Best Movie Star

Chapter 533: boss of the universe

Early Monday morning, Matthew's car left Beverly Hills, took the interstate, and drove north all the way. Before nine o'clock in the morning, he arrived in Glendale, a satellite town north of Los Angeles, where DreamWorks Studios was located. Its headquarters is located in the center of Glendale, and like Universal Studios, it has also created a park area that integrates office, production and tourism.

The car passed through the red-brown arch, around a huge circular fountain pool, along the asphalt road mixed with silver olive trees and flowing waterways, and finally stopped in front of an office building with a twin tower design at the top. .

Just as Matthew got out of the car, a middle-aged man with black hair greeted him.

"Hello, Mr. Horner." He shook hands with Matthew and introduced himself, "I'm Tom DeSanto, the producer on the set. Call me Tom."

"Hello." Matthew nodded to him.

Tom DeSanto led the way, Matthew followed, and entered the office building together. The huge office building was a bit empty. Through some glass windows, Matthew could see clearly, and some offices didn't look like anyone working at all. look.

As an insider, he certainly knew that DreamWorks Studios had just experienced a huge turmoil. Unlike DreamWorks Animation Studios, which was in full swing after the split, the DreamWorks Live-Action Studios, which was run by Steven Spielberg, has been around since the beginning of the century. At the beginning, there were successive problems. The three giants spread the industry chain too much. In addition, the large-scale production films failed in succession at the box office. After the failure of "Escape from the Clone Island" last year, DreamWorks Films had to abolish the distribution department. Committed to Paramount Pictures, from the previous position of the seventh largest giant, it fell to a pure production company.

As we all know, distribution is located at the absolute upper end of the industry chain, and DreamWorks giving up distribution also means that there is no chance to become a giant in a short period of time.

Taking the elevator to the seventh floor of the office building, Matthew met Michael Bay in an office. Since Matthew only reserved a week for the "Transformers" crew, the time was relatively tight, and Michael Bay did not After talking nonsense with him, I immediately took him to a large professional dubbing room.

"This is Megatron's line..." Michael Bay, the voice director himself, handed Matthew a thin folder and said, "Matthew, as I said last time, the film needs Megatron. His voice shows strength and domineering qualities."

Speaking of which, he made a gesture to an assistant director, and when the assistant director turned on the huge screen in front of him, showing the extremely evil shape of a robot, he said, "Like Megatron's appearance, his voice Let the audience hear his character as soon as possible."

Looking at the frost-covered robot on the big screen, Matthew nodded, "I see."

Dubbing is more than simply reciting lines. To a certain extent, just like when shooting a movie, you must bring yourself into the character appropriately.

Matthew didn't do much prep work for this dub, but as an actor who's seen countless cartoons and live-action versions, he knows what kind of villain leader Megatron is.

Of course, I couldn't help but complain about Michael Bay's wonderful aesthetics. The CG-made Megatron looks more than evil, but not enough domineering. Maybe after it is released, it will be angered by countless animation and toy fans.

In fact, no matter who shoots such animation and toy adaptation movies, it must be a ruined childhood series.

The beautiful image of a teenage partner will always stay in memory like a first love. If someone pulls their first love to the front, they will definitely complain, where did this aunt come from?

Matthew flipped through the script of the lines and turned to ask Michael Bay, "Can you show me the scenes that need dubbing today."

"Of course." Michael Bay gestured to the staff member again.

The staff immediately picked up the remote control and pressed the play button. Perhaps out of the principle of confidentiality, only Megatron-related shots were played on the big screen. The post-production special effects of these shots were all completed, but no soundtrack or sound effects were added.

From the fast-playing footage, Matthew also saw the male and female protagonists. As before, the male and female protagonists were still those two people.

I vaguely remember that one is Spielberg's godson, and the other is Miss Fox who has the largest vase in the universe on the Internet.

Seeing the heroine flashing by on the big screen, Matthew waited for the broadcast to finish and asked Michael Bay, "How many shots are there, it seems that the hero and heroine don't have voices either, so they don't need to be dubbed?"

"Oh, they're coming this afternoon." Michael Bay explained briefly, "Most of the scenes that need to be dubbed by the hero and heroine have been completed, and they have been waiting for Megatron."

Matthew nodded lightly and cleared his throat, "Let's get started."

Michael Bay said immediately, "Okay!"

The voice engineer immediately adjusted the equipment one last time, and then Matthew walked into the recording studio, holding the folder with the lines in his hand, and turned his eyes to the big screen.

