Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 711 Granger’s Night

Just the day before the playoff schedule started, something big or small happened in the Eastern Conference.

There was internal strife within the Pistons. Iverson had a fierce friction with team coach Michael Curry and almost got into a fight.

After Davidson Sr. passed away, his family sold the Pistons to Tom Gores.

This boss is actually a good boss, but in the face of the friction between Iverson and the exchange, he still stood by Michael Curry.

Coach Curry was going to put Iverson on the bench and start the playoffs normally, but Iverson was naturally unable to agree.

This is exactly the same reason why Iverson broke up with the Pistons under normal circumstances.

Under normal circumstances, Coach Curry was also preparing to put Iverson on the bench at the end of the season. However, Iverson refused and the two sides broke up. In the end, Iverson did not participate in the playoffs with the team, causing the Pistons to lose in the first round. tour.

And Coach Curry didn't end well in the end. This was his first season coaching the NBA, and it was also his last season...

To say that Coach Curry has selfish motives, it is not true. What he wants to play is a half-court battle with the inside as the core, similar to the Buccaneers.

The team has the league's best center, and there is actually nothing wrong with this tactic.

Iverson's offensive firepower is pretty good right now, and scoring 20 points is no problem, but his biggest problem is his poor defense, and the offensive habits he has developed over the years mean that he is not a very good passer.

As a result, coach Curry is going to start Bynum, the original backup point guard, and let Iverson lead the Pistons' bench.

In fact, there is really no big problem with such an arrangement, and it is beneficial to the Pistons as a whole.

But Iverson obviously found it difficult to accept this change of identity...

The fierce conflict between the two sides finally alarmed the boss Gores. If Iverson was a Pistons legend, then Gores might still be able to tolerate Iverson.

But now Iverson came to the Pistons halfway and was not very popular among the Pistons fan market. How could Gores tolerate such unorganized and undisciplined behavior? He directly banned Iverson from the team and canceled his follow-up. team’s qualification for the playoffs.

As for Coach Curry, although Gores didn't touch him, he had already made up his mind to fire Michael Curry immediately after the season.

A head coach can't even handle this kind of thing well, so what's the use of Gores?! This rookie head coach still lacks a lot of strength.

Cai is the original sin!

Iverson obviously didn't expect Gores to make such a decisive move.

With his temperament, he will naturally not go to Gores to admit his mistake. The matter has been settled like this. Iverson will miss this year's playoffs.

After Richard learned the news, he was shocked.

Although the Pistons announced that Iverson was unable to play in the playoffs due to injury, Richard had so many disciples in the Pistons, so he naturally knew the inside story.

He deliberately wanted to call Gors to see if he could help Iverson regain his qualification for the playoffs, but after thinking about it carefully, he was really not suitable to come forward.

Was Gores wrong? That’s right…

If it were him, if the players on the team were to challenge the head coach, they would start fighting, and he would probably be suspended like Gores.

Moreover, this is a family matter within the Pistons. It makes no sense for Richard to plead for mercy, and it may even be counterproductive.

Iverson also called Richard immediately, but he didn't ask Richard to plead for him. His personality was not capable of such a thing.

The main purpose of this call was for Iverson to join the Buccaneers as a free agent next year.

This season is Iverson's contract year. Looking at the current situation, the Pistons are definitely not prepared to renew Iverson's contract...

But even if the Pistons want to renew Iverson's contract, Iverson will definitely not stay in this sad place. After so many years of playing, this is the first time that a team has let him play as a substitute.

The two years of wandering have also made Iverson tired. He wants to find a final destination. There is no doubt that Richard's Pirates are a good choice.

"Coach, don't worry, I won't ask for a big contract, just a basic salary." Iverson also knew that it would be difficult for him to get an annual salary of tens of millions, so he simply asked for a veteran's basic salary.

"Don't worry, we'll wait until the offseason. A team will definitely give you an offer then. We will give you whatever others give you. We can't treat you badly anyway." Richard said with a smile.

A basic salary is definitely not possible, but a contract that is too big is not realistic.

