Big Demon

Chapter 436: Bibo Secret Realm


The Black Wing Demon King pressed hard, and he fought hard for half an hour and killed dozens of monks, including four Yuan Ying-level monks. However, those monks were crazy. Not only did they blew themselves up without hesitation before dying, they absolutely refused to let him swallow any energy.

Moreover, what is even more crazier is that they deployed a formation in a short period of time, locking and strengthening the space, so that he has no way to escape by teleporting. Otherwise, the Black Wing Demon King would have slipped away long ago without being able to eat the Nascent Soul or the Golden Core.

Lunatic, a group of lunatics, the Black Wing Demon roared in his heart. If one were to find a race with the strongest vitality among the various intelligent races, the demons would undoubtedly rank in the top three. However, at this time, even the Black Winged Demon Race, known for their super strong vitality, their lives were almost at stake.

Excessive burning of the devil's body has already caused him to fall to a level, and his body is even more scarred and embarrassed. The only thing that made him deeply gratified was that after several desperate attempts, he finally broke through the space formation laid down by the monks.

With the break of this formation, the Black Wing Demon who had long wanted to escape did not want to wait for a moment. Using the last few power, began to teleport and run away. The monks of the King Kong Temple came to seven Nascent Soul monks, and only three survived in the end. No matter where they were willing to let the Black Wing Demon escape so easily, they chased them in grief and indignation, regardless of whether they could catch them.

Even if you go to the ends of the world and fight all the King Kong Temple, you must eliminate this demon. The poor Black Wing Demon, at this time, the remaining strength is not enough to complete the heyday.

After the thunderous movement after this small rest, although the serious injury in his body has not recovered half a point, the Qi machine is much stronger than when he first escaped. Now "with my own eyes" seeing that black-winged demon king fight against the monks of the King Kong Temple, both lose and lose. Why would Ken let this rare opportunity so easily? It would be a big trouble if he escaped for this demon and lurked for many years before coming out.

As the saying goes, the opportunity cannot be missed and will not come again, Lei Dong made up his mind to destroy this demon. Not only can it solve a huge hidden danger for itself, this demon is essentially a god-level demon king. After killing it, the material value of the body is also considerable. As for the pair of wings, maybe they can also refine treasures such as Asura's Wings.

The Black Winged Demon King who was quietly falling away in embarrassment and fleeing, now the thunderous divine mind was originally a bit higher than the elementary cultivator of Yuan Ying, plus the effect of "revealing the original shape", the farthest is already It can extend his divine mind to more than two hundred and tens of miles. At such a distance, I am afraid that even the senior cultivators of Yuanying would not be able to achieve it.

In addition to the power of Zhou Tianzang Sun Jue, let alone the monks of the Vajra Monastery, even the Black Wing Demon, whose strength has been drastically reduced, can’t even notice the thunderous movement. He is still desperately fleeing to the East China Sea, throwing away those monks more and more. The farther.


It seems that a few days ago, east of the East China Sea, in the vast expanse of the sea called the Yasha Sea. In the deepest part of the sea area, there is a colorful brilliance that humans can't imagine. A transparent castle that seems to be made of precious stones is located in a beautiful underwater canyon.

On the periphery of the castle, a semi-transparent semi-circular shield blocked the seawater outside, providing a quiet place for the Yasha tribe to cultivate and rest. In this sea area of ​​the Yasha tribe, there are dozens of similar undersea cities. And this one, the most magnificent and huge, is the royal city where the king of Yasha lives.

It is also these dozens of undersea cities that have nurtured tens of millions of Yasha tribesmen.

In terms of ethnic origin, the Yasha tribe is slightly inferior to powerful races such as the Shura tribe, the Winged Protoss tribe, and the Purgatory tribe. But the overall bloodline is much stronger than that of humans. At least 90% of this clan has the spiritual roots of cultivation, and at least half of the adult clan can cultivate to the strength of the foundation stage. The strength of the Jindan stage is also common, even the strength of the yaksha of the Yuanying stage. There are dozens of elders, plus the king of Yasha with the power of transforming gods.

Therefore, although the number of the Yasha tribe is small, their strength is very strong, and the fighting in the water is even more powerful. However, there are not many people from all the Jiuzhou sects who dare to provoke this Yasha tribe casually. Humans, or some other powerful races, don't like to fight under the water, especially under the water against the Yasha tribe.

In the largest Yasha King City, in the crystal palace-like palace, ten Nascent Soul-level Yasha elders lined up in two rows, surrounded by the golden armored Yasha King sitting on the throne. One of the burly elders of Yasha said angrily: "My king, the birdmen of the Winged Protoss are too much. They have begun to build a sky city over our sea. My king, his subordinates are willing to rate one hundred thousand people. , Go and take down all the birdmen."

"Yes, some time ago, those bird people and Tai Shangzong oppressed our clan not to interfere in all things in Kangzhou. It's already too much." Another Yuan Ying elder also said in an angry voice: "Could it be that the bird people, really When our Yasha tribe are vegetarians? My king, aren't they just a few thousand birds? Let's **** them."

