Bitter Entertainment Critic

Vol 2 Chapter 68: No fire, no money

   Big morning.

   Morzos opened his eyes and the first thing he did was to confirm his honest points.

  【Honest points: 5206 points】

   He jumped up and made a profit, more than the expected increase. He figured that he could still increase a lot today.

   It seems that the contrast of works with greater contrast is more exaggerated.

  Morthos brushed his hands and feet to wash his face. Although he earns honest points, he still has some trouble to return to the unit.

   He knew that it was Xu Qingqing who didn't report it, but later he found that the curse was not loud. Instead, many people supported it, so he reported it.

  However, if Hua Kangbo dies and fails to report this point in time for punishment, there is no way to refute it, only to reduce the intensity of the punishment.

   Return to the unit.

  Muo Zhuosi just sat down, just to see Chen Guoqing throw a white eye, he can only cast an apologetic look.

  When Chen Guoqing went to bed yesterday, his wife was still nagging in bed for one night, resulting in a very poor spirit.

   This poured a cup of coffee, refreshing.

   He returned to the supervisor's office, his **** was still hot, and his phone rang.

  Chen Guoqing picked up his phone and saw it from Chang Wenbin. He really didn't want to answer it.

  The phone rang for more than ten seconds, and forced to help, Chen Guoqing only connected the phone.

   "National Day, you can't play with me like this!" Chang Wenbin really cried. He heard today that Moroz's new work "Little Lucky" actually sold out for 200,000 at a bargain price.

  He clearly had the opportunity to cut it off in advance, and he lost a great opportunity.

  Chen Guoqing said impatiently: "I was just deducted the quarterly bonus today, and I am in a bad mood, you say the point!"

   "Okay, I'm talking about the key point, it's still the matter of Moros in your unit!" Chang Wenbin said with a lip.

  Chen Guoqing vomited: "Can you not mention him, I really don't want to mention him today!"

  Chang Wenbin said bitterly: "Do you know how much his songs sell?"

   "How much?" Chen Guoqing asked without a temper.

   "200,000, one 200,000, sold two!" Chang Wenbin simply vomited blood!

  Chen Guoqing's eyes widened, and the hand holding the cup stiffened instantly, and his face was dumbfounded.

"Really, you will know by looking up. I received the news relatively quickly, but this is not a secret." Chang Wenbin complained while pounding his chest: "Why didn't you tell me clearly at that time, that Gu Cheng was him, You still misled me."

   "I misled you?" Chen Guoqing wanted to "ha ha" at this time, it was obviously that Chang Wenbin didn't do things well, and he made a conclusion without investigating. Now the responsibility is blamed on himself?

   "Isn't that right? You know everything and didn't tell me!" Chang Wenbin asked with dissatisfaction.

  Chen Guoqing was in a bad mood right away. After a long time, did he help himself or even commit sin?

   "Anyway, blame me, blame me!"

   Let's just say, he just bleeps and hangs up the phone.

   It's really a dog, it's already in a bad mood, just get out! ! !

   He drank a sip of coffee. At this time, when thinking of last night, Mo Zhuo Si said to compensate them, he suddenly couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "No wonder this guy is so generous, it turned out that he made a lot of money."

   One song is 200,000, two songs are 400,000, which can make a lot of money.

  Chen Guoqing did not expect to be able to sell this price, he did not understand the market, but there are probably a few, it makes no sense to sell so expensive!

   The more I think, the more I feel that there is a problem.

   The other end of the phone.

  Chang Wenbin stayed motionless for a while, and found that he had been hung up by his old friend.

   suffocated instantly!

   It's so mad! ! !


  Muo Zhuosi is now considering whether to comment on the book "Xu police officer", wasting 1500 points of honesty, now he also has this capital.

   However, it is estimated that there is a lot of losses. It is already severe to be able to pay back 500. It is estimated that it has not.

   This kind of notorious work cannot be hyped, and the word of mouth is not very good or very bad, and it does not have a "shock" effect.

   But after careful consideration, he decided to join the comment column. First, he promised his brother. Second, he disgusted Hua Kangbo.

   is busy, Chen Guoqing came over.

   "Yo, it's not easy for masterpiece writers to control poetry and also be responsible for novel columns!"

   Morrows laughed jokingly: "Fine you, don't be cold, I know I owe you."

   "Just know, I heard you made hundreds of thousands of songs!" Chen Guoqing's voice is not too loud, but everyone around you can hear it.

  Brushed, several people looked over with surprise.

Hundreds of thousands?

   sell songs?

   Mo Zhuo Si smiled and raised his head and said: "You're quite informed!"

   Xue Yingzhuo, not far from Morrows, was also dumbfounded. "It's a bit exaggerated!"

"I think it's a bit exaggerated. I just checked it carefully. The buyout price is not as high as your current reputation! Can't you make a deal in your kid's back?" Chen Guoqing asked, rolling his eyes. .

   Morrows laughed with a poof, "What deal? PY deal?"

  Xue Yingzhuo joked beside him: "PY transaction, is it still?"

   "It depends on whether it is a man or a woman who deals with him." Chen Guoqing also joked along the topic.

  Mortz thinks face to the **** to two people, and then explains: "My sister signed it directly in their company, it is an additional benefit!"

   When they heard it, they immediately understood that it could explain the past.

   At this time, Fang Feiyu also came over and shouted with a smile: "Then please have dinner!"

   Mo Zhuo Si glanced at this guy, "Go, are you busy with work?"

   "Yes, the leadership fan set." Chen Guoqing smiled intentionally.

"That's it, but please let me have my money for dinner." Mo Zhuosi stretched out, and then said: "My 200,000 is a bluff, in fact, the money is not 100%. of."

   Everyone was stunned for a while, and didn't quite understand.

   "The big company of "Star City Film and Television" It's impossible to pit your money?" Xue Yingzhuo asked instead.

   "Hey, let me tell you a word, you will understand." Morzos glanced mysteriously at several people.

  Chen Guoqing rolled his eyes, and this guy had another appetite.

   Waited for a while.

  Muo Zhuosi then said: "No fire, no money!"

   The words came out, and suddenly caused a burst of laughter.

   "Lying grass! So good?"

   Xue Yingzhuo smiled forward and backward, apparently this is the first time I heard of this transaction method.

  Chen Guoqing forcedly smiled and said, "No, in case of fire, don't you get a dime?"

   "Yeah, so I said that I would wait until the money arrived and then treat me!" Morzos shook his head funny.

   At the beginning everyone heard about a song 200,000, they almost couldn't believe it, and now they all burst into laughter, what stuff!

   Isn't this a joke!

  No fire, no money, Morrows is not a professional lyricist, or just playing around casually, these two hundred thousand is basically no show.

  Chen Guoqing thought about it, Chang Wenbin was still making trouble with himself, it was really stupid!

  Muo Zhuosi knocked on the keyboard and complained: "I, I still have to go to President Chen to plead for you, it is my fault."

  Chen Guoqing picked up the book next to it and knocked on Mo Zhuo Si's head, laughing and cursing: "Dare to run into trouble after seeing you!"

   Everyone laughed.

  Everyone returned to their jobs. What I just thought was definitely short-lived, and there is no text.

   But Moroz thinks differently!

  He knows, these four hundred thousand, he has a high probability of getting it!

   It happened that Xue Yingzhuo also looked over here, and the two smiled at each other, with different thoughts, which was very interesting.


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