Bitter Entertainment Critic

Vol 2 Chapter 80: Hong Jude

   Tick tick.

   The clock hanging on the wall passed by one minute and one second.

  In a blink of an eye, Mo Zhuo Si finished reading one-third of this work. This work is quite popular and belongs to the rising star in online literature.

  But it does not belong to the creator of Shenhaoliu, which is also meeting the requirements of Morzos.

   approaching step by step after get off work.

   His stomach was already grunting, and five minutes before leaving get off work, Chen Guoqing had already solved everyone's work, and must stop overtime work!

  Mo Zhuosi got out his mobile phone and wanted to text Xu Qingqing to call her, but hesitated for a while and then wiped out the years.

  Now Xu Qingqing is the department manager. If she also comes, everyone will inevitably be unable to let go.

   "Go walk!" Fang Feiyu jumped up from the seat for the first time.

  Chen Guoqing also came out of the office, then smiled and scolded at Fang Feiyu: "There are two minutes left, believe it or not, I remember you leaving early!"

   "I know, I know!" Fang Feiyu sat down without a temper.

  Muo Zhuosi began to organize his desktop. Counting on what was not done today, Chen Guoqing announced another news when he finally got off work.

   "By the way, I received a notice from Manager Xu today. We are preparing to prepare a TV drama comment column. If you are interested, please find me to register tomorrow morning and write a self-recommendation letter."

   As soon as this news came out, many people had their minds.

  Old employee Ji Zhishang raised his hand and asked: "What are the requirements?"

   "Requirements must be handled in accordance with the titles of all employees. Unless they are very amazing and can nod through the manager and general manager, they must be at the level of commentator to be eligible to apply."

   At this time, the younger generation can only show a bitter smile. Unless working for more than three years, it is impossible to reach the third level.

  Of course, this is a great opportunity for the old employees.

   This decision was made by Xu Qingqing. In terms of age, the older generation prefers to watch TV, and the newer generation prefers to surf the Internet. Therefore, the editor-in-chief of the TV drama review column chooses the direction, of course, the older senior employees.

   "Right, remind everyone that this position will also be recruited at the same time, so weigh your own advantages." Chen Guoqing reminded with a smile: "For example, understand the corporate culture."

  Despite this, it is also very competitive.

   But how can it be considered good news, after all, becoming editor-in-chief, that is a big step forward.

  After these words, it was finally time for get off work.

   Everyone walked out noisily. Hongjude is a very famous roast duck restaurant with a good reputation, but it is a little expensive.

   Morrowth was really bleeding this time, and at least six or seven people had to spend thousands of dollars.

Although    said to everyone that the guests were invited to dinner, after all, it was private, and a few familiar people came to the show.

   The usual people, plus Moroz's poetry column comment area version advocates Deze, they shouted two cars in front of the company.

  Muo Zhuosi, Zhang Deze and Fang Feiyu, plus Chen Guoqing four people a car.

   "Hey, you don't seem to have a comment today, do you?" Chen Guoqing sat back on the co-pilot and asked.

   Mo Zhuo Si's innocent expression, "Yes! I'm still preparing the next review!"

  Chen Guoqing shook his head ridiculously, "Anyway, you control it yourself. I have a suggestion. If you can't update it every day, you can change the novel column by one or three, for example, by updating the poem column by two or four."

   "Hey, this is okay!" Fang Feiyu said.

   Zhang Deze said: "The popularity of the poems has recently declined."

  Muo Zhuosi certainly understands why, recently, the poems did not pick any masterpieces to comment on, so there is no way to form a topic, and the popularity will definitely drop.

"In this way, like Feiyu, you have to choose your works carefully. The best thing is the false high evaluation in the market. I knocked the works down to the altar, or they can be silent works. I pushed him!" Mo Zhuo Si suggested.

   "Okay, I have also been paying attention recently, picked three books, and I will show you tomorrow." Zhang Deze smiled happily.

   "No, you sent me tonight." Morrows turned back.

  Chen Guoqing laughed jokingly: "Yo, come back home and work overtime!"

   "Of course, I am interested, not work!" Morrows grinned!

   Fang Feiyu smiled forward and back, raised his thumbs and said: "This forced me to serve!"

