As soon as he finished speaking, Wade took the knife and slashed at Tyrant T-101.

He has dealt with tyrants, and he knows that these big guys are not so easy to deal with.

But he does things in a style. If you can't kill me, I'll kill you.

Unfortunately, so far, no one has been able to kill him.

Therefore, he was very arrogant, and he exchanged blood with Tyrant T-101 with a knife.

Today, it should be regarded as revenge for the one ball in the test field.

He also wants to kick the tyrant's big head like a ball.

On the other hand, the addition of the tyrant immediately made Umbrella's defense line feel the pressure.

Frank's face was not very good-looking, and the enemy actually used their Umbrella products to deal with them.

However, do you have it?

Originally, I thought that the main purpose of today was to train troops.

Although Umbrella's private troops are well-equipped and of good quality.

However, he has never experienced a real battle, so it is difficult to turn this kind of excellence into real combat power.

But now that the enemy has dispatched a tyrant, there is no reason for them to be beaten passively.

Taking out the walkie-talkie, Frank adjusted the channel and said:

"Elvis, apply for unlocking Tyrant, Model T-101, Chaser, Emperor, and, in addition, apply for licking, it's time for this farce to end.

If these guys are really allowed to break into Umbrella, the boss will not be able to explain it. "

Frank's voice fell.

Soon, Elvis' voice came from the other side of the walkie-talkie.

"Understood, let's end it. The Umbrella security department performed well today."

After a few compliments, the call between the two ended.

Inside the Hive Base.

Elvis sighed.

He really didn't want to touch these biological weapons.

Although he thought so in his heart, the movements of his hands were not slow.

After a few quick clicks on the console.

There was a harsh sound from the entire base.

The red alarm roared, and all the idle people waited to retreat.

The cultivation tanks in each experimental area were opened one after another, and more than ten tyrants of various types opened their eyes at the same time.

Hundreds of lickers were released.

At the base, there are more cultivation tanks that are still closed.

These awakenings are only a small part.

If it weren't for the concern of the government's vigilance, it would not have been just such a small amount of combat power dispatched.

But that's enough.

The next moment, with a large number of tyrants and lickers dispatched, the hive base was filled with a chilling atmosphere.

On the surface, seeing the enemy's terrifying war machine being suppressed, everyone in the Ten Rings Gang got excited.

But soon, Umbrella's tyrants and lickers poured in.

It's like a tiger entering a flock.


At this moment, all they feel is despair.

The situation of the battle changed again and again, making Lord Man look ugly.

Just when the war was stalemate here.

Inside the SHIELD base.

Noah is also researching Megatron.

This kind of big guy is not a good thing.

Even Noah had no plans to release Megatron from the ice.

Transformers are the representative race of the mechanical system, and their technological strength far exceeds that of the earth.

Even if it can be won in time, there is no guarantee that the other party will not send the signal into space.

Once the main force of Transformers is attracted, it will be a big trouble.

And he didn't want to face such trouble.

At least not now!

Of course, if S.H.I.E.L.D. did things on its own and came over to ask him for help, that would be another concept.

There are still many good things about S.H.I.E.L.D.

Maybe I can take this opportunity to exchange for some good things.

After studying for a while, Noah looked up from the computer data.

"This is really not carbon-based life. To be honest, the existence of this silicon-based life is enough to overturn all our human conjectures.

However, it is very difficult to study anything from this big man.

The best way is to release it from the freeze and try to communicate. "

Speaking of which, Noah shrugged and said:

"But I don't recommend it.

It is difficult to guarantee that the other party will not have any means of communication.

So my suggestion is to continue to seal it up. "

Hearing this conclusion, Nick Fury had already expected it, so there was no disappointment on his face.

"In that case, let's seal it up first.

There is enough trouble on Earth now, and I don't want any more aliens to make trouble. "

After a brief understanding of the situation, Noah continued his research.

Even if it cannot be released directly, the existence of silicon-based life can bring him a lot of inspiration.

Maybe he can try to get a battle suit that combines semi-mechanical and life?

Like venom.

The difference is that venom is parasitic and will dominate people's thinking.

His goal is to make a living suit that has no mind of its own.

Obviously, this is a big project.

Noah sighed inwardly.

Although he can't use this kind of battle suit, it's still good to use it for the people around him.

Slowly, Noah was immersed in research.

Behind him, Nick Fury never left.

Noah Allen was too calm.

Calm enough to make him feel that Noah Allen didn't notice the danger at all.

This is also a good thing.

One eye moved slightly, and Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief.

Noah Allen has a good network, and his own strength is even stronger.

It would be best if all this could be done without anyone noticing.

Anyway, it was just a group of terrorists who attacked Umbrella, and they had nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D.

As for the rest, he doesn't care.

At least in this matter, S.H.I.E.L.D. must not intervene in person.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is still in the United States.

Even though they are nominally affiliated with the United Nations, the attitude of local capital is also very important to them.

It's just that he didn't know about Before he knew it, S.H.I.E.L.D. had already intervened.

Even the tyrant was dispatched, and Noah was not a fool.

How could he not investigate, and Umbrella's tyrants were all stamped with the mark of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even if it is covered, it is easy to be discovered by this simple covering.

the most important is……

Manhattan, Noah's parents took a leisurely walk in the community.

Behind them, several bodyguards followed closely.

Suddenly, one's headset moved.

After that, the man whispered a few words to the other people, and then a few bodyguards came over and protected the two of them in the middle.

"I'm afraid we have to go back."

The two were a little puzzled, but didn't say anything.

These were sent by Noah to protect them, and now letting them go is for their own good.

Outside the community, a group of more than a dozen fully armed men looked alert.

"Remember, our mission is to kidnap, not kill.

Long live the Hydra! "

"Long live the Hydra!"

The crowd shouted the slogan of Hydra in a low voice.

Just as they were about to enter, a group of fighting wolves had unknowingly surrounded the place.

In the dark place, there are countless pairs of eyes staring intently.

The next moment!

A large number of fighting wolves rushed towards these people.

But for a moment, everyone was dead.

This was just a test by Pierce, and he didn't even have any idea of ​​success at all.

But he didn't know that the death of these people was not the end.

In fact, he got into trouble.

And it's a big trouble!


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