Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

: "The Dream Master in Mei Man"

The new book has been released, and it is still a beautiful manga. You are welcome to taste it.

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The following introduction:

There are a few things in this world that Tony Stark can't understand.

The first, how did Kevin Adams have his own reactor miniaturization technology.

Second, how did he know that Thanos would come to Earth.

The third, why when I first met Kevin Adams, I felt that he was the same as his own brother.

Oh yes, one last thing.

That **** bastard, why does everyone like him!

Kevin smiled at this.

Some people say that dreams are the manifestation of a person's subconscious. When you can enter other people's dreams at will, it means you have mastered the whole world!

Enter the Iron Man Dream...

[Drop Iron Man Intelligence*5, Micro Reactor Technology (Remnant)]

Into the superman dream...

[Drop Superman Power*3, Superman Thermal Vision (disabled)]

"Cough, I'm sorry. The ability drop you see is only a trivial contribution to my achievements."

"If you don't believe me, by my side, Tony Stark is working on the miniaturization of reactor technology.

Drop by the system?

Sorry, I have learned the full version. "

Come and see everyone!

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