Best Movie Star

Chapter 546: Trade secrets

Just after the New Year in 2007, practitioners in the Hollywood circles are back in their busy schedules. Actors who are interested in the awards season try their best to solicit tickets, various film companies review their plans for the new year, and agents are busy cultivating or finding clients. , and many more people are thinking about their future.

Martin Davis has the most common name in the United States, as well as the most common appearance of white people with brown hair and blue eyes and a high nose and a deep nose. In the past year, his development has been quite rough. In the first half of the year, he was in the distribution department of DreamWorks. Encountered layoffs and became a member of the severance staff. Later, because of the experience of working in DreamWorks, he finally entered the marketing department of Sky Dance Film Company, but when he competed for the position of a supervisor, he lost to another competitor. He is junior.

Then, he encountered office politics, and was assigned to the front-line market research team by a competitor after he was in power. Since November, he has been running around in Greater Los Angeles and its surrounding areas, in-depth market research on the "Fast and the Furious" market. prospect.

In addition to his hard work and complaints, he is also very curious. This series has nothing to do with Sky Dance Films. Why does the super rich second generation need to make a market assessment?

Out of curiosity, Martin Davis overheard the conversation between the competitor's boss and the bald executive, and it suddenly dawned on him that the boss of Sky Dance Pictures was going to buy the copyright of the "Fast and Furious" series from Universal Pictures. .

And the boss dared to do it because there was Matthew Horner's advice behind it.

Martin Davis has met Matthew Horner, and has heard of his illustrious reputation. Matthew Horner and super rich second-generation boss David Ellison are very good friends. Sky Dance Pictures was established The only successful film since, also originated from the recommendation of Matthew Horner. The film "Three Hundred Spartans" made Sky Dance Pictures instantly famous.

The entire Skydance film industry now believes in Matthew Horner's vision.

He is very clear, in fact, Hollywood recognizes that Matthew Horner is unique in the selection of films. After all, people who have succeeded in so many films in a row cannot simply be attributed to good luck.

Therefore, as one of the employees who participated in the first-line market research of the "Fast and Furious" series on the spot, Martin Davis did not spend much effort to find out the ins and outs of the incident.

Maybe it's time to turn around, one of his acquaintances at CAA was just inquiring about the "Fast and Furious" series. After hearing that he was working in Sky Dance Films, he took the initiative to find him, and was going to offer a relatively impressive sum. remuneration.

Driving into Burbank from North Hollywood, Martin Davis turned 70s into 43rd Street, parked in front of an old-fashioned cafe, got out of the car and walked through the cafe gate.

"I'm here, Martin." There was a voice saying hello immediately.

The cafe is not big, Martin Davis turned his head to follow the sound, and immediately saw the acquaintance, Brock Lesnar, a second-tier agent of CAA.

He immediately walked over and sat across from Brock Lesnar.

Brock Lesnar ordered him a glass of Blue Mountain and said, "Long time no see, Martin. Didn't expect you to leave DreamWorks."

Martin Davis shrugged and said, "DreamWorks abolished the distribution department. There is no way. Fortunately, Spielberg is kind and gave a considerable severance package."

Anyone who can act as an entertainment agent is undoubtedly good at reading words. When Brock Lesnar heard this, he immediately understood that Martin Davis should have said it on purpose to show that he was not very short of money.

The two had communicated over the phone before, and the matter was only mentioned. How to do it specifically, but also in person.

Brock Lesnar pretended not to understand, but instead said, "Your friend said you weren't having a good time at Skydance."

He was able to find David Davis, and he was specially looking for referrals. The two just knew each other before.

David Davis is indeed in a bad situation. It is hard to hide this from anyone who cares. He simply said, "Brock, if you have anything to do with me, just tell me directly."

"On the phone." Brock Lesnar asked calmly, "Why did David Ellison do market research on the "Fast and Furious" series?"

David Davis knew that he was in a hurry, and quickly regained his calm, "I'm sorry, I can only tell you that Sky Dance Pictures is making market estimates for the sequel to the "Fast and Furious" series, and the rest I can't Say, it's a trade secret and I have to abide by my work contract."

Brock Lesnar almost got his nose crooked, he's all here, and he said he abides by professional ethics?

"These so-called secrets are not worth a dollar in your stomach." Brock Lesnar was still calm on the surface, "Do you respect your work contract, does Skydance respect your personal worth? "

Before David Davis could answer, he said, "No."