Seeing that the officials were so angry, King Yasha frowned, and said, "Do you think that you like this dumb loss? If there is a winged **** in this area, this king will not take it seriously. But what is represented behind it is the Winged Protoss of the entire Bright Realm, which is known as one of the four great clans. It is definitely not easy to provoke. What's more, there is also Tai Shangzong watching. Therefore, we must not be arrogant. Otherwise, the calamity of the genocide is in sight. And there are very few thousand-winged protoss? Don’t you know that once the winged protoss reaches adulthood, they have the strength of the Golden Core?"

"But, King. Did our dignified Yasha tribe suffer from such a boring loss? Today, the Winged Protoss and Taishangzong joined forces to suppress us, will they directly unite with someone to destroy us tomorrow?" The other Yasha elders , Is still indignant. The Yasha tribe is a very proud fighting race, although because they like to live in the sea, they are unlikely to compete with other races for territory. But being so oppressed by others, this breath is hard to swallow.

"Don't worry, our Yasha tribe is not a small country clan." King Yasha calmed the enthusiastic officials with some headaches: "Although we are now divided into seven or eight clans, we don't usually communicate with each other, but once there is something annihilated The disaster will still be united. If you really want to move us, the Winged Protoss will not be able to eat. What's more, this world is not dominated by the Winged Protoss, the Purgatory, the Shura, and the Monsters are not. Stupid, you won’t watch the Wing Protoss invade Jiuzhou. This incident affects your whole body, and you can’t say that even the Three Realms will be involved.”

"My king, do we just watch the Wing Protoss arrogantly in our territorial waters? Let them build the Sky City?" Even so, there are still some people who have a sorrow for the Wing Protoss.

"It's definitely not possible to establish a minister of the sky." King Yasha slowly shook his head and said, "but it costs a lot to build a sky city. Let them build it first. After almost all, this king personally launches a tsunami to destroy it, so that the Winged Protoss can be destroyed. Eat a dumb loss. Huh?"

While Yasha King spoke, he turned his head away. In the deepest part of the palace, a vortex-like existence caused waves of ripples.

"Is it because the little friend left? It's been so many years..." King Yasha's expression was slightly surprised, and he didn't care about the officials for the time being, and one teleported to the faint blue whirlpool. Staring at the whirlpool with some curiosity and expectation.

In a short while, the vortex's fluctuations became stronger and stronger, and I saw a woman with a cold and noble temperament wearing a white dress, her hair as black as snow, and she took a casual step and suddenly saw the vortex. Take a closer look, this woman is impressively in the Hengduan Mountains and the Tantai Bingyun where Lei Dong is separated.

Seeing that the king of Yasha was waiting at the whirlpool, the cold light in Tantai Bingyun's eyes dimmed slightly, and he said, "The king of Yasha is polite. I haven't seen it for decades. How about it?"

"Haha, no need to be polite, no need to be polite. Little friend Tantai is really amazing." King Yasha admires staring at her, and laughed happily: "My clan's holy land, Bibo secret realm, there are countless dangers. There are countless people who dare to enter, but There are very few who have come out alive. The little friends have broken the barrier now, they should have been promoted to the Nascent Soul, right? Why can't this king see through your depth? It's still like the middle stage of the golden core?"

"The younger generation only learned a secret to restraining the breath, but it made the senior laugh." Tantai Bingyun replied quietly, and put away the method of restraining the breath of the week ~ the next moment, a A powerful and unmatched aura suddenly erupted from her body, shining like that light.

"Is this?" The king of Yasha was also startled, and said in a daze, "Little friend Tantai, could it be that this king is mistaken?

? It stands to reason that although the Bibo Secret Realm, the holy land of our clan, possesses miraculous cultivation effects, those who enter it are limited to the Golden Core Stage. Anyone who has attained the strength of the Nascent Soul will be actively transmitted by the Bibo Secret Realm. But the little friend Tantai seems to be..."

"The younger generation's Breath Restraining Technique, Senior also saw it. It's quite magical, allowing the younger generation to stay in it for another twenty years. Senior is indeed not mistaken, the younger generation is already a middle-level Nascent Soul." Tantai Bingyun smiled slightly. Nothing great.

Rao was a powerful person like the King of Yasha, and was shocked by Tantai Bingyun several times. He is also one of the few experts in the clan who has broken through the sacred place of the Bibo Secret Realm. Of course, he is aware of the dangers in the Bibo Secret Realm. Although the Bibo Secret Realm has a time lapse speed ten to one with that of the outside world, it can be called an excellent place for cultivation. But whether it was the powerful monster beast that lived in it, or the ubiquitous gap in space, it caused countless dangers to the intruder. Less than one hundred people can come out alive after entering. This was also the reason why the King of Yasha strongly opposed Tantai Bingyun's trespassing into the secret realm.

... (to be continued). ..

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