Richard remembered that the contract the Grizzlies gave Iverson was 3.5 million US dollars a year. At that time, he could also offer a contract of 3 to 4 million US dollars. Anyway, he could not treat Iverson badly.

There's nothing much to say about the contract price, except that Iverson's position is a bit difficult to deal with.

This is where Richard has a headache...

Although Rondo will leave the team next season, according to Richard's plan, he will prepare to correct Curry next.

After Iverson comes, I'm afraid he will only be able to play as a substitute. I don't know if Iverson will agree.

Fortunately, Iverson didn't mention this matter, and Richard simply didn't mention it. We should wait until the offseason before signing the contract.



In the Buccaneers' first playoff game, when Richard came on the field, countless fans screamed.

The dynasty is just around the corner, and you can imagine how crazy the fans are.

The person who brought the Charlotte Dynasty was Richard, who slowly entered the room with a smile on his face.

"God, this is the first time I've seen a coach become so popular."

Today, TNT specially sent commentators to the scene, and Barkley and Kenny Smith were both present.

Faced with Barkley's exclamation, Smith joked: "By the way, Sir Charles, if you didn't say you wanted to contact Richard before, what happened? Why didn't you hear anything later? I didn't hear that the Pirates were negotiating with you. Sign a contract?"

Barkley rolled his eyes. Because of the rejuvenation of Pippen and Mourning, he joked that he wanted to win the championship with Richard, but Smith kept talking about it when he had nothing to do.

"Okay, Kenny, shut your mouth and watch the game."

"Game? Do you think the 76ers will be the Pirates' opponents? This kind of massacre game will not bring us any surprises."

As Kenny Smith said, this kind of massacre game really cannot bring surprises to the fans, but the pleasure of torturing food is definitely still there.

For example, some game anchors of later generations, who obviously have the strength of master kings, but play in silver, bronze, and black iron games to torture people, can still attract a large number of fans. The reason is that some fans like to watch the game of torture and enjoy the kind of humor. The thrill of hitting everything.

Obviously, the current Pirates team is a bit of a tormenting anchor. Even though they know that the 76ers have no hope of winning this game, there are still countless fans waiting in front of the TV, waiting for the game to start.

"Dear audience friends, today is the opening game of the Buccaneers' playoffs. We have specially invited Zhang Weiping, the current head coach of the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team, to be the guest commentator for this game."

"Director Zhang, hello." A domestic TV station broadcast live this game without any suspense.

Although there is no suspense, both teams have Chinese players, and the Pirates are the most popular team in the league, so they will definitely be broadcast live.

"Director Zhang, can you tell me what you think of this kind of competition?" the commentator asked with a smile.

"The opinion, my opinion is that the Buccaneers are a little too good."

"You should know that Richard and I have a life-long friendship. We have known each other for fifteen years. I know him very well."

"If someone comes forward and says that Richard is not from Earth, he is an alien, just don't say it, I will really believe it."

"Granger scored a goal, it was a reasonable goal!"

"Granger came in again, yo, this guy is feeling hot tonight!"

"The 76ers are finished. Just one Granger can completely defeat them tonight."

Zhang Weiping explained passionately, and the stadium was filled with cheers at this moment.

Granger's performance tonight was really too exciting.

Maybe his teammates also guessed that Granger was about to leave the team, so they passed the ball to him more and tried to make him leave in a glorious way.

Before the first quarter ended, Granger had already scored 17 points. If nothing else, tonight can be said to be a night where Granger is the protagonist.

With all kinds of elegant and difficult goals, all kinds of crisp and high-intensity defense, Granger tonight truly demonstrated what it means to be a true small forward.

When the referee blew the whistle to end the game, Granger scored 52 points. Just as Zhang Weiping said, he defeated the Philadelphia 76ers alone.

What is certain is that after tonight's battle, Granger's popularity will probably reach an extremely frightening level.

Richard sat on the sidelines and smiled bitterly. He was really reluctant to let go of such a powerful Granger.

But he couldn't let Paul Allen go, otherwise the old man would be so angry that he would be hospitalized.

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