   "What I said is true!" Morrows glanced at this guy.

   The car quickly came to Chuanshang Street and stopped at the door of Hongjude. Four people opened the door and got off. Fang Feiyu paid the fare in the car software and joked: "Mr. Mo, can I be reimbursed."

   "Report your size, and you will come back later if you eat more chicken legs." Morrows smiled contemptuously.

   "What? I originally decided to eat from death!" Fang Feiyu laughed happily.

  Four people walked in, and there were three people in that car, Yuan Xiaoli, Wang Tingfei, Xue Yingzhuo.

  The service staff smiled and said: "Four people walk here."

   "Seven of us, find a bigger table!" Chen Guoqing walked in front of the service staff and said.

   "That way."

  Four people came to the position inside the comparison. It was a table that could be pieced together. It happened to be after get off work.

   Soon after sitting down, all three of Xue Yingzhuo also entered the store. Fang Feiyu raised his hand and shouted, "Here!"

  Everyone sat down, Morrows smiled: "Come and come, there will be revenge, there will be complaints!"

   "Hahaha!" Xue Yingzhuo was amused by this guy's humor.

   "Then I'm welcome, this...this..." Chen Guoqing started ordering with the waiter, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

   Xue Yingzhuo came out for dinner for the first time with them and showed a positive attitude.

   "Oh, Feiyu doesn't seem to be married yet, does he?" he asked.

   Fang Feiyu replied: "Almost, save money to spend honeymoon, get married next year!"

   "Envy!" Wang Tingfei supported his chin with both hands.

  Yuan Xiaoli turned her head in surprise and asked, "Are you still single?"

   "Yes!" Wang Tingfei said depressedly: "Going back to the Spring Festival, you have to be forced to make a blind date again."

   Morrows asked in surprise: "You were forced to blind date so quickly?"

   "Do you think so? I also think I should play for a few more years." Wang Tingfei said with pouts.

  Muo Zhuosi smiled, Wang Tingfei was forced to make a blind date at the age of 23, this pressure is indeed a bit big, he couldn't help but think of Xu Qingqing, really not much time.

   "Hey, what about you?" Xue Yingzhuo asked, looking at Mo Zhuosi.

  Everyone lowered their heads and didn't speak at all. Morzos pretended to say easily: "Me? I'll make some more money first! You see, I don't have a car or a room, can someone ask for it?"

   "Yes!" Wang Tingfei blurted out.

   "Ye?" Xue Yingzhuo suddenly got excited and asked funnyly, "You say?"

  Muo Zhuosi glared at this little Wang Tingfei covered her mouth and shook her head to say she couldn't say.

   "Don't say? It's okay not to say, but I have to say one thing. I'm also a comer. It used to be popular in school!" Xue Yingzhuo laughed for a while, and then began to tell her story.

   "Anyway, I still have to cherish, some people once you miss it, you really can't go back!" Xue Yingzhuo said with emotion.

   Mo Zhuo Si smiled, did not speak.

   "Must be cheeky, if you are not interested in objects, find me, let me introduce!" Xue Yingzhuo said with a sworn promise.

   Mo Zhuo Si smiled slightly, "I am this year, the goal is to buy a car!"

   "Yes, buy a car first!" Yuan Xiaoli agreed.

  Chen Guoqing asked in amusement: "Why? Choose the car?"

   "I can't afford it now, so I won't brag about it!" Mo Zhuosi smiled pretendingly.

   Everyone laughed for a while, Wang Tingfei smiled and said: "This is the most humble thing I heard from Teacher Mo!"

   "Two hundred thousand is not enough?" Xue Yingzhuo surprised.

   "Fancy one, it's more than one million!" Morzos said shyly.

  In an instant, everyone was stunned and then laughed.

   "Awesome! When it comes to pretending, I won't accept anyone, just serve you!" Fang Feiyu grinned.

  Chen Guoqing deliberately quipped: "Fart, no one million can deserve our teacher Mo?"

   "It makes sense!" Fang Feiyu clapped and said: "It must be of this grade, I don't agree if it is low."

   Mo Zhuo shook his head funny, this group of guys, it seems that they really thought he was joking.

   He sighed leisurely: "Oh, no one believes the truth this year!"

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