Big Country Sports

Chapter 404: Prepare the lion's big mouth] Pay attention to the public.. [Book Friends Base Camp], read books every day and get cash/points!

   After the game, the Chinese team did not stay at the scene, and did not even accept interviews from the live media.

   Lin Yaodong threw his gloves on the spot and rushed towards the referee after the whistle sounded.

   This action made many people instantly excited, but the referee's expression became even more iron, hesitating whether to turn around and run, but he was worried that doing so would affect the reputation of the refereeing circle. Of course, he was purely worried.

   Of course, Wu Jie stopped Lin Yaodong midway, and then dragged him to the player channel.

   The media qualified to interview at the scene immediately rushed to both sides of the road and shot the guns and short cannons, throwing at them all kinds of tricky questions.

Lin Yaodong pretended to be unwilling to be dragged away by Wu Jie, while yin and yang weirdly stretched out the microphone around, shouting: "Good job, this is the World Cup, it is no longer the highest football honor! It is just a fart! !"

At this time, live broadcasts in most countries are still continuing, because according to the process after winning, Chinese players must first celebrate on the spot, during which they must be interviewed and photographed by the media, and then they will return to the lounge to change their clothes and wait for the championship on the spot. After the podium is set up, return to the court to receive the prize.

But now obviously this is not the process. The Chinese players not only left the game directly after the game, but the **** Lin Yaodong said these words that made all FIFA officials faceless when they were dragged off the scene. Of course the international friendship The gestures added a bit of anger to these pale faces.

   "Wu, you can say something too! Are you not angry about tonight's game?"

   "Is the Chinese team going to refuse the award later? Is this your way of protesting?"

   "You can't leave the venue directly. This is not in line with the process. We have the right to interview!"


   On the way out of the Chinese players, there were almost a company of reporters all around.

   These people followed them all the way to the passage before being stopped by the security guards. This is already a no-interview zone.

   "Everyone, stay calm, we have to discuss internally before deciding whether to accept the award!"

   Wu Jie finally turned around in the player channel to respond, but he naturally made a decision in his heart. This is actually a disguised notification to the media that a big pill is coming soon.

   What happened tonight, it is impossible to turn the page easily, otherwise the Chinese team will encounter similar situations in the future.

   In short, we must make things as big as possible today!

   Of course, this trouble-making process requires careful scrutiny. You can't learn the red neck that didn't even wear a mask on the original plane, right? That's really worse than zero dollar purchase!

   The move of the Chinese team to return directly to the locker room after the game not only caught FIFA officials by surprise, but also the faces of the officials of the Chinese Football Association with a lot of complicated colors, which is obviously worried about making things too loud.

  Wu Jie is too lazy to explain to these people that the rabbits before the disintegration of Teddy Bear were not so harmonious and low-key. In recent years, rabbits are actually very tough. Otherwise, why should the bald eagle draw you?

In the past two years, he hasn’t said anything else. He knows that rabbits have been blocking the bears on the border. The equipment used by the guerrillas on the camel is all made by rabbits, all kinds of unscrupulous flying bricks, and there are huge quantities. I don’t know how many bears were entrapped for the munitions. Of course, the bald eagle must have paid the bill.

Even teaching the white-eyed wolf in the first two years can be regarded as the main force of the bear in order to let the white-eyed wolf lead the rabbit away; but it can also be regarded as the rabbit by teaching the white-eyed wolf to make the main force of the north have a stronger influence and force Mao Xiong had to allocate a lot of troops to prevent himself from being kicked by the rabbit.

   Such a rabbit that can only involve millions of bears is too important for the United States or Europe.

  Wu Jie knows very well that rabbits should be tougher during this period. Once you are wronged, you can't bear to swallow. As long as you can grasp the scale properly, Eagle Sauce may come over to comfort you.

   Therefore, they suffered such a big grievance today, if they bear it down, they will not have a big picture.

   Now, of course, I have to wait for FIFA to send someone over first.

Tonight’s game definitely surpassed FIFA’s prior judgment. Now it’s not as simple as one or two controversial penalties, but a one-sided underworld penalty for the entire game. This level of darkness is unprecedented in the history of football. .

   If this scale is used in Western countries, even if the victim is only a small South American country, the public opinion set off the next day will be like a magnitude ten earthquake, and the prestige of FIFA will definitely shake its foundation.

   Wu Jie can guess that this should not be the original plan of FIFA. The earliest plan of the group must be to pass several key node judgments, thus affecting the outcome of the entire game.

   For example, awarding a key penalty to Argentina, or invalidating a key goal of the Chinese team, or giving a controversial red card.

   Generally speaking, as long as a few key penalties are detrimental to China, it is enough to affect the outcome of the entire game.

   After the game, the Chinese team can only knock their teeth off and swallow them in their stomachs, because most of the time the referee's judgment is not a problem.

   As for several controversial penalties in the whole game, this is part of the football game. After all, referees are humans and not machines. How can it be possible to make no mistakes throughout the game?

   But the performance of the Chinese team today, especially the performance of the aliens, was too good.

   Argentina was restrained in the lineup configuration. The referees were unable to use several key penalties to determine the outcome. In the end, the penalty scale far exceeded the controllable level.

   But this is not the most painful thing, but even with this underworld scale, it fails to achieve the goal.

   Now, of course, FIFA will not bet everything on a scandal that is destined to be uncovered. Even if they are reluctant in their hearts, they also know that if they want to deal with the aftermath, they must start from the Chinese team.

