"Are you talking about the pudgy boy who used to follow Potter around in school?"Ms. Rosmerta obviously still has some impressions of Peter.

"That's right."Professor McGonagall's voice was a little low:"He has never been smart, and he didn't do his classwork well. I used to be aggressive with him at the time... You can imagine how much I regret it now."

"Well, Minerva, it's not your fault. Fudge comforted Professor McGonagall,"He died a hero." Witnesses - of course, I refer to the surviving Muggles. We extracted their memories and restored the scene: Peter was standing not far from Black - he intercepted Black. Peter was sobbing and questioning Black, then he raised his wand, and of course Black was faster than he was - he was blown to smithereens"

"The situation outside was very bad at that time."Professor Flitwick added:"There was a dueling class in the school. I was the professor at the time. Peter's dueling skills were really not as good as those of his friends."

"Sorry, Mr. Minister. Solim interjected:"I'm curious." Did you really extract the memories of those Muggles back then - I mean, doesn't the Wizengamot Act have clear provisions on extracting memories?"

"Yes kid, you know a lot."Fudge nodded,"But the terms set by the Wizengamot are all for wizards, and those Muggles are not within the framework of the terms."

"So you did see Peter being blown to pieces in those Muggle memories?"Solim narrowed his eyes.

"Indeed. The Aurors who were present at the time first extracted the memories of those Muggles, and the people from the Reversal of Occasional Events team who arrived later confirmed the authenticity of those memories again - you know, the people in those teams are very good at memory magic skills. Very skilled. They then erased the memories of those Muggle sightings."

Oh~ Solim doesn't know these details, and they have never been mentioned in the original work. What the reversal of accidental events team does every day is to clear memories and modify memories. They are not very familiar with memory magic, but just like this, they don't Someone saw something was wrong - whether it was an Auror or a member of the Ministry of Magic.

I didn't expect Peter to have such superb memory magic. Solim tilted his head and thought for a while, and said:"I'm sorry, Mr. Minister, I still have have a question"

"What? child?"Fudge said kindly. Fudge was so polite to Solim entirely because of his last name.

"When you first arrived, were the surviving Muggles far away?"

"Of course it is. Those who were close were blown to pieces."Fudge sighed,"I can still dream about that hellish scene sometimes in my dreams."

"So is Peter Pedillo the only person you see first in those memories?"

"I don't know about this, kid."Fudge shook his head,"You should ask those Aurors and those memory cancellers this question."

"He should have waited for someone from the Ministry of Magic to arrive. Professor sniffed."Instead of just rushing up alone.""

"If it were me, I wouldn't wait for the devil to come."Hagrid just drank all the contents of his cup in one breath."I will break his limbs one by one! I want him to regret——"

"Rubeus Hagrid! Mag was angry,"There are still students here!""

"It's okay, Professor McGonagall, I don't mind. Solim smiled at Professor McGonagall. Then he looked at Hagrid:"Hagrid... uh, professor, you said you met Black in the Gorvik Valley?""

"That’s right! I was……"

"Then why didn't he attack you? Now that he has surrendered to that person. Solim interrupted Hagrid somewhat rudely,"Especially when you were carrying Harry Potter, and there was no one around you who you could rely on. I think he can definitely attack you. Isn't it?"

Hagrid opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment.

"Professor Flitwick. You taught them before. How good is Black's dueling skills?"

"Very high. The number of people who could face him face to face in school at that time could be counted on one hand."Professor Flitwick put down his cup and recalled,"I don't think even the newly hired Auror will be his opponent."

"That's right. Blake is very dangerous."Fudge said,"At the beginning, we used twenty hitmen to escort him and we didn't think it was safe."

"Okay, dear, you know the rest of the story. Fudge said to Rosmerta:"He was taken away and later imprisoned in Azkaban. Peter was awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class - which was also a comfort to his mother."

"Why did he escape again then?"Rosmerta asked,"I mean, since he has the ability to escape, why did he choose this time?"

"……This is also the truth we are pursuing. Of course, we know his current goal, which is why the Ministry of Magic is so mobilized."Fudge rubbed his hands a little uneasily.

"Connelly, if you want to have dinner with the Headmaster, we might as well go back to the castle now."Professor McGonagall put down her cup and stood up.

"Uh...okay. So, bye."Fudge and Rosmerta said hello and left together with the professors.

Solim thought for a while, dropped a few Silver Sickles, nodded to Hermione and left.

Harry now looked gloomy. Sitting there, Hermione and Ron looked at him worriedly

"Why didn't they tell me?"Hermione and Ron can both hear Harry's current mood.���very bad

"Mr. Weasley, Principal Dumbledore, Minister Fudge, Hagrid, why are they keeping such secrets from me? My parents were killed by the people they trusted most, and they would hide it from me."

After this incident, both Ron and Hermione became cautious. They did not mention anything related to the Three Broomsticks in front of Harry. This was true even during the dinner party. They could tell, haha Harry was extremely sad now.

Regardless of whether Harry was sad or happy, Solim was quite happy now anyway. He had just received a reply from Gilvius. Elrond had nothing to do. Na has been staying in Selwyn's castle since the beginning of school and has not gone anywhere. After learning this, Solim was completely relieved.

Many people received gifts at Christmas, but Solim never I received a gift at Christmas.

It’s not that no one gave it to him, but that he told people around him that they don’t need to give it to him at Christmas.

If someone else gives you a gift, it means you have to give another gift in return.

Lim finds it troublesome, and Solim has never had the habit of celebrating Christmas, even though he is now an Englishman.

Pure-blood families like Selwyn have never celebrated any holidays.

The so-called Christmas is just a way for them Come to rest.

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