"Start!" Michael Bay gestured to the studio.

Matthew understood and saw Megatron resurrected on the big screen, shaking his body and shaking his body covered in frost.

"Ah... wow..."

In line with Megatron's actions on the big screen, Matthew made a wild and domineering cry like a beast, "Ah! Wow... ah!"

Outside the recording studio, Michael Bay was also wearing headphones, and when he heard Matthew's lines that were not in the script, he not only nodded, but the screenwriter had clearly overlooked something.

In his setting, Megatron or Optimus Prime are not robots in the sense of the earth, but lifeforms from alien planets, but their bodies are constructed in the form of metal.

These alien mechanical lifeforms naturally have feelings. When the leader of the gangster gang Decepticons wakes up from a deep sleep, it is like a powerful and evil person awakening from a long sleep, and he must make some noises when he wakes up.

These sounds from Matthew Horner made it sound as if an evil **** was about to wake up.

Michael Bay couldn't help but glance at Matthew in the recording studio, but it's a pity that Megatron doesn't need a live actor, otherwise he's too suitable.

A close-up of Megatron's glowing red face appeared on the big screen, and he heard Matthew's distinctive voice in the headset.

"I... am... Megatron!"

This voice can't help but be domineering and powerful, and it also carries a domineering arrogance that he is competing with, as if he is the boss of the entire universe.

"I'm Megatron!"

The second sentence is faster, but it sounds more domineering.

After saying this, the dubbing of this scene ended, Matthew took off his headset, glanced at Michael Bay outside, and then walked out of the recording studio.

"How's it going?" he asked.

"Very good! Very good!" Michael Bay first praised, and then said, "Matthew, I believe you can do better, let's do it again."

Matthew nodded, "No problem."

After a brief exchange with Michael Bay, he returned to the recording studio to continue the dubbing of this scene.

There are five or six times before and after, and only a few short sentences are dubbed.

Michael Bay also made it clear to Matthew that it's not that there is a problem with his dubbing itself, but that people's tone is somewhat different every time, and he needs Matthew to record several more versions in order to choose the most suitable one.

Matthew has no opinion. He is still very clear about the reason for working with money. Moreover, he has also dubbed the film starring in the later stage before. He also knows that just like selecting clips from many shots, the director also needs to choose among the dubbing. .

Megatron's dubbing work was not progressing fast. Over the course of the morning, Matthew and Michael Bay only recorded five scenes of Megatron's dubbing.

At noon, Michael Bay specially invited Matthew to a restaurant near DreamWorks for Chinese food.

The two chatted while eating, and the topic was naturally inseparable from "Transformers".

"Has Paramount Pictures confirmed the release date?" Matthew asked.

Michael Bay seemed a little frowning, "The schedule is set early, next year's Independence Day holiday. But..."

He sighed first, then shook his head again, and said, "Paramount Pictures has been trying to point fingers at my Now that DreamWorks is not as good as before, I am very worried about Steven I can't handle the pressure."

Matthew asked tentatively, "What do they want to do? Wouldn't they want to interfere with the production?"

It is not uncommon in Hollywood for the distributor to directly intervene in the production of the film.

"Paramount just wanted to intervene in the production."

This has been spread in the crew and inside DreamWorks for a long time, and Michael Bay didn't take it as a secret, and said directly, "Transformers are Hasbro's toys, and Hasbro also has an ace toy series, you know?"

Matthew thought about it and asked, "Is it the special forces?"

Michael Bay nodded, "Paramount Pictures has obtained the film rights of the special forces and is preparing to shoot a live-action special forces film. It is said that Stephen Sommers has been temporarily appointed as the director."

Stephen Sommers is an old acquaintance of Matthew, but Matthew doesn't understand, Michael Bay mentions what Stephen Sommers does.

"It's not because of the special forces that Paramount Pictures wants to intervene in Transformers, right?" Matthew asked curiously.

"It's true." Michael Bay looked serious, obviously not joking, "Paramount Pictures has been pressuring the crew and Steven to appropriately include special forces elements in "Transformers" so that The combination of the two films can be realized in the later stage.”

Matthew suddenly thought of Marvel, isn't this also creating a universe? He frowned and asked, "Can the Special Forces and Transformers get together? Not quite right?"

Michael Bay spread his hands and said, "I think so too. But Hasbro and Paramount don't think so. Back in the early '90s, Hasbro released a mix of Transformers and Special Forces. Combat toy series, and later commissioned Marvel Comics to publish comics where the two appear in the same story."

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