Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 595: One hundred and seventy-two. Differences

   Chapter 595 One hundred and seventy-two. Differences

   "Adam may be wrong."

  In the swaying carriage, Anna's face showed dissatisfaction with the hero: "Sarah has done so much for him, even sacrificing herself."

   "That's a twisted and deformed love." Lu Li tore the note, stretched out the carriage, and was left behind by the galloping carriage.

   Both visual and psychological.

  Anna, who is occupied by sensibility because of her body, is difficult to spy on the rational side - a qualified story can indeed cover up the darkness behind it.

   It's like no one cares about the elves in fairy tales whose precious treasures are stolen by the protagonists.

   "If Adam was determined enough, he could have refused Sarah to resurrect himself in the first place, instead of starting to get tired of the other half now after a hundred years."

  Ana's gaze on Lu Li was like a wounded deer, helpless, but with a faint plea: "Time will kill everything...isn't it?"

   Even the most loving lovers who are willing to give everything for each other will fade away one day.


  Lu Li realized that Anna was going from one extreme to the other after possessing a body. He tried something different: "A poignant love is not a reason to make others pay. There are lovers and couples among those who die at their hands."

  Anna stopped talking, wondering what she was thinking.

  Lu Li considers whether to make up a love story of a pair of victims, so that Anna can be separated from the story of Sarah and Adam.

   When he was about to reach the Church of Echoes, a soft and warm palm suddenly pressed against Lu Li's abdomen, rubbing lightly.

   Even through a layer of shirt, Anna could feel the uneven scar on her abdomen.

   "You're right...they pay for what they do," she murmured.

  Anna still did not have the empathy of the victim, but the result was the same, she was hostile to Adam and Sarah because of the injuries Lu Li had suffered.


  Shopskin Street.

  The streets were crowded with many people, and the carriages were blocked in the streets and moved slowly.

  The smell of blood permeates the air of the long street, some figures’ clothes are stained with blood, and their faces are hung with minced flesh.

  Lu Li stopped a passerby to ask, he just smiled and told Lu Li that he was late and the party was over.

  The crowd gradually dispersed, the carriage drove into the street, and finally stopped in front of the Echo Church Cemetery.

  The statue at the top of the tower was still sympathetic. Anna, who followed Lu Li out of the carriage, looked back at the long street. There were still many unwilling monsters wandering and waiting in the street.

   Walking into the empty church, the figure in a robe that was full of benches not long ago seemed to be just a bubble-like illusion. Lu Li searched the church for a while, but couldn't find the survivors or the clues left, but the tomb outside the church was covered up, and two rows of tombstones carved from simple wooden boards were erected upright.

  【Greek Tarantino】

  【Haisha Alucard】

  【Joseph Yanes】

  【Kylan Emma】

  These martyrs knew what was going to happen, but they did not turn back.

  Lu Li returned to the church, placed the vase with fake sunflowers next to Keiran Emma's tombstone, and left with Lu Li.

   Before they left, there were already some hungry figures kneeling in the cemetery to dig up the buried bones. They might disturb the newly erected tombstones, but Lu Li knew there was nothing inside.

   They don't care about their grave being destroyed, just as they don't care about their own lives.

   "Where to go next, continue to find other survivors?" Anna asked.

   Lu Li lowered his head and thought.


   "That slice of bread is mine," York complained loudly to Webb across the table.

   After getting to know each other, they quickly became friends.

   "I found it." Webb smeared a small half-jar of red jam that was still three days out of date on the bread. Fear and grief made him temporarily forget about hunger. Then came down to safety, surging with hunger.

   "I also found the jam." York leaned over and grabbed the rest of the jam.

  Webb shrugged nonchalantly and took a big bite of the jam-smeared bread.

  Except for the two mothers and daughters who went to the upstairs bedroom to rest because of sleepiness, the other survivors were in the clothing store on the first floor, looking at York and Webb, who were bickering like two competitive young men with amusement.

   This scene really made them relax-until the wooden door of the clothing store was knocked.

  Knock -- Knock -- Knock --

   The slow knock on the door sounded like a cold winter wind, freezing all the voices and expressions in the clothing store.

   Webb at the dining table closes to the window, then gestures to Jemini Red by the fireplace.

   That gesture represents a stranger coming to the door.

   "Unidentified people hide upstairs!" Jemini Red shouted to everyone in a low voice, urging them to run upstairs.

  Knock -- Knock -- Knock --

   There was a second knock on the door mechanically.

  Jemini Reid picked up the wooden barrel full of wet mud and poured it into the fireplace. The sound of "chi" came out, and the warm fire was buried by the wet mud. Webb threw his precious bread into the trash without pity, stood up and pretended to pick clothes in front of the hanger.

   The cluttered footsteps on the second floor finally disappeared, and Jemini Reid slipped back to the counter, picked up the bow and pinned it to his neckline, and motioned for "Man" York to open the door.


   Just as the third knock on the door rang, the door was opened by York. He imitated the waiter guy he saw on weekdays, put on a smile and said, "Welcome guests, what do you need to buy?"

  York did not learn much, and his facial muscles spasmed a little because of the tension. But it just looks like "weird that pretends to be human but doesn't act like it", and can fool a lot of unsuspecting weirdness.

   Only this time the guests are different.


   The tall figure in front of the door lowered his head, and the brim of his hat hid his face in the shadows. It wasn't raining outside, but water was dripping down on him strangely, and a small pool of water gathered around his shoes.

  York felt an unspeakable sense of oppression emanating from this terrifying tall man, making it difficult for him to breathe and speak.

  The eerie silence is fermenting.

  Jermine Reid behind the counter was disturbed, and winked at another "buddy" Ivo and asked him to help.

   Ivo just stood up when a familiar calm voice sounded from behind the tall man.

   "It's you again, come in and warm up."

  York suddenly relaxed and let the door open with the sound.

   The tall figure, who seemed to be shrouded in shadows, kept silent, and suddenly turned to leave.

   Lu Li and Anna by the door watched as it left a line of wet footprints and disappeared into the distance.

   "Is he weird too?" York asked courageously.

   "Evil spirit, uninvited guest." Looking back, Lu Li walked into the clothing store.

   "I remembered." Jemini Reid, who had realized it in hindsight, was stunned. "Is it actually it..."

   He couldn't relate it to Uninvited Guest for a while because it was so weird.

   (end of this chapter)

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