   After taking a shower in the locker room, Wu Jie met with the vice president of FIFA and the president of South American Football Federation. He personally brought a few high-level officials to the locker room to congratulate the Chinese team on winning.

   The Chinese players are too lazy to pay attention to this. Of course, this scene is for officials of the Football Association to negotiate first.

   Shen Tao, their vice chairman of the Football Association, naturally expressed great dissatisfaction with the penalty during the game.

The vice chairman of FIFA responded immediately, saying that he would thoroughly investigate the video of the game, including investigating whether the referee on duty accepted bribes off the court, and would cancel those clearly unreasonable penalties during the game. .

   This is actually an explanation to the Chinese team. The key words are "severe punishment of referees" and "cancellation of punishments", including the subtext of not investigating a series of extreme behaviors of Chinese players before and after the game.

If it is more blunt, then the exchange terms given by FIFA at this time are: as long as the Chinese team does not continue to do things, it will accept the award according to the normal process, and there will be no more talk at the press conference after the game— —Then FIFA will severely punish the referee on duty, and will not pursue the previous actions of Chinese players, such as those exaggerated words and deeds of Lin Yaodong before and after the game, as well as the red card of Chen Haonan in the game. All can be cancelled. Hold it again.

   The Chinese Football Association feels uncomfortable, but they also feel that these explanations are barely acceptable. After all, the West has never seen it before.

  Wu Jie sneered in his heart from a distance. Shen Tao obviously ignored how outrageous the course of the game was, and his vision was a little too short. He didn't know how much handle the Chinese team had now.

   This game has developed to the present, and it has long been unable to be forced by anyone, because the degree of filth in the process has never been seen before, enough to become the darkest game in the history of world football.

   This kind of game is subversive and destructive to FIFA. Unless the Chinese team is not held accountable here, then there will be a chance to make major and minor matters smaller.

So if you really want to trade as a bargaining chip, Wu Jie feels that 1 FIFA Vice President seat + 1 AFC Presidential position + 4 FIFA Council Member seats + the right to host the first Women's World Cup + the next three men One of the rights to host the World Cup, and to give developing countries like them a certain economic subsidy for hosting the World Cup. For example, it is necessary to provide an interest-free loan of 50 million US dollars. Otherwise, how can the poor rabbit have the money to host the World Cup? !

   Wu Jie thinks that these add up to be a reasonable deal to make up for the grievances suffered by the rabbits tonight.

   But of course, such conditions cannot be easily negotiated. Wu Jie knows that it is not the time to put it forward. The two vice chairmen are not even qualified to discuss such a big deal, and even Li Fenglou is not qualified to negotiate.

   This matter can only be done by letting his father go out in person, and this will also be a key achievement that is enough for Wu Zhengsong to be promoted to the first brother.

   So when Shen Tao came over to persuade the players to go out first to accept the award, Wu Jie immediately winked aside, and then saw Lin Yaodong almost jumped up and shouted, shocking Shen Tao!

   Lin Yaodong didn't wait for Shen Tao's reaction, and directly clamored that if FIFA did not give them a satisfactory statement, not only would they not go out to accept the award, they would not even participate in the World Cup in the future.

   Chen Haonan also said that he could not accept such a humiliating game, even if they were the final winners, but this kind of football humiliating game should be cast aside by the world!

"Huh, let me say, let's just unite with Asian countries and the Soviets who are also always blown black whistle. By the way, we will call the football deserts of North America. Everyone will build a new FIFA together. Then we won't have to suffer from them. Birds are angry!"

   After Lin Yaodong's words were translated, he almost made a group of FIFA officials crooked!

   "The Chinese are crazy, they want to make a new FIFA come out!?"

   But it is impossible to say that these people are not frightened, because this seems to be a tale of fantasy, but it is actually possible to execute it.

   The Soviet Union is not a country, it is a camp!

   This camp has long been accustomed to making things difficult for various sports events, so there have always been similar behaviors, even outside the sports field, it is often the one that engages in court resistance.

   Now the status of Chinese football in Asia is not low. They also have a certain appeal, especially in East Asia and Southeast Asia, and even West Asia has several countries that are very close to them.

   As for North America, I seem to be my own, but I have always had a lot of opinions about the European-led FIFA, especially the Americans. Even South American football has a long-term competitive relationship with European football.

   So if China takes advantage of this moment of damage to FIFA's reputation, it is possible to make a big noise Maybe it is really possible to split FIFA.

   After Lin Yaodong said nonsense, it naturally made FIFA a three-point fear in the anger, and a bit embarrassing among the three-point fear.

   After several FIFA executives on the scene heard the translation, everyone felt like they were being burned by fire, and now they really can’t get off the stage.

Wu Jie came to Shen Tao at this time. After the two murmured a few words, their vice-chairman finally said something that made FIFA relieved-they will attend the awards and post-match conferences. But the Chinese Football Association will issue a formal complaint to FIFA tomorrow on everything tonight.

   This statement gave FIFA the feeling that it was lucky to escape, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Chinese team does not accept the award tonight, it will undoubtedly be a stab at the authority of the World Cup. Of course, FIFA will also be in the knife. This will be a crisis that is more serious than a face scandal. .

   But the question is, is Wu Jie really such a good talker?

   Of course he is gone!

  Wu Jie is very clear about these requirements in his heart. If he wants to be accepted by FIFA in the future, he must make things a little bigger first, otherwise they will not have the initiative.


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