Although several people in the second team of Makoto Rin have also been greatly improved, the gap is still quite obvious compared to the starters of Xiude High School.

Futian Kuan almost made the fastest reaction speed of his basketball career, but he was still inferior to Daping in terms of arm span and bounce, almost half of the height gap of his palm, and the basketball was first picked by Daping in the direction of his teammates!

The falling basketball flew to Takao, and as a team organization, he knew very well that after taking the ball first, the first goal must be scored!

Even though the flag-lowering light tree on his side fiercely blocked him, Takao squeezed the flag-lowering flag even more forcefully, and flew ahead to pounce on the basketball!

“Since you chose to go to the scoring position to fight me, then I’m sorry, you have a limited time to touch the ball today!”

Midorima’s attention was all on the stone god, and today he had a more important goal besides scoring – to prevent the death stone god!

It seemed that only the figure of Shi Shen was left in the green eyes, but suddenly, that figure slowly dissipated like green smoke!



Midorima’s eyes widened, and he turned his head sharply to look for the stone god, but heard the crisp sound as he turned around.


“What an amazing speed! What a clean steal! No one would have thought that the original sincere coach actually had such strong strength! ”

Takao himself could not have imagined that he was the first to get rid of the defense, but Ishigami snatched the ball one step faster than himself!

The sudden start made everyone not react, let alone defense, after Shi Shen grabbed the ball, the speed did not decrease at all, and a dragon came directly to the basket!


Stop the meter!

The powerful hands dunked, but after the dunk, Shi Shen flexed up, stepped on the rebound with his feet, and turned his whole head upside down to look at the Xiude player who was still in a daze!

“2… 2.1 seconds! ”

The narrator’s voice was trembling, and he held the microphone in both hands, as if he was worried that he would not be able to hold it, “Score 2.1 seconds after the opening!” Set the record for the fastest goal in the league! Hidetoku’s players looked as if they didn’t react at all, lightning fast attack from the 24th stone god! ”

The passionate commentary made the equally astonished audience boil, adrenaline rushed wildly, and screams and shouts came out one after another.

Whether it’s a steal, a violent dunk or the final defiant suspension of the stone god, this first ball brings people a double feast of sight and sound!

“The strength of the coach seems to have become stronger again…”

The shocked faces on the Cheng Rin player’s bench were silent for a long time before he spit out such a sentence with difficulty.

“Why say again?”

Kuroko and the others looked at the Vulcan one after another.

Of all the people here, the Vulcan has received special training from the Stone God, and only the Vulcan has been in contact with the Stone God for the longest time, obviously the Vulcan knows more than they do.

“I… In fact, I can’t be sure. ”

Vulcan muttered, “After all, I don’t know if the coach showed his full strength in front of us, but judging from the goal just now, the coach is stronger in all aspects than in training with me!” ”

“Speaking of which, Vulcan.”

Hinata asked what she had been wondering all along, “What has the coach taught you these three months?” ”

“Remember the rumors you said? That ‘street ball devil’ is the coach! ”

This news did not surprise Hinata and the others too much, because the person they had guessed was most likely the stone god.

“In the past three months, the coach took me to challenge street ball every night, and almost all the street ball masters in Kanto were defeated!”


“You say, one day we can be as good as coaches?”

Longing, in Hinata and the others’ seriousness for a long time.

“Yes, it will be!”

In the audience, there was also a small group of people who were out of place with the carnival around them.

“This guy has actually become stronger again!”

Qingfeng’s face looked a little gloomy.

“It’s just a ball, you can see it again?” Although Huang Se was equally surprised, it was difficult to admit in his heart that the stone god had actually improved again in just three months, “Huh? Why is it so quiet? ”

After they took their seats, the sound of crunching potato chips that had been in their ears disappeared.

“He seems to be really powerful.” Atsushi didn’t know when he threw down the snack bag in his hand, and his eyes flickered and looked at the arena, “Qingzai, he seems to be dribbling faster than you just now!” ”


“Speaking of which, what did you say that day that he was carrying a load? Do you still have it with you now? ”


Qingfeng narrowed his eyes, “Sure enough, he didn’t carry a weight today, and the bandage on his hand was gone, no wonder it was so fast!” ”

“So, the stone god is going all out today?”

Huang Se suddenly came to the spirit, the last time the stone god defeated himself with a heavy load, it had always made him linger, and he was also curious about the true strength of the stone god, “Let me take a good look!” ”

“I don’t know if Little Green’s three-point shot can be prevented by Shi Shenjun.”

Momoi looked so happy no matter what time, his big eyes flashed with anticipation, “The three-point point that covers the whole court is unpreventable!” ”

The loss of points in the opening game, especially by his own counterpoint, is impossible to say that this will not bring a psychological burden to Midorima.

“Speed is not a level at all!” Although Midorima knew that he was not one of the kind of players who excelled at speed, frustration inevitably arose inside.

Standing outside the three-point line facing Ishigami when receiving a pass from Takao, Midorima’s attention was a little distracted, and the vacant time did not choose between passing or shooting.

“Being distracted during the game is a big taboo!”


The words of the stone god sounded in his ears, and Midorima’s whole person couldn’t help but be stunned, and then he found that the ball in his hand… It disappeared too!


Midori’s face couldn’t help but change, and the whole person’s gaze suddenly focused on the stone god.

“Can’t see clearly!”

Midorima’s furrowed brows were trembling, and the stone god’s sudden strike without the slightest warning made him have no time to guard against it.

Xiude’s full staff accelerated back to defense, but where could they catch up with the speed of Shi Shen, when they rushed to the three-point line in their own half, Shi Shen had already completed the second dunk!



Once again, the stone god completed the quick attack.

Time, again, is only 2 seconds!

This kind of speed simply made everyone in Xiude despair.


“Cheng Rin’s start is like a rainbow, Shi Shen won two consecutive steals and two dunks with his personal ability, and this game is really getting more and more intense!”

The voice of the commentary has not yet fallen, Hidetoku has launched another attack, this time Takao did not pass to Midorima again, he knew very well that although Midorima was their strongest point, but the same Midorima was also the most powerful point of Makoto, he chose to break through by himself!

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