Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 21: Biological Weapon: Wolf Fight

It is still too dangerous to conduct biochemical experiments in urban areas.

In the future, the product of the company's laboratory, I am afraid that even if it is a T virus, it will only be a small game.

Once there is a problem, the harm caused in the urban area is too great.

"When the new experimental base is completed, I hope you can take charge of the security of the new base.

There will be a key part of our company going forward. "

Noah continued.

Frank nodded.

Speaking of which, he was looking forward to it.

"Boss, where are the company's products you said?" Frank asked impatiently.

"Don't worry, you will see you soon."

With that said, the two walked to a test area.

Here, more than a dozen researchers in white clothes are busy.

"Elvis, come here."

Noah called out, and in the crowd, a researcher with half a hundred hair came over.

"Boss, why are you here?"

Elvis' expression was a little frantic.

For Noah's arrival, it's not just a change of bosses for them.

At present, the company's research is led by the boss himself.

And in just a few months, it has already achieved impressive results.

He didn't even dare to think about these before.

So in Elvis East's eyes, the boss is a top scientist in the field of biochemistry.

This is the only reason for the frenzy in his eyes.

Noah introduced:

"This is Sawyer Elvis, our research director here.

This is Frank Custer, the security director hired by the company. I believe that no one can make trouble under Frank's nose. "

Hearing that the boss spoke so highly of the security chief, Elvis solemnly nodded to Frank.

As for Frank, he was very moved.

Although he is very confident in himself.

But it was very rare for Noah to trust him so much.

After introducing the two to know each other, Noah said:

"Elvis, start a wolf-fighting team and let our security chief see how our company's products are."

"A squad?"

Elvis was a little surprised, especially after seeing the eagerness in Frank's eyes.

Obviously, this new security chief wants to try it out in person.

"Will it be too much? One wolf fight is enough to give a well-armed team a headache."

Noah smiled and said:

"A team, in front of Frank, is not even a problem."


Although Elvis didn't quite believe that people could do this, he still nodded.

Then go to arrange.

"Start a wolf-fighting team, prepare to be sent to the testing ground, and prepare one, no, two serums at the same time."

Although the problem of T virus infectivity has not been solved yet, a cure serum has been researched.

Otherwise, even Noah wouldn't dare to let Frank off easily.

When he was ready, Frank also got ready for the experiment.

All over his body, Frank only prepared two pistols, plus a dagger.

Seeing Frank's preparations, Elvis couldn't help frowning and said:

"The horror of fighting a wolf is definitely beyond your imagination.

When you play like this, it's no different from courting death. "

Frank smiled, but persisted.

Elvis shook his head.

Since the new security chief is so confident, let him try.

Anyway, they can control it here, and they also prepare serum.

It's better to let him suffer a little.

Afterwards, Frank walked into the proving ground.

Elvis looked at Frank and turned his back, and couldn't help but say:

"Boss, this man is too careless. This time, he will definitely get hurt."

Noah smiled and said:

"I don't think so, I'm just thinking how long these wolves can last in Frank's hands.

As long as it lasts more than five minutes, I am very satisfied. "

When Elvis heard this, his angry beard jumped up.

"Boss, this is the second-generation product Fighting Wolf, not the first-generation mourning dog!

I bet he will fail in two minutes, and we will need to rescue him then. "

Noah laughed.

"In that case, how about we make a bet?"

Elvis looked at Frank suspiciously.

He doesn't trust this security chief, but is the boss too confident?

As far as he knows, the boss is a little young, but he never does anything unsure.

"Forget it, I'm an old man, and I never gamble with anyone."

He gave up.

Noah smiled.

The company's researchers are mediocre, but Elvis is the only exception.

This is also the reason why he not only did not leave after the company's big change, but also took the position of research director.

If you want to complete a research, you need a lot of things, strength, luck, and even direction, all of which are indispensable.

It's just that Elvis has never had that chance and never had that luck.

That's why I have been mediocre for most of my life.

After he took out the T virus and the wolf gene, the old man's ability was immediately manifested.

Seeing the old man in front of him give up, he didn't pursue it.

Just looking at the testing ground expectantly.

"Come on, let me see how powerful the legendary Punisher is!"

He has confidence in Wolf Fighting, but this is a punisher!

Being a mortal and becoming a superhero is not an easy thing.

Especially the Punisher is familiar with special operations tactics such as individual soldiers and teams.

He is also proficient in combat, fighting, shooting, underwater operations, extorting confessions, intelligence gathering and other abilities, which are very comprehensive.

In front of such a person, can Fighting Wolf be able to exert his due combat power?

In the proving ground, Frank waited silently.

At the same time, I put the serum in the backpack around my It is said that this serum needs to be injected immediately after being bitten by the fighting wolf, otherwise it will be infected by the virus. If it is fast, it may take a few minutes. die.

This terrible virus made him a little dignified.

Soon, at the edge of the testing ground, doors opened one by one, eight in total.

It can be seen that in all the opened doors, there are canine creatures squatting.

The reason why they are canine creatures is that these guys are not only larger than ordinary dogs, but also have no hair on their bodies, and their canine teeth are abnormally huge.

The smooth body that is not thick and has no hair, but it gives him a very fit feeling.

The most important thing is that the eyes of these guys are full of fierce light, and they can't see the slightest emotion.

Killing weapons!

This was his first feeling when he saw these guys.

Soon, as the console outside the experiment site was unlocked and controlled, the eight fighting wolves rushed over like sharp arrows.

Frank didn't hesitate, and a few shots were fired.

The distance between the two sides is more than 30 meters. With such a long distance, he is confident that he can easily kill all these fighting wolves.

Of course, he also knew that if it was so simple, it wouldn't be called a qualified weapon.

So when the shot was fired, he immediately started to back away.

The most powerful thing for human beings is to be good at using weapons.

Even though he is confident in his fighting skills, he has no plans to fight meleely.

A whole shuttle of bullets hit the first two fighting wolves.

Frank's mouth twitched.

No matter how special these guys are.

With so many bullets, they're all dead.


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