Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 826 Sign up for Olajuwon training camp

After the draft, Richard originally planned to leave New York first, but he had to officially announce the trade with the Jazz and Green Kai tomorrow, so Richard had no choice but to stay in New York.

That night, Tyrone Corbin knocked on Richard's door...

Richard knew that Jazz would definitely come to him, but there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't escape this matter and would have to face it sooner or later.

"Li, we regret making that deal now. Can we cancel the deal?" Corbin asked weakly after walking into Richard's room.

Richard was startled, is Corbin crazy...

Undo transaction? There is no such good thing in the world.

Now Corbin is indeed going crazy and comes to Richard with a glimmer of hope. The only thing he hopes now is that Richard doesn't value Gobert so much.

The Jazz's two draft picks all selected big men. Corbin wondered if it was possible that among the two big men he selected, there were players that Richard liked, and then canceled the deal and transferred Gober to Give them knighthood.

"Mr. Corbin, do you think this is possible?" Richard asked with a smile.

This is obviously impossible. There is no reason to spit out the meat after eating it.

Corbin sighed, scratching his head not knowing what to do.

It is true that the Jazz could cheat and deny the deal. After all, the two parties did not sign a written agreement, it was just a verbal agreement.

But the Jazz have never had this idea. As a veteran team in the league, they cannot afford to lose this person.

Moreover, if the contract is really broken, the reputation will be completely ruined, and no one will dare to make deals with their Jazz in the future.

Therefore, Jazz cannot and does not dare to have the idea of ​​breaking the contract.

"Lee, I know this is impossible, but should we talk and see if there are other ways to satisfy both parties?" Kobe said with a wry smile.

"How about this. The two insiders we selected this year will all be given to the Clippers, and then we will add a second-round pick for next year to trade Gobert. What do you think?"

Richard shook his head directly. Are you kidding? The second-round pick is not valuable, especially since the Jazz's record is not bad, and the value of their second-round pick is even less.

Richard really looks down on the two key big players that the Jazz got, and he doesn't even know who they are...

Therefore, Richard would not agree to the transaction under any circumstances.

Richard refused so bluntly that Corbin had the urge to hit the wall.

If Richard refuses to add a second-round pick, it is possible that he will add a first-round pick. Then the Jazz will lose all their pants in this transaction.

Finally Corbin sighed and left Richard's room.

He doesn't resent Richard. This matter is actually the result of the Jazz's lack of greed. If they had simply selected Gobert with the 14th pick, then these nonsense things would definitely not have happened.

Early the next morning, Richard held a joint press conference with Green Kai and the Suns to officially announce the transaction.

Richard sent out Sun Yue, Horford, and Thomas Jr., and brought in Rondo, McCollum, Gobert, Beasley, and a top-10 player from the Suns in 2014 from the Green Kai and Suns. A protected first-round pick.

From the perspective of future fans, Richard definitely made a profit in this transaction, but at the moment not many people think that Richard made a profit.

Sun Yue and Horford are both All-Star level players. It means that the Clippers sent away two All-Stars and a pretty good substitute Thomas in exchange for Beasley, who is a thorn in Rondo and has injury risks, and two New guy plus a top-10 protected first-round pick...

No matter how you look at it, the Clippers won't make much profit from this deal.

Richard naturally knows better than anyone whether he has made money or not.

The chips he gave away are guaranteed to add four All-Star level players to the Clippers. If Beasley can return to form under his hands, it will be a profitable deal for five All-Star level players.

Green Kai got the players they wanted and got rid of old Terry's contract. Although the Suns accepted Terry's contract, they were extremely satisfied with getting Sun Yue.

In a three-party transaction, all three parties are happy.

After this press conference, there was actually a joint press conference with the Jazz, but Richard did not go there in person and asked Cole to go instead.

On the plane flying to Los Angeles, Cole sat next to Richard.

He asked with some curiosity: "BOSS, what kind of starting lineup will we use in the coming season?"

If he were on another team, Cole wouldn't have to ask this question at all, and he would be able to guess pretty well.

But Richard didn't play according to common sense at all. How could Cole know Richard's next plan?

This time Richard introduced a lot of people, including three newcomers besides Rondo.

"Let's talk about this later. Let's take a good rest first. In mid-August, we will gather the new players in the team who are in the third grade and below to start training." Richard rubbed his temples, finally finishing another busy season.

In the next month and a half, he also wants to take a good rest and give himself a good vacation.

With the end of this draft, Richard's future lineup has been roughly formed.

Richard and Stern promised to win less championships and have more suspense, but that does not mean they will not win championships at all. Championships must still be won, but they must be won as little as possible.

At the moment, Richard's plan is to create the kind of lineup that he can win if he wants to win, and pull down if he doesn't want to win...

After three years, the lineup was finally formed, and Richard was very tired.

In the past three years, Richard has been involved in countless things throughout the Clippers team. It's no wonder he's not tired.

Taking advantage of this rare break, Richard went to watch Libitt's game again.

Now the students have already gone on summer vacation, and Libit has also signed up a class for Libit...

Olajuwon training camp, $50,000 per week!

When Richard called Olajuwon before, the other party thought Richard was joking.

Enroll an eight-year-old in your own training camp? Fifty thousand dollars a week? This is not a joke...

As a result, an hour later, Olajuwon's account received $200,000 from Richard, and he finally believed that Richard was not joking.

This also made Olajuwon secretly lament that children from rich families are born to win at the starting line.

You must know that the Olajuwon training camp is actually not prepared for these children at all, but a training camp prepared for professional players in the league, and it must be the kind of star with a super high salary. After all, how can ordinary players afford it? Starting salary of 50,000 per week.

Olajuwon originally sent Howard a training camp invitation, but Howard was reluctant to spend the money. After all, this guy still has so many illegitimate children to support.

Richard is really willing to spend money on his children, especially in this righteous way. Let alone fifty thousand US dollars a week, even one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand US dollars a week, Richard is absolutely unambiguous when it comes to spending money.

The training camp has started for a week, and today Libby invited some well-known young players in Los Angeles to play a friendly match.

Richard watched the game with great interest. Libit was currently bound to a super suit, but in fact, through his performance on the field, he couldn't see any changes at all...

The reason is very simple. The opponent is too weak. Libit can beat the opponent with just a few hits.

I'm afraid we have to wait at least until the high school league to truly see Libit's dominance.

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