Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 297: Armageddon, start!

God is furious.

But even he knew that if the remaining angels did not leave, the entire army of angels would be wiped out.

Even if he doesn't care about the combat power of the Angel Legion, with the Angel Legion, he can at least save a lot of worry.

"All angels, withdraw from the earth.

Thirty-three days from now, I will purify the world myself. "

God's voice is indifferent.


The angels looked at their Lord reverently and fervently.

Even just now, the blasphemer named Noah Allen destroyed the phantom of the Lord, and they forgot their fear the moment the Lord appeared.

Because only they know how strong the Lord really is.

When the true body of the Lord descends, even the entire earth, in the eyes of the Lord, is nothing but ups and downs.

The next moment, many angels began to sing, and a gate of heaven slowly appeared, and then became solid.

Looking at the gate of angels that gradually appeared, Noah smiled.

These angels really didn't pay attention to him.

Just believe it, he won't do it.

The next moment, Noah suddenly rushed towards the phantom of the Angel's Gate.

At the same time, Nitro has also started.

Two super-spec powerhouses, like cutting leeks, slaughtered large swathes of angels.

The gate of the angels that has appeared, but it is like their death channel.

Every angel who tried to get close was killed by Noah and Nitro.

Today, he wants to leave these angels completely, in order to complete his last piece of the puzzle.

At this time, the black light angel wings behind Noah have been occupied by gold.

The black light virus gradually formed silk threads, like a certain pattern, which complemented the golden color dyed by the power of angels, which seemed quite harmonious.

Watching the compatriots being slaughtered, among the remaining angels, an archangel stood up.

"Assemble the battle formation, first, third..."

But before he could finish speaking, Nitro had already appeared beside him.

Stared at by those strange and indifferent eyes, the angel couldn't help but shut his mouth.

But in the next instant, Nitro pulled out his heart.

Nitro is not a low-IQ creature.

Instead, it's an evolved rather perfect species.

The Nitro, which was made by Noah, declined in strength, but it also gave Nitro more sanity.

Nitro knew very well that to deal with the enemy, he naturally had to deal with the stronger one first.

After the angel died, another angel spoke up and wanted to take over the command.

But this time, Nitro moved faster.

In the blink of an eye, the angel's heart was taken off.

Kill, keep killing.

Angels in the sky, turned into corpses.

The earth was even covered with a layer of white.

No one on earth has ever seen this scene.

Especially hidden powerhouses such as King Arthur.

They thought that Noah Allen was strong, but this scene still made their hearts tremble.

Fortunately, they didn't make trouble, otherwise, with Noah Allen's strength, those who dared to make trouble would have died long ago.

Powerful, no one can find a second adjective.

But that word is enough.

Noah and Nitro kill from day to night.

Those who are strong stop the angels from slaughtering civilians desperately.

God was so angry that he even pointed it out by opening the gates of heaven.

The power of that finger is far more powerful than the power that his phantom can exert.

But for Noah, the power of this finger was still not enough to stop him from moving.

Finally, Noah stopped.

The sky is clear.

Tony Stark slumped on the ground, laughing.

Bruce Banner also had the rejoicing of the rest of his life on his face.

Everyone is smiling happily.

They won, at least for now, they're that victor.

Even Doctor Strange smiled.

Although there is still a big problem in thirty-three days, at least now, they have a chance to breathe.

Noah fell to the ground.

Susan rushed over and gave him the same big kiss.

She was so excited.

Noah smiled and said to the crowd:

"Everyone, the war is not over yet.

Thirty-three days later, the real big trouble. "

Everyone nodded, but they obviously didn't listen to Noah's words.

Only Doctor Strange, after hearing Noah's words, his face became solemn.

Yes, they defeated the attack of the Angel Legion, but what about God himself?

What should they do.

But now is not the time to blow confidence.

This carnival spread all over the earth, and it didn't end until late at night, and the powerhouses who were hidden by the earth left one after another.

After those people left, Stephen Strange said worriedly:

"Noah, although I don't want to hurt everyone's confidence, heaven is terrible, and it has never been an angel."

Tony and the others who hadn't left, their faces sank.

Honestly, in their hearts, after this war, they felt that they had a fair amount of certainty in the face of God.

God may be very strong, but the angelic army is completely destroyed, and there is only God alone in heaven.

No matter how strong the strength is, the earth not only has Noah, but also has so many strong people.

Many ants can kill an elephant, not to mention the power of the entire earth.

Looking at the eyes of everyone, Stephen Strange said:

"I never said anything specific about what I saw going forward.

In fact, I have seen the future more than 70 million times, and more than 99% of them, all life on the entire earth will be wiped out within a day of the angel's arrival.

356 times, human beings have lasted until the tenth day, only three times, we have lasted until the thirty-third day, which is the time God said. "

Hearing Stephen Strange's words, Tony and the others suddenly changed their faces.

More than 70 million times, only three times reached thirty-three days.

How is this possible.

Even if Noah Allen, the **** of the world, is not in it, this number is too incredible.

But Stephen Strange continued to speak.

"And the result of those three times was that a huge palm instantly wiped out all the remaining human beings.

We... haven't even seen what God really looks like. "

Noah's face condensed.

More than 70 million times, I have never seen the real God once.

However, he was not surprised by this result.

But for Tony and others, this result is difficult to accept.

The joy from before disappeared in an instant.

According to the strength of God mentioned by Stephen Strange, there are probably not enough people on earth to kill the other side.

Stephen Strange took a deep breath and said to Noah:

"Ellen, I have a request."

Noah's eyes moved, and he knew what Stephen Strange wanted to do.

