felt that the basketball in front of them seemed to be smashed on their hearts, the tense atmosphere on the court continued to spread, and the audience under the court widened their eyes to know the next result.

“Pay attention to keep your distance!”

Looking at the person who was constantly shrinking away from him, Hinata Shunpei had already clenched his teeth, and the body of Shibu Reiyang in front of him was full of enough overflowing aggression.

Approaching the three-point line, Hinata Shunpei looked at everything in front of him nervously, and the next second the sudden jump of the person in front of him earned enough eyeballs, everyone was looking forward to the next result, watching Hyuga Shunpei also jump without any hesitation, Riko Aida couldn’t help but clench her fists.

Although the person in front of him was ready to defend at the first time, what Riko Aida did not spit out was a bad premonition that for some reason did not dissipate.

Reiko Aida didn’t realize what was happening, and the next action of Reiko Shibu in front of her fully confirmed the premonition of the person in front of her, looking at the two people who took off at the same time, the audience in the audience had already focused all their attention on the person in front of them.

“You won’t have a chance for this ball!” Listening to the words of the person in front of him, Shi Wei Lingyang only returned the corners of his mouth, and there was a little sympathy in the eyes of the person in front of him.

“You’re so naïve!” The moment Reiyo’s words fell, he leaned directly in the direction of the person in front of him, and Hinata Shunpei had almost no chance of resisting, and the referee on the side had already raised the whistle to his lips.

“Beep.” Listening to the referee’s direct whistle, the audience in the field was already exclaimed, and in an instant, everyone focused their eyes on the field, and the stunned look on Hinata Shunpei’s face fell directly into Shibu Reiyang’s eyes without any concealment.

And what is even more unexpected is still behind, most of the realization of the audience in the court is focused on the body of Shunpei Hinata, who has already fouled, and seeing that Reiyo Shibu was not disturbed in any way and still threw the ball in his hand in the direction of the basket in front of him, the audience in the court had already widened their eyes and looked at the arc of the basketball in the air in front of them.


Listening to the sound of the basketball simply entering the net, the players in Luoshan under the court had already cheered, but the next words of the referee on the side made the atmosphere of sincerity even more gloomy.

“Three pointers are effective, plus one free throw.”

Listening to the referee’s voice, the audience under the field had already boiled irrepressibly, and the discussion was constantly pouring towards the field like a tide.

“Luoshan is really powerful! That long-haired shooter is even more impressive! ”

“That’s it! In contrast, Chengrin is really not so outstanding! ”

“And Akaji hasn’t made a move yet. Even if there is a stone god in Chenglin, it will not set off any storms! ”

Listening to the discussion of the audience under the scene, looking at the condescending eyes of Reiyo Shibumi in front of him, Hinata Shunpei had already clenched his fists, and Seijuro Akaji on the side naturally saw everything in his eyes, even if the face of the stone god who was on the opposite line with him was still calm, Seijuro Akaji decided what he was going to do.

“Seriously, there’s nothing happier than letting me destroy someone.”

Hearing Seijuro Akaji’s sudden words that were extremely different from his usual appearance, Ishigami’s brows furrowed almost instantly, and his expression for a moment also fell into Seijuro Akaji’s eyes without falling in the slightest.

Looking at the person in front of him, there was no expression on his face, a fluttering turn walked directly towards Shi Yu Lingyang who was about to make a free throw, looking at the moment when the person in front of him took the ball, he threw the request in his hand directly towards the direction of the basket in front of him without any hesitation, and Hinata Shunping’s heart couldn’t help but tighten.

Although it was clear from the beginning that according to the rigor and precision of the person in front of him, mistakes were almost impossible, at this time, Hinata Shunpei still had a little luck in his heart, and the moment he heard the sound of the basketball directly hitting the basket, Hinata Shunpei subconsciously rushed directly forward to grab the rebound.

The audience in the audience was also surprised to look at everything in front of them, after all, everyone’s cognitive power is almost impossible to make a mistake, but Aida Riko and others are unusually calm, looking at Nemuya Yogayoshi on the side directly rushed up a figure jumping on the ground, Aida Riko naturally knows what Luoshan in front of him is thinking.

“Let me come!”

Looking at the tall black shadow that suddenly appeared in front of him, the audience in the audience was also stunned, and Netakeya Nagayoshi in front of him did not have any suspense, and the moment he jumped, he directly reached out and grabbed the ball, and then directly dunked the basketball in his hand into the basket.

Looking at the reaction of the people on the field, the audience under the field was completely stunned, and on the free throw line, the corners of Shunyo Shibu’s mouth couldn’t help but hook slightly, and the eyes that looked at Hinata Shunpei in front of him were full of disdain.

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