Bitter Entertainment Critic

Vol 2 Chapter 93: 【Pick up】

New year's day.

Nine in the morning.

Gucheng Airport, exit e in the domestic arrival area, is crowded with people.

Crazy fans occupy the entire aisle, and travelers can only squeeze out of the crowd.

The most frightening thing is that there were fans who stepped on to see idols a few years ago.

Therefore, the airport management staff has added personnel to maintain order.

Fans held up the pick-up cards, welcome signs, some were written by hand, some were fluorescent, and at a glance they knew they were prepared.

"Are you here yet?"

"not yet!"

"Then what should we do? Do you want to squeeze in?"

In the corner of the crowd, there were three people whispering in a low voice.

Han Anrou looked embarrassed, "Why is it so coincident that I came across a tot."

"They have been hot recently, and there are too many fans!"

Zhang Xuexin pursed his lips and said: "But we are all here, there is no reason to give up like this!"

It seemed to hear that they were discussing, and there was a hostile look around them immediately.

The three of them looked out of place.

All the fans around are holding up "tot", a very popular group of popular male singers of Yan value recently.

Even if it was just a low-key trip, fans who heard the news could squeeze the airport exit.

And Zhang Xuexin held a small sign in his hand with a piece of white paper on it, with the words "Morzos" written on it.

Compared with the fans of "tot", they were crushed.

Zhang Xuexin was crying, and there was no harm without comparison. This sentence is indeed the truth.

"What should I do? If we don't squeeze into the first row, we may not see us." Han Anrou worried.

Zhang Xuexin gritted his teeth, "No matter, squeeze in!"

Stop talking!

The three girls summoned their courage and squeezed forward in the crowd with a small sign.

"Let let!"

"Let me borrow it! Thank you!"

It took nine cows and two tigers to finally reach the third row. When she lifted the sign with the words "Morzos", she suddenly got a curse.

"Hello? Who are you?" a little chili girl in ultra shorts asked angrily.

If it was at school, Zhang Xuexin turned around and scolded back without any dirty words.

As soon as the little hot girl spoke, a lot of people looked over.

Zhang Xuexin counseled her all at once, and she didn't dare to blaze so much hostile eyes!

"Mo... Zhuo... thinking??" Little Chili asked in a funny way: "Who is this?"

A bunch of people around shook their heads.

"do not know!"

"Have not heard!"

Zhang Xuexin was really angry and anxious. She gritted her teeth.

"Well, don't we still squeeze?" Han An said weakly, she was really scared.

"No, the first time you pick up, you can't just forget it." Zhang Xuexin said firmly.

Not only did she not give in, but she continued to squeeze in front.

Instantly angered people and gods!

Han Anrouo looked at the surrounding eyes and knew it was broken, but she heard that some fans were particularly impulsive and even violent beatings often happened.


The atmosphere is tense, everyone thinks that "fighting" will erupt soon!

At this moment, someone shouted loudly, "Come here!"

Brush it!

Everyone lifted their toes and shouted their favorite names excitedly!


"Love Qingsi!!!"

This crazy scream is not without reason, because the four boys in the tot combination are all male **** levels, and each has its own style!

Known as the big bamboo is the long-legged male god, who likes white clean clothes and absolute sunshine boys.

And Qing Si is a type of game otaku, which is particularly silly and easy to laugh at.

Only two people came over this time to participate in a commercial performance.

Crazy fans looked far away, and some people were curious to find that there were two strange men beside their male gods.

It doesn't look like the assistant of the male gods either. The assistant usually wears a suit or helps to carry things and walks behind.

At this time, the two men walked side by side with the two celebrities, and they felt like friends.

The camera keeps snapping.

Lin Yanzu laughed on Qingsi's shoulder: "It happened, really, are you coming to engage in activities with Chinese business film and television, right?"

Qing Si was wearing a cartoon anime character's clothes, burning dead!

He smiled and showed two little tiger teeth, "Yes!"

Dazhu's height of one meter eight three, standing beside Morrows, clearly raised his head.

"I tell you two that Mr. Mo's songwriting is really first-class, and I can communicate more if I am interested." Lin Yanzu introduced to the two.

Lin Yanzu effortlessly recommended Morrowth to the two.

Dazhu was also very face-saving and grinned: "Since then, Teacher Mo has a new song, let us try it for the first time!"

Their footsteps just came out, and the screams outside exploded instantly.

Zhang Xuexin was almost squeezed, almost shaking, shaking his hand, slipping the pick-up sign, and slammed on the floor.

This can scare everyone, and everyone is still after a brush.

Dazhu took a step forward and picked up the sign, then looked towards the crowd and asked, "Who dropped this?"

Zhang Xuexin stared blankly and raised his hand in anxiety: "I..."

He smiled faintly: "Hold it on, don't hit anyone!"

After all, Dazhu walked over and handed the sign to Zhang Xuexin.

Fans around are a nympho: "So handsome!"

"It's so warm, I love you!"

Lin Yanzu immediately looked at Morzos and asked, "Huh? Isn't that the one who came to pick us up?"

Morrows was preparing to dial the receiver's phone at this time, and it really happened the next second.

Zhang Xuexin's cell phone rang.

The scene was a bit confusing, with various cameras taking pictures.

In particular, some news editors, and fanatic fans, they care about who are these two mysterious people who came out together?

Lin Yanzu greeted two artists from his company, and then came to Zhang Xuexin with Mo Zhuosi.

"My God! I'm scared to death!" Zhang Xuexin said, clutching his chest.

There were a lot of melon-eating crowds next to them, squeezing over curiously.

the other side.

The chili peppers chasing the idols were squeezed out of the crowd, and she could only watch her idols get on the bus.

Mo Zhuo Si was about to chat with Zhang Xuexin, and a girl next to him ran breathlessly.

She hadn't spoken yet, Morrows asked funny: "Is she a fan too?"



Zhang Xuexin spoke with Xiao Chili at the same By coincidence, Zhang Xuexin denied.

The little pepper said yes!

"She is not!" Zhang Xuexin frowned and said dissatisfiedly.

"I wasn't before, but now!" Xiao Chili squeezed out his smile, and then reached out: "Hello, my name is Mu Qianrong, and you are a little fan!"

Mo Zhuo Si did not know what happened just now, he thought he was really a fan, and immediately laughed jokingly: "Nice to meet you!"

Zhang Xuexin and the two girls just looked awkward.

what's the situation?

Mu Qianrong smiled very sweetly. She just saw this boy chatting with his male **** Dazhu. Anyway, he couldn't squeeze into the crowd.

Morrows patted his butt, "Go away."

"Is there an appointment car?" Lin Yanzu asked voluntarily.

"Yes! The hotel is ready, uh... but only one room!" Zhang Xuexin said awkwardly.

Lin Yanzu smiled and sighed: "It's okay, not bad money!"

Morrows scornfully looked at this guy, and then said: "A low-key can't do it."

"I'm just telling the truth!" Lin Yanzu said frankly.

The Morzos who watched just wanted to kick over, and the Zhennima were more dead than the popular ones!

"Actually, you can save some money. I live in a room with you, and I just want to talk to you about something at night." Lin Yanzu said half-jokingly.

Morrows heard that, this guy was entangled in himself, and he just kept on pleasing, just because he wanted something.

Little Chili Mu Qianrong covered her surprise and said, "So, you are gay?"

"You are gay!" Mo Zhuosi scolded.

Several people came outside the airport and got on a business car that could seat seven people.

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