Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 65: Sixty-five. The invisible letter

   Chapter 65 Sixty-five. Invisible Letter

  The Michelia incident is playing on the radio.

   At this time, receiving such an email, it is hard not to let people associate it.

  Lu Li opened the door and leaned out half of his body. The dark corridor was silent, and there was a faint noise from the water room at the end.

   The postman who delivered the letter was nowhere to be seen.

   Returning to the detective agency, closing the door, Lu Li picked up the letter again and read it over and over again.

   "What are you looking at?" Joanna couldn't hold back her weird look.

  Lu Li raised his eyes, noticed Joanna's gaze, and suddenly became thoughtful. He held up the envelope. "Can you see that?"

  Joanna shook her head in confusion, then saw Lu Li's palm that seemed to be pinching something close to her cheek, stopped when she was about to dodge back, and stopped only five centimeters away.

   But in Lu Li's line of sight, the letter touched Joanna's cheek, wrinkled, deformed, and then partially stuck to her face, just like an ordinary piece of paper.

  Interestingly, it didn't leave Joanna's cheeks pressed.

   "Did you smell anything?" Lu Li asked again.

   "No... This is some kind of ceremony for joining the detective agency?" Joanna said in a strange tone.

   Just like Oliver told Lu Li that his sister was weird, Oliver also told his sister that his boss was weird——


  Lu Li put the emperor's new clothes on the table, turned around and sat down behind the desk: "Tell me about you."

"say what?"

   "The purpose of coming here—"

The    voice stopped, and Lu Li remembered that she had already said it.

  The atmosphere became a little awkward.

   But Lu Li didn't care about the atmosphere, he continued the topic as if nothing had happened: "Have you thought about it?"


   Joanna's eyes lit up.

  Lu Li nodded, told Joanna about his partnership with Oliver, and added: "Are you sure you can do it?"

   "My brother learned most of his skills from me." Joanna raised her chin, proudly said.

"That's good."

   "So when is the next action?!"

   "Probably this afternoon or tomorrow." Lu Li paused and looked up at her: "What do you want to do?"

   "Can you take me there!" When her mind was seen, Joanna simply confessed. After noticing that Lu Li's eyes were more scrutinized, he added: "Today the college is on holiday!"

   "It's dangerous."

   "Just once, please..." Joanna pleaded on the desk with a pitiful look on her face.

   "You should be aware of the risks of dealing with ghosts."

"I'm not afraid--"

"Don't rush to agree." Lu Li interrupted, and continued: "You wouldn't want to see me pointing to the side when Oliver came back and asked where her sister was, and said, 'This is your sister, a piece of good news. The bad news, the bad news is that your sister is dead, the good news is that she's youthful now'"

  Lu Li was not worried about Joanna, not because she was worried about other things, but because she had a strong curiosity about unknown existences such as ghosts.

   This is a bit like herself, but the difference is that she can control her curiosity, and she can't.

   Joanna patted her flat chest and said, "If you're worried about my brother, then don't worry, I always have the final say in the family!"

  Joanna has an explorer-like quality about her.

   Unrestrained, yearning for the unknown.

   Or to put it another way: out of control, love to death.

   After a few seconds, Lu Li said calmly, "How do I contact you?"

   After a little thought, Lu Li agreed. Much of this has to do with the relative safety of the next delegate.

  【Haunted House】

  【Location: Simp Park】

  [Belfast has never been a children's paradise. It has been facing the corrosion of the sea breeze and the smog that can kill people in the industrial area all the year round, although it has been better recently. As one of the representatives of Simpler Park, apart from the circus and the broken horses, there are only those flowers and plants left. This newly built, well-made, seriously-staffed haunted house is seriously out of tune - and does anyone really pay to see the ghosts? 】

[The answer is yes, and there are a lot of idiots (please allow me to call them that) who pay to see the ghosts played by employees and claim how real the ghosts are... Please, you can meet real ghosts for free, so why pay Money to see fake ghosts? 】

[This information comes from a curious, or a guy who has been frightened by a haunted house. The client went home after visiting the haunted house and was frightened and had nightmares for a few days. He suspected that the ghost of the haunted house was a real ghost and not an employee, so he was planning to Look for the detective agency to issue a commission. 】

  【Remuneration that can be paid: 50~200 shillings. He's just a little penny commoner and can't come up with much money. 】

  Note: My brother at Simps Park told me that apart from the opening of a haunted house, there are no other spooky events happening in the park.

   This is the information that Oliver has collected. At present, the commission has not been withdrawn, and Lu Li can still contact the commissioner to complete it.


  Joanna let out a light cry of joy and said quickly, "Give you the number of our college, you can call me."

"I will."

  Lu Li stood up, ready to see off the guests.

  Joanna saw it and walked to the door consciously.

   opened the door, Joanna stood in the corridor and asked, "Where's the ghost lady?"

   "In the bedroom."


   Joanna pulled up a long voice and ambiguous eyes that adults can understand. "Then don't bother you, goodbye."


  The door is closed.


   A crisp cough, neither light nor heavy, came from beside him.

   "You don't have a good throat?"

  Lu Li walked to the desk without looking back, picked up the envelope on the edge of the desk and looked at Anna who was hesitant to speak: "Can you see it?"

   "What?" Anna was startled.

   "Can you see it?" Lu Li said with a shake.

   "One...hand...?" Anna, who was feeling a little uncomfortable just now, was quickly diverted her attention.

   "I mean what I hold in my hand."

  Ana felt that she was being played with, and said a little embarrassedly: "It's just nothing!"

  Lu Li's black pupils fluctuated a little, even Anna couldn't see it, what does this letter represent...?


   ding bell - ding bell -

   "Oh look who-"

   "Can you see it?"

   "See what? A speck of dust?"

"never mind."

   ding bell - ding bell -


   Detective Agency, Lu Li staggered his hands between his lips, and on the desk in front of him was the letter that could not be seen by others.

  Anna floated beside her, holding her hands obediently.

   Ordinary people, ghosts, exorcists.

   None of these three types of beings can look at it.

  Thinking to no avail, Lu Li opened the bottom drawer and put the envelope in it.

  Lu Li was never someone who would scare himself, and a sentence of unknown meaning would make him suspicious-this possibility is zero.

   If the existence who sent this letter really knew something and what purpose it had, it would still contact Lu Li.

   is like the person asking if you are there must have something to tell you.

   (end of this chapter)

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