Having said this, Brock Lesnar gestured, "If you can tell me in detail about this, the money is yours."

David Davis shook his head and wanted to say something.

Brock Lesnar doesn't want to waste too much time on him. As an agent with a certain status and resources in CAA, if it hadn't been contacted by the two executives of Universal Pictures, he had dealt with that bald head before, and he would have ignored such a man. The little guy eliminated by DreamWorks?

He opened the briefcase, took out an envelope, put it on the coffee table, and pushed it to David Davis, who picked it up and opened the envelope as if to examine it carefully.

"You should know that I work at CAA, and I have a lot of connections in the circle." Brock Lesnar couldn't possibly give him too much money, and he also prepared a condition, "If you leave Sky Dance Pictures, I can make money for you. You introduce a new job, like going to Universal Pictures."

The brokers of CAA are also divided into high and low. If you want to become a partner, you must either have a big star under your hand, or you can operate some one-stop services for high-quality projects.

Originally, it was difficult for him to get such an opportunity, but he just happened to persuade the bald head to switch to CAA. The two senior executives of Universal Pictures got the news and took the initiative to get in touch with him. They wanted to use the bald head to win funds and restart "Speed ​​and Passion series.

Although Universal Pictures is not optimistic about "Fast and Furious" internally, and temporarily cut off the series, the two senior executives of Universal Pictures seem to be alone, but if Vin Diesel and him can pull in funds, That's enough to convince Universal's management to reboot the series, and he'll be head of the one-stop shop.

Once successful, the benefits are huge; of course, there is also the risk of failure, but Vin Diesel agrees with him that without taking risks, the career will only stall.

For Hollywood, standing still is going backwards, and there will be too many people behind like wolves pounce on them and engulf them.

Just like the two senior executives of Universal Pictures, only with ambition, greed, ability, and resources can they climb to a higher place.

David Davis closed the envelope and asked, "Are you sure you can connect me to a better position than I have now?"

"Of course." Brock Lesnar seemed confident. If the "Fast and Furious" series went according to plan, it would be very easy for David Davis to enter Universal Pictures, but if he couldn't, he would still be able to work on the set. "CAA's agent People always do what they say.”

David Davis doesn't believe in the credibility of CAA and these agents don't have any credibility to speak of, but the dollars they get are real benefits, and he's having a very unpleasant time at Skydance, it's just going to be a downer In the quagmire of office politics, I had planned to resign...

"I believe in your promises," David Davis said in a blunder, which was always an opportunity, "We did market research on the Fast and Furious franchise because of David Ery. Sen, the super rich second generation, intends to buy the copyright of this series from Universal Pictures."

"That's it?" Brock Lesnar stared at David Davis.

These speculations have been revealed to him by the executives of Universal Pictures, and he can also guess that the reason for bribing the news with David Davis is on the other hand.

David Davis is like squeezing to squeeze out a sentence, "David Ellison has been in contact with people from Universal Pictures, and Universal Pictures is still considering it. "

Brock Lesnar didn't care about that, asking, "Why would he want to buy the rights to the Fast and Furious franchise?"

"Because of Matthew Horner!" David Davis said slowly, "Matthew Horner advised David Ellison to do this, and he is also prepared to jointly fund with David Ellison."

"Matthew Horner!"

Brock Lesnar clenched his fists hard, as expected!

This is his biggest concern. If the "Fast and the Furious" series is just the idea of ​​David Ellison, he will also carefully consider the cooperation with the two executives of Universal Pictures.

Now it is confirmed that it is Matthew Horner's suggestion, and what is even more stressful is that he is also ready to contribute...

Explain what? From the perspective of Matthew Horner's selection of films in the past two years, the "Fast and Furious" series must still have value.

"How and at what price are they going to buy the rights to the Fast and Furious franchise?" Brock Lesnar asked again.

"I don't know about this." David Davis said honestly, "My marketing department is just in charge of market research for this series."

Brock Lesnar nodded and stood up first. "Let's just get here. Goodbye, David."


Seeing David Davis wave, Brock Lesnar left a dollar bill and walked out of the cafe without looking back, spending a few thousand dollars and a small, dispensable promise in exchange for Such good news is well worth it.

But he is also clear that even if Matthew Horner is bullish on the future of the "Fast and Furious" franchise, there is too much planning work on their side.

It is not easy for any film to succeed.

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