Vulcan Daigo’s gaze is completely focused on the person in front of him, even if his bouncing power and explosive power are outstanding, it is naturally of little use to face a player like Daiki Aomine who never plays cards according to common sense.

Even if I had already decided at the beginning that as long as the person in front of me served according to the normal trajectory, I would definitely be able to intercept it, seeing Qingfeng Daiki away from his figure at this moment, Vulcan Daiki couldn’t help but frown.

The audience in the audience also looked at everything in front of them in surprise, the angle of Qingfeng Daiki in front of him had already reached an incredible point, and the figure almost parallel to the ground even Shi Shen narrowed his eyes, and Riko Aida on the side gasped.


Watching the person in front of me completely above his head, the Vulcan Da I only felt a weak desolation in my heart, and the sound of the basketball falling directly into the basket behind me echoed throughout the court.

Looking at the helpless expression on the face of the Vulcan Dame, the smile at the corner of the original Zekerd’s mouth became more and more brilliant, no matter how the team in front of him reached this position step by step as a dark horse, it would definitely be ended here by Tonghuang in the end.

And Qingfeng Daiki is even more deservedly invincible!

“It’s already 10:6!”

“It’s going to be back so soon!”

“As long as Qingfeng plays, Makoto Rin has no room to parry at all, okay!”

The discussion of the stone god in the field can naturally be heard, Aida Riko bit her lip slightly, the worry in her eyes is not concealed, and the calmness on the face of the stone god beside her makes her not know what to do for a while.

“Vulcan…” Hinata Shun on the side stopped talking, looking at the sweat hanging from the sideburns of the person in front of him, everyone knew that the pressure that Aomine Daiki brought to Makoto was self-evident.

“Give me another chance!”

The stubbornness still on the face in front of him made Qingfeng Daiki turn around and look at the person in front of him with interest, but the contempt in his tone still did not change.

“I have already reminded you that your efforts are struggling with me, and they are useless.”

Such words made the Vulcan DaI involuntarily clench his fists, and the unwillingness in his eyes turned into a flame.

The ball on the field still belongs to Makoto, Makoto is still held by the Vulcan Daigo, looking at the person in front of him, the natural miracle of Wakamatsu Kosuke on the side is extremely relieved, even if the person who defeated him is not himself, it is still comfortable to see the Vulcan Damei like Wakamatsu Kosuke.

“Qingfeng!” Vulcan Dame’s deep voice slowly overflowed from his throat, looking at the person in front of him, and the worry in Kuroko’s eyes on one side could be seen everywhere.

“Tetsuya, if this is the new light you have chosen, then I really feel sorry for you.” Qingfeng Daiki opened his mouth without warning so that Kurokizhe couldn’t help but raise his head, and all he could see was Qingfeng Daiki’s side face.

And this time Aomine Daiki did not choose to directly confront the person in front of him, looking at the person who was always guarding the position of the center line, Vulcan Daiki couldn’t help but rush directly with the ball in his hand towards the direction of the person in front of him.

“This time makes you pay for arrogance!”

Listening to the voices of the people on the field, the stone god under the field actually felt extremely funny, and hearing the term arrogance from the mouth of the Vulcan Big Me was something that made people feel intriguing.

The eyes of the audience in the field were completely focused on the Vulcan Dame holding the ball in front of him, and only the sound of the person in front of him hitting the ground with the ball was left on the field.

The atmosphere on the field became tense for a moment, and the pace under the feet of the Vulcan became more and more rapid, and the stadium seemed to be only the people in front of him.

Even though he was still some distance away from the person in front of him, Aomine Daiki could still feel that the person in front of him was different from before, and this dangerous aura only made him more excited.

The speed under the feet of the person who came in front of him in an instant did not mean to slow down in the slightest, looking at the Qingfeng Daiki in front of him, the Vulcan Dai I directly sprinted with a big stride.

What can be felt is that the energy of the person in front of him has been greatly improved compared to before, and thinking that the Vulcan Daigo is actually a stronger type of player, Qingfeng Daiki only feels that the blood all over his body has boiled.

His gaze was accurate to the ball in the hands of the Vulcan Daigo, and Daiki Qingfeng did not hesitate to strike, with the speed of the wind, the hearts of the sincere players under the field were already hanging.

The Vulcan Daigo naturally wouldn’t let the person in front of him succeed so easily, and a quick back directly bypassed the ball and shifted it to the side away from Qingfeng Daiki.

Originally thought that there was no problem with his defense, what Vulcan Daigo did not expect at all was that all his actions seemed to be under the control of Aomomine Daiki, looking at his rapidly changing center of gravity and withdrawing hand, Vulcan was shocked.

Before he could react, the ball in his hand had been cut off in time by Qingfeng Daiki’s other hand, looking at the intriguing expression on the face of the person in front of him, Vulcan Dame’s brows furrowed tightly, but there was no half a word in his mouth.

“It’s just this level, it’s useless.”

Only a word from Aomomine Daiki was left in the air, and he didn’t have time to think carefully, watching the Qingfeng Daiki who was holding the ball easily break through and rushed towards the direction of the basket defended by Cheng Rin, the Vulcan Daiki did not dare to have any hesitation and directly turned around and chased towards Qingfeng Daiki’s back.

“Vulcan! Be sure to catch up! ”

Hearing the voice of Reiko Aita beside him, Ishami snorted coldly, at least in his opinion, the Vulcan Daigo in front of him has been thrown off by Qingfeng Daiki, plus Aomine Daiki has not yet touched the amorphous shooting, it is completely impossible to resist by relying only on Vulcan Daigo alone.

His gaze became more and more cold, the result of the special training he wanted was not only that, he wanted to see how these players who were sincere played a good hand into a sparse hand.

There were only two chasing figures left on the court, and the rapid emotion of the footsteps behind him naturally listened to his ears, while his eyes were only fixed on the basket in front of him.

“Don’t think about it!” On the side, Mitobe Rinnosuke looked at the person in front of him who rushed straight towards the basket without any hesitation, and Wakamatsu Kosuke, who was guarding the basket, instantly changed his face, and it was naturally his fault to let the sincere player disturb Aomomine Daiki.

The Daiki Aomomine in front of him did not pay attention to the person in front of him at all, and ran directly towards the direction of the basket with an easy kick-on, and the defensive Vulcan Daigo and Mitobe Rin Nosuke were equally unwilling to be outdone.

Looking at the three people in the air, everyone in the field couldn’t help but widen their eyes, this is the rhythm of rather fouling than letting Daiki Aomomine score?

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