Sure enough, Stephen Strange said:

"I want you to give me the five Infinity Stones in your hand, and I'm going to see our chances of winning.

Perhaps, in that future with you, we still have a chance. "

After speaking, Stephen Strange looked at Noah quietly, waiting for his answer.

As a result, Noah laughed.

His body moved, looking extremely relaxed.

"You have already said that in your future, you did not see me, and in this case, your so-called future has no meaning.

Before I appeared, did you imagine that our war with the Angel Legion would end so easily? "

Stephen Strange shook his head.

Of course he couldn't think of it.

Seeing Stephen Strange shaking his head, Noah said confidently:

"I never believed in the so-called future.

No matter how many times you look at the future, no matter what the future results are, I have enough confidence in my own strength. "

While refusing, Noah was thinking in his heart that the six infinity stones are indeed very powerful.

They are the embodiment of the rules of this world.

As long as it is a life within the rules of the world, the Time Stone can see the future.

Angels may belong to this world, but God can never be.

Not to mention the power of a time gem.

Even if Stephen Strange could mobilize all the Infinity Stones, he dared to say it, but it was in vain.

Without the existence in the timeline, how could the infinite original stone see his future.

Stephen Strange's face was pale, obviously he didn't expect Noah's refusal to be so straightforward.

Noah continued:

"I know God is strong, but I'm not weak either. In fact, I was just about to tell you something."

"what's up?"

Although Stephen Strange's face was not very good-looking, he still responded.

"I need the Eye of Agamotto."

"What? It's impossible!"

Stephen Strange spoke without thinking.

He is not reluctant to give up the Eye of Agamotto.

Even if this is the heritage treasure of the Supreme Master's lineage, if it is beneficial to the earth, he will take it out without hesitation.

But he knew that the Eye of Agamotto was a time gem.

The six Infinity Stones gathered in one sentence will control the power to change the entire universe.

Maybe such a power can deal with God, but he will never agree to do so until the last moment.

Noah could see his thoughts at a glance.

"Do you think the power gathered by the six Infinity Stones is very powerful?"

"Of course, when the six Infinity Stones come together, they have the power to change the entire world.

But... I can't get the six Infinity Stones to come together. "

Stephen Strange's words showed that he did not trust Noah.

Noah was not surprised.

The one who knows himself best is not Tony Stark, but the Supreme Mage in front of him.

Before he got the two gems, everything he did was in the eyes of the former Supreme Mage.

Although the Supreme Mage is not the same as the general superhero.

But his own performance was enough to make him distrust.

Noah laughed:

"Perhaps in your eyes, the power of the six Infinity Stones is very powerful, because this is the cornerstone of the world.

But don't forget that this world is not the real world. The power of these six Infinity Stones is like a rootless plant, and its strength is limited.

At least for God, the power of these six Infinity Stones is obviously not enough to move him.

Otherwise, how could those angels allow such powerful items to flow out. "

Stephen Strange's face changed slightly.

He hadn't considered this possibility, and now as soon as Noah said it, everything seemed to be explained.

God's power is great.

But if the Infinity Stones can really make God coveted, the angels won't just set their sights on Earth.

At this moment, Stephen Strange hesitated.

He knew that Noah Allen might really need the power of the Time Stone.

Noah knew his hesitation and didn't say much.

Anyway, there's still time.

Everyone with all kinds of heavy thoughts left, leaving only Noah in the entire villa.

Time for the final preparations.

Noah sighed.

He will enter heaven in thirty-three days.

Passive beatings are not his habit.

In the next time, Noah shuttled around the earth.

There are many unsolved mysteries on Earth.

These unsolved mysteries often have special powers.

And Noah absorbed all these powers back.

At the same time, other people who got the news also began to make final preparations.

Expedition to Heaven!

All are ready.

A month later...

Noah's face was dusty and fell on the marble steps of the White House.

Outside the White House, elite soldiers came from all over.

Superheroes and the hidden powerhouses of the earth are also coming.

Noah stood at the forefront.

At this time, there is no need for pre-war mobilization.

Because everyone knows that in this battle, they have no way out.

The next moment, Noah waved his hand, and a huge portal opened.

The divine breath poured out from the door.

There, is heaven.

Noah touched the primordial beast on his shoulder.

The decisive battle is about to begin!

"Set off!"

Noah was the first to cross the space gate and enter heaven.

As Noah entered,

The world seems to be getting angry.

"Noah Allen!"

An angry growl sounded.

The white cloud before, instantly turned into a gloomy dark cloud, and the thunderous thunder continued.

Endless thunder bombarded Noah.

These are manifestations of the power of God.

But Noah's face remained the same, and the magic all over his body burst out suddenly, shattering the thunder in the sky.


He has it too.

The army began to enter.

Countless people looked at everything in heaven in amazement.

At the end of their line of sight, there is an incomparably tall palace.

There is a sacred atmosphere there.

No one doubts that that is where God is.

Noah faces the Temple of Heaven.

The primordial beast opened its mouth wide, and a large number of biological weapons appeared.

For a time, the turbid human breath made the holy heaven no longer holy.

God growled angrily.

But no matter how angry he was, he never walked out of the heavenly temple.

"It seems that guy is reluctant to give up at the last minute."

Noah guessed what God was thinking.

If so, don't blame him.

"Everyone, attack freely!"

Tony looked around, stunned.

"Attack what?"

He couldn't see Noah chuckled.

"Everything you see, even a white cloud in the sky, can be attacked.

Heaven is the manifestation of God's power, polluting it with turbidity. "

Noah knew that God's power is powerful and ordinary people are useless, but why did he bring people here.

Just to pollute this so-called sacred place.

He wanted to see how long God could endure.



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