The news that Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were sneaking around the school wearing Slytherin robes stolen from who knows where spread like wildfire. Before the gate time, the entire school knew about it. thing. Goyle and Crabbe, who were locked in a closet, were also found.

The students who came out of the History of Magic classroom were senior students from Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Blocking Harry's path were senior students taking Muggle Studies as an elective course. There were people from the four houses. People witnessed the whole process at the time. Soon various embellished versions spread around the castle.

Harry Potter and his followers, wearing Slytherin robes, were sneaking around the castle just to create the next attack. This theory is very popular. After all, many people were present at Justin's incident last time, especially the Hufflepuff students, who were convinced that Harry Potter was the murderer.

Afterwards, Gryffindor was deducted 50 points for Harry and Ron - 50 points each, because they couldn't let go of Goyle and Crabbe.

In addition to deducting points, they also had to go into solitary confinement.

Harry had to go to Lockhart to reply to his book fans - at least he could still sit.

Ron was in a worse situation.

He had to clean the trophy room, and Ron was Every corner had to be cleaned, and no magic was allowed - in fact, he couldn't use magic either, because Ron's wand had broken at the start of term.

When Harry and Ron returned to the Gryffindor common room exhausted, it was already past the gate time. There was no one in the common room - except Hermione.

As expected, they quarreled, of course, mainly Hermione and Ron quarreling with each other.

Ron believed that if Hermione's potion had lasted longer, such a thing would not have happened, or if they had left earlier, at least leaving the Slytherin common room at the same time as Hermione, the current result would not have been caused..

Of course, Hermione would not agree with Ron's accusation, and also pointed out that the Crabbe turned into by Ron was too poor and had been exposed long ago.

Of course Ron wouldn't admit it. Hermione started scolding Ron from the moment he entered the Slytherin common room.

"You idiot! If Thorim hadn't let us off the hook, we would have been caught in the Slytherin common room! 'How do you know it's going to be okay? 'You think Crabbe would say something like that to Solim?"Then Hermione turned her head and started scolding Harry:"And you! When he first entered, Malfoy asked Vincent to take the newspaper. What are you doing up there? Don't you even understand what Goyle and Crabbe call each other?"

"etc! Hermione! Harry said:"You said Solim let us go. What's going on?""

"What else could be going on!"Hermione said irritably:"You... our performance is too bad. They are definitely not like us when they get along with each other. We have been found out a long time ago! Didn't you hear what he said about Polyjuice Potion before we left? That obviously tells us that we have been recognized. When we left, he didn't stop us at all. Wasn't this letting us go?"

"If he had already recognized us, why didn't he expose us? Ron said unconvinced on the side:"Those words he said may be used to confuse us. We got nothing from this operation." It was you who came up with the bad idea of using potions, and it caused us to lose 100 points!"

Hermione was so angry that Ron was speechless. She stood up and went up the stairs without looking back, preparing to go back to the dormitory. Standing on the stairs, Hermione said:"If I were you, I would first Change your clothes so that when you wake up tomorrow morning, everyone will find that you are still wearing Slytherin robes."

Harry and Ron then remembered that their clothes hadn't been changed back yet.

"It's gate time now……"

"What's the matter? Are there too few people leaving during the gate hours?"

As soon as the two came back, they left again. They were going to get their clothes back from the women's washroom on the second floor.

Shortly after Harry and the others left the Slytherin common room, Draco knew that Goyle had just and Crabbe were changed by Harry and Ron. The senior students who came back from class told the story in the Slytherin common room. Draco felt very sorry for this, and also expressed his disapproval of Solim's actions. feel puzzled

"You've seen through it a long time ago, right?"Draco soon thought about it. Judging from Solim's behavior and the way he spoke at that time, he had already discovered it,"Then why didn't you expose them?"

"Don't you think it's more interesting this way? How many students were there in the Slytherin common room at that time? They were caught in public in the hallway, and more people saw it. Seriously, we should have seen the scene."

Although Solim acted very regretful, he actually watched an"alternative" live broadcast on the Marauder's Map at that time. Harry and Ron's names were surrounded by a lot of names. Thinking about it, it felt like Interesting.

After returning to the dormitory at night, Sirna lay on her bed and asked:"Since you have discovered them, you still said so much about the secret room. You are worried……"

"Nothing to worry about, I didn't actually reveal much."Solim moved Luna to the side.

"Potter and Weasley couldn't tell, but Hermione was very smart."Silna said,"Draco said that the secret room had been opened before, and a student died. If you want to investigate this matter, I think Hermione can find it out. Then they realize that the dead student is Myrtle. But you have left Myrtle in the farthest stall of the bathroom. Do you think they will find it?"

"Whether discovered or not is irrelevant. I attacked Myrtle mostly to make sure she wouldn't say either of our names. As for the secret room, even if they can't find out anything, some information about the secret room will appear in front of them. And I think Potter and the others are likely to have gotten some key clues recently - as you know, our Principal Dumbledore plays a certain role in this matter."

Solim is right. When Harry and Ron came back from the women's bathroom, Harry had a diary with a black cover in his hand.

"Harry, something is clearly wrong. Ron said:"Only three of us go to the women's bathroom, but we have never found this diary. But you picked it up on the ground today. It's obvious that someone else has been there.""

"Ron, this is just a diary," Harry shook the diary in his hand,"Besides, we have all read it and there is nothing written in it."

"Don't worry, Ron. I also know that there is some coincidence in the appearance of this diary, but this doesn't mean anything. After we left the Slytherin common room, Hermione returned to the women's washroom first, but she didn't find it. , we just found this diary thrown on the ground when we just went there, which can only mean that it was discarded after Hermione left there."

The next day, Hermione learned about the diary from Ron. During breakfast, Hermione and the two of them talked about the diary.

Because of some recent events in the castle, Gran The students in Findor were all alienated from them, which meant that every time Harry came to eat, the only people sitting next to him were Ron and Hermione. Of course, if they happened to meet each other, sometimes Neville would sit next to them. This kind of thing Harry also encountered the situation of isolation last semester, but it was not as serious as now.

"I did not see the diary when I went back yesterday. It must have been discarded there after I left."

"But there is nothing written on it, and I have seen it. This student named Tom Riddle bought it on a Muggle street. I think he is also a Muggle, and this diary does not look like Ron. As you said, there will be some danger as soon as you open it. Your worries are completely unnecessary."

The diary that Harry picked up did not seem to have anything wrong, but Hermione insisted on her own opinion. The timing of the appearance of this diary was really weird. When Hermione went to the small classroom at night, This matter was revealed to Solim. You should know that Hermione had not wanted to talk to Solim recently because of the Polyjuice Potion incident.

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