Although the formal fight has not started yet, Solim already knows what will happen next.

As long as Harry pulls out Gryffindor's sword from the Sorting Hat and stabs the fake diary, everything will be over.

Without the basilisk, Harry wouldn't be hurt, and Ron, the loser, would only be a little frightened.

If it weren't for acting, the Basilisk would basically be over as soon as it came out.

Even if Fox pecked Bask's eyes out, Bask would be able to sense the two Harrys through smell and heat.

As long as Bask really wanted to Killing them both, Fox would have no effect.

But this time the basilisk will not appear, which is a good thing for Harry, so he only needs to stab the diary with a sword, and the matter will be a happy ending.

As for whether Harry would notice something was wrong, such as why the basilisk didn't appear, Solim thought there was no need to worry.

It was easy to fool Harry, and compared to the basilisk thing, Solim believed that Harry was more willing to care about Riddle's affairs.

As long as Dumbledore and Harry had a talk by then, he believed that the Basilisk matter would soon be revealed.

Harry had already pulled out the sword, and Riddle didn't move for a moment. He was also looking at the Gryffindor sword that he had always wanted but had never seen.

The things left behind by the four giants each have their own characteristics, but the only thing that has restrictions on its holders is Gryffindor's sword. Students who are not Gryffindor cannot get it, and even if they get it for a short time, it will disappear quickly. This is also the fundamental reason why Riddle didn't get it.

There was already a fight below. Ron was the first to be knocked away by Riddle with Harry's wand. Fawkes flew towards Hermione and was about to grab the diary, but Riddle how could he let it happen? He shot a death curse at Fawkes. ——Of course it is fake. The blood Solim released cannot support a life-killing curse, but even if it is true, after releasing a life-killing curse, Riddle will return due to loss of vitality in his current state. into the diary.

Harry also knew that the diary was the key. He rushed towards Hermione, but was knocked away by Riddle with his wand.

"Don't think about it," Riddle said contemptuously,"You can't do it."

Harry felt that his whole body was about to fall apart. He endured the pain and got up from the ground.

"No! You stupid bird!"Harry's glasses were thrown off. His vision was blurry now, but his ears were still good. He heard Riddle roaring.

"Give!"Ron finally came in handy at this time. He helped Harry get his eyes back.

As soon as he put on his glasses, Harry saw Riddle frantically firing spells at Fawkes, but it was of no use, very little. There are spells that can actually harm the Phoenix. Harry also noticed that Fawkes was clutching Riddle's diary.

"Give it back to me!"

Fox threw the diary at Harry's feet. Harry raised Gryffindor's sword and stabbed it without saying a word. A large amount of black water gushes out of the diary from the wound, and Riddle's figure also Begin to become transparent

"No! You idiot! I am immortal! I am……"Before Riddle could finish his words, he disappeared and Harry's wand fell to the ground.

The diary was still gurgling with black water pouring out, and Harry and Ron were breathing heavily.

"…… it the end?"Ron swallowed hard.

"……it's over."Harry's feet went weak and he fell to the ground.

Solim saw that it was almost done, took out his wand, stood on top of the Slytherin statue and cast a stun spell on each of the two people below. At the level of Harry and Ron He was knocked unconscious without even knowing what happened.

Solim jumped off the statue and walked towards Hermione

"How about it? How does it feel? Solim took out a bottle and shook it under Hermione's nose,"Don't let it slip later, I'll leave first.""

After a while, Hermione finally got rid of the effect of the water of life and death. She stood up unsteadily. Seeing Harry and Ron standing beside them, Hermione shook her head and prepared to go up and kill these two idiots. Wake up.

Solim has arrived in a hidden classroom with the real diary.

"Okay, you must not have used up my blood yet. Stop pretending and come out."Solim threw the diary on the table.

Riddle's image was much more transparent than before.

"So, are you satisfied with this so-called 'savior'? asked Solim

"He is a swindler!"Riddle already knew the reason for Voldemort's failure back then...perhaps in the future."Escaped by relying on the blood curse. Anyone can do this. I'm just too unlucky."

"I didn’t say anything about those who deceived the world and stole their reputation. But... do you really think anyone can use the blood curse?"Solim leaned on the desk, folded his arms and looked at Riddle.

"Indeed... the blood curse requires a long preparation process." Riddle mused.

"Lily Evans, although I have never met her, many people say that she is extremely talented. If she is given time, she might become a great wizard. However, no matter how outstanding her talent is, she is only a Muggle-born wizard. Solim said:"Of course, I am not discriminating against her bloodline.……"

"Are you saying that someone taught him the blood curse? Riddle frowned,"Maybe it's Potter, or Ignotus?" This family is old enough. Of course, it could also be Black, as Potter and Black had a good relationship. Solim looked at Riddle in surprise. The relationship between James and Sirius was not something Riddle should know. He was sealed into the diary when he was 16 years old. It seems that Riddle passed some kind of I got a lot of news in this way.

Spotting Solim's gaze, Riddle sneered:"You don't think I'm doing nothing during this time, do you? I have already understood what happened back then - although not completely."

It's really scary," Solim thought. It's almost impossible for Dumbledore to tell him what happened back then. As for Harry...he doesn't know anything, so where did Riddle find out about this?

"Let's put the Potter matter aside for now. Anyway, if that kid doesn't have Dumbledore to protect him, something will happen to him sooner or later."Riddle stared at Solim,"I'm more interested in you than that silly boy Potter."

"Don't... don't be interested in me. Solim waved his hand,"We are not from the same place.""

"That's not necessarily the case," Riddle smiled,"I heard... you are involved in some troublesome things now? And his life is in danger?"

Solim narrowed his eyes. What Riddle wanted to express was already very clear, but how did he know about the matter between himself and the Rich family? Solim dared to say that Dumbledore would never Talk about communicating with Riddle on this matter or something.

"You have quite a lot of gossip."Solim did not deny it. Since Riddle said this, he must have understood the conflict between himself and the Rich family. There is no need to deny it.

"What do you want to say?"Riddle will not say these words for no reason, Solim is ready to see what he is going to do.

"I won't exist in this state forever."Riddle said confidently:"My making of Horcruxes is not a secret at all to some people. They just can't find my Horcruxes. Many wizards will covet Horcruxes. They They will fight for my Horcruxes. I can use one or even two Horcruxes to make enemies for the Rich family - powerful enemies. I think they will have no time to care about you at that time."

"I do know a lot about Horcruxes, but what do you mean by 'many wizards will covet Horcruxes'? Also, since you are willing to pay the price of two Horcruxes for me, what do you want from me?"Solim couldn't help but think of his grandfather Elrond. At that time, he was indeed very interested in Voldemort's Horcruxes and couldn't wait to study them. However, Solim still didn't know why other people's Horcruxes were... Such a great attraction to other wizards.

Riddle was stunned for a moment after hearing Solim's words, and then he smiled and said:"I thought you would know, but it doesn't hurt to talk to you."

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