The topic was very long, and the guy was still reading it. Gu Changfeng didn't dare to relax, and listened to it word by word. No one knew what the guy's last question was.

Gu Changfeng still remembered what Hongcheng said before, and the problem must not have been solved according to the usual routine.

During this period, someone asked for the ball from time to time, but they were all numbered 135, so-called teammates.

As for the opponent, he has never asked for the ball from the beginning to the present.

This made Gu Changfeng a little vigilant.

If they are mixed together, Gu Changfeng will gradually become familiar with this intensity, and even if he relaxes suddenly, there is a certain success rate.

Now none of them speak, this is to let Gu Changfeng get used to this feeling now, and give the ball as soon as they ask for it.

This is a feeling of lore, if you don't make a move, it's nothing, once you make a move, it's a lore!

Finally, the topic is over.

"Xiaoxue spent a dollar to buy the head flower, but thought it was not good-looking and sent it back, but Little Jasmine felt that the head flower was pretty, so she spent money to buy it back! The question is over, may I ask..."

After reading this, most people have already started to add and subtract.

"It's a waste of money and a return of goods. I'm already dizzy after adding and subtracting!"

"Can't keep up, can't keep up!"

"Hey, I've already figured it out, and now it costs 56 yuan! It's too simple!"

"How much money did it cost? It's so annoying!"

Almost everyone was counting how much money was spent, and some even counted on their fingers.

The person who wrote the question finally read the question out!

"May I ask what Xiao Hua bought?"

"Pass the ball!"

The final question and the pass sounded almost simultaneously.

Gu Changfeng also froze all over at this time, and his dribbling hands trembled slightly!

He glanced at No. 4 and regained his composure.

Muscle memory is terrible, but fortunately, Gu Changfeng's nerve reaction ability is fast, otherwise he would not be able to suppress his hand and pass the ball just now!

The timing chosen by the other party was so good that Gu Changfeng couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

After the author of the question uttered the question, no one had thought of this question. Few people probably remembered Xiaohua, let alone what she bought!

Even Gu Changfeng paused his head when he heard it. Who can refuse the opponent's request for the ball at this point in time?

Fortunately, it was Gu Changfeng, whoever came up would probably have to pass the ball obediently!

I don't know if Akashi can do Gu Changfeng without coming to break through the barrier, and Murasakibara's nerve response is fast, so I don't know if he can do it. No one knows what has not happened.

At this moment, Gu Changfeng did it!

Everyone around was dumbfounded when they heard this question!

"Who is Xiaohua? Has Xiaohua appeared in this topic?"

"Isn't this calculating how much money was spent in the end? How can I ask what to buy!"

"This is playing with people! Who can remember who bought what!"

"This dog thing really knows how to make questions, don't do it again next time!"

"Everyone's attention is on spending money. You actually ask others what they bought, but you still pick one of them. What a fool!"

A group of people were cursing, but they didn't dribble or pass the ball, they just listened intently to the topic, so they were confused when the problem came up, let alone Gu Changfeng!

Aomine was also dumbfounded, looked at Murasakibara and said in a daze:

"Murasakibara, it's over! Looks like the three of us have to go back barefoot!"

Aomine has given up at this moment, he has no defense at all, Gu Changfeng must be under more pressure, how can he answer it!


Murasakibara looked at Gu Changfeng solemnly, and said three words.

Aomine's eyes widened when she heard that.

"You actually know?"

"If you ask others what they bought, I don't know, but what Xiaohua bought is chocolate, I like chocolate!"

Aomine was still marveling at Murasakibara's strength just a moment ago, but now he has black lines.

Dude, you are a coincidence!

As expected of a foodie, as long as there is something related to snacks, you will remember it in your head.

On the field, since the person who made the question finished the question, the five people who asked for the ball began to ask for the ball continuously. As soon as Gu Changfeng got the ball, they immediately called for a pass.

"Pass the ball!"

"Pass the ball!"

"Pass the ball!"

Don't give Gu Changfeng a chance to relax!

For the target of the pass, Gu Changfeng has already built a reflection zone in his mind, and it is not difficult to deal with it.

This kind of high-intensity ball has now given up its subsequent role, and now it is playing the role of interference!

The first question is the most difficult, and also the place where mistakes are most likely to be made. Once this first question is passed, it will go much smoother afterwards.

Whoever came up with this level knows this very well, so they bet everything at the very beginning!

After Gu Changfeng heard the question, apart from being a little surprised at first, he quickly visualized the whole question in his mind.

Some strange people have the ability of photographic memory, that is, they can manifest the knowledge they have seen, and what they saw when they saw it, they will also look like it in retrospect!

They can clearly say which page and line of a book a paragraph is on!

This is a talent, everyone has it, but the degree is different. Some people don’t forget it all the time, and some people forget it in a few seconds. It’s probably because the memory sticks installed when they come out are different. Some are big and some are small.

Naturally, Gu Changfeng did not have the ability of photographic memory, but short-term memory can still be manifested.

Soon, Gu Changfeng 'saw' it!


It's slow to say, but Gu Changfeng answered after only 4 seconds!

Hearing Gu Changfeng's answer, the entire stadium fell silent!

The five numbered guys don't want the ball anymore, and the person who passed the ball to Gu Changfeng also doesn't pass the ball.

Everyone looked at the person who made the question, the guy with the notebook.

The author of the question also froze in place at this time.

"Hey! Why are you announcing the answer!"

"That's right, tell me the answer quickly, labor and management are going crazy, what did you buy!"

"Buy Nima and sell batches, I have already calculated the extra money, you tell me to buy something?"

When everyone saw that guy was stunned, they all shouted.

It's obviously a timeout now, and talking at this time will not affect Gu Changfeng.

Aomine looked at Murasakibara after hearing Gu Changfeng's answer.

When Murasakibara said chocolate, he believed it at first, but after hearing Murasakibara's explanation, he didn't believe it again!

Now that he heard Gu Changfeng's answer, he believed it again!

I don't know why, but Aomine has a sense of trust in Gu Changfeng, he will definitely be able to do it!

After being shouted by everyone, the person who made the question came back to his senses and smiled:

"I'm sorry, I'm also a little surprised, but someone can answer, and the answer is chocolate!"

Hearing the question maker announce the answer, a group of people looked at Gu Changfeng in the field.

"It's too perverted! You can answer all of this!"

"I, who concentrates on listening to the questions, can't compare to someone else who concentrates on listening to the questions!"

"It's not comparable, it's not in the same order of magnitude! We haven't even touched the topic at all!"

"People can know that Xiao Hua bought chocolates, but I don't even know Xiao Hua!"

A group of people looked at Gu Changfeng as if they were looking at gods. They used to look up to everyone in basketball, but now they are crushed by a wave of IQ!

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