Best Actor

Vol 3 Chapter 190: radiant

"You never complained about me like that before."

"Have I complained? You play the violin at three o'clock in the middle of the night, and you can't sleep because of the noise, have I complained? You are sloppy, litter, and don't tidy your room, have I complained? ?"

"We've spoken."

"You steal my clothes and set fire to my house, am I complaining?"

"It's our house..."

"You experimented with my dog, did I complain?"

"It's our dog..."

"The most hateful thing is that you deliberately sabotage the relationship between me and my fiancee!"

"I understand, you are too tired, too sensitive, you need a rest, let's go on vacation! My brother has a nice house in the countryside, where there are beautiful scenery, mountains and waterfalls..."

Oh dear, you don't leave me, don't get married, isn't it better?"

Suddenly, a burst of laughter broke out from the surrounding extras, and the staff also laughed, and everyone was overjoyed.

Guy Ritchie didn't get angry, just scratched his head: "If you really want, Sean, I can ask the writers to change the lines."

The laughter suddenly grew louder, Sean could only scratch his head depressedly, and then returned to the stool for props.

This is behind the Somerset Building on East London Street by the Thames River. Because the surrounding buildings are very retro, a temporary prison can be built in a small space for shooting, um , Sherlock Holmes and Peanut were caught back after the battle in the shipyard and destroyed many things.

As for the time, it is now September 12, 2008, and "Sherlock Holmes" has been filming for three weeks.

These three weeks are basically going well. Although Guy Ritchie divorced Madonna in August, it did not affect his shooting status. The relationship was already broken.

 Flirting between.

The first week was okay, probably to get familiar with the plot, the shots were scattered, there were scenes of Baker Street outside the old Royal Naval College, there was the scene of Brown's public offering to bury Blackwood, and the Queen The Masonic Hall on Main Street and more.

But from the last two days of the first week, Guy Ritchie started various interactions between Sherlock Holmes and Watson, such as Watson taking Mary and Sherlock Holmes at the restaurant in Belle Meyer Street The first meeting, and Holmes was not satisfied that his assistant was taken away, so he satirized Mary badly, and as a result, he was splashed with wine.

In addition, Watson came to open the window for Sherlock Holmes, and provoked each other in words, as well as the battle for clothes on the carriage, all of which were full of love.

So now, they are arguing like a young couple. Even if Sean is open-minded enough, he can't stand it.

"I bet that after this movie is released, there will definitely be many movies or TVs of the same type." After reshooting several times, and finally finishing the plot, I slack off. Shawn who came down said this to Jude.

"Are you talking about a remake of Sherlock Holmes, or this kind of ambiguity between men?" Jude asked with a laugh.

"I mean all kinds of movies and TV shows that are ambiguous between Sherlock Holmes and Watson." Sean rolled his eyes and said, and he didn't know where Jude felt so proud, because he didn't care about this ? Or do you like to watch yourself hit a wall?

"That's interesting, isn't it?" A female voice interjected, and two towels were handed to them.

"Ha, that's really flattering, Ms. Kelly Reilly." Sean took it immediately, and then bowed exaggeratedly.

"It's just easy." The woman in front of him chuckled.

"I'm very grateful." Jude also bowed, very elegant and gentleman, not as exaggerated as Sean, but after doing so, he glanced at him, and his eyes were quite meaningful.

"You don't really want to see Sherlock Holmes and Watson being ambiguous on film and television, right?" Sean narrowed his eyes and said, "You are Watson's fiancee? ?"

"I may not, but there are plenty of girls who will." British actress Kelly Reilly, who played Watson's fiancée Mary Morstein in the film, blinked, then turned and walked away .

"When did you hook her up?" Jude asked as she watched her leave.

"After the restaurant scene," Sean shrugged and didn't hide it from him, "You know, she poured a lot of alcohol on my face."

British girls are easy to hook up with, as long as there are suitable excuses and suitable literary topics, they will be hooked if they have the heart of literary youth. And they are very elegant on the surface, but unexpectedly let go in bed, just like Rebecca Hall, who was hooked on the filming of "Deadly Magic" before, playing wilder than Scarlett.

Kelly Reilly is also this type, take advantage of the opportunity to chat up, and then discuss a few words of art and a few words of literature, there is no problem. Of course, she wasn't pretty, but she still had some temperament, so Sean just hesitated a little and then started.

Isn’t it said that every time he makes a movie, he has to have an affair with the female actors in the crew? That being the case, then make this rumor come true, to be precise, become closer to the truth, not to mention that Kelly Reilly behaves well in bed.

"Okay, dude," Jude sighed, "Rachel McAdams should have been earlier?"

"Yes," Sean still did not hide, "there was a date before, but it was short-lived, so..."

He shrugged and didn't say any more, Jude didn't say any more, just shook his head, not knowing whether he was there or not.

Rachel McAdams in this film plays Erin Adler, the only woman who has defeated Sherlock Holmes in the original book, but although there are many scenes, and there are also a few paragraphs with Sherlock Holmes The ambiguous plot, but based on the complete script, is basically used to make up the numbers like Mary Morstein, making Holmes and Watson look less curved, but at the same time, it also highlights the relationship between Holmes and Watson... ambiguous.

Don't mention this, he has already taken over the role anyway, Sean never thought of quitting halfway, and he is also optimistic about the prospects of this movie. So after Rachel came, he quickly reconnected with her, and it was before Kelly Reilly.

What kind of woman Rachel is has said before, Sean doesn't care how she got this role, he only cares about how to better enjoy her body. Of course, having tasted both leading roles before and after, he began to think that maybe he could coax them into bed together.

But it certainly won't be now, not to mention it will take time, the point is... Emma is not happy again.

As the first assistant, she has to be with her every day, and naturally she came to the UK, and naturally she also took his and their affairs into consideration. Although she knew what kind of person he was, and even though she still got involved with him in this situation, it didn't mean that she would like to see it.

Sean must consider her feelings, although she is used to being so cold at work, and she can hide their relationship with each other, but he still has to do it, some cracks are In such an inadvertent expansion.

And he likes to see, she said with a cold face don't touch me, but slowly lost in his teasing, and then stared at him hatefully, ups and downs on him, this time Emma is so cute.

Well, let's not talk about that, after this filming came to an end, Sean immediately returned to Los Angeles to rest for a while. The reason I didn't rest in London was because there was something else, yes, a love letter to Oscar.

Although he had anticipated that it would be difficult, he still did not expect it to be so difficult. Two or three months later, the screenwriters have only come up with preliminary ideas!

"It's very difficult, Mr. Tang, you're asking too much, so...either increase the manpower or extend the deadline." Nathan, one of the screenwriters, told him.

Well, because I don't want to make everyone known, there are not many screenwriters called to do this, only three or four, so I can't brainstorm.

But now it seems that more people have to be called to complete this idea.

"Damn, I said I have something to do, but you insist on dragging me here, hell, I'm not interested in men!" With this very character shouting, A big fat man appeared at the door of the living room. Although his face was angry, it was not very strong.

He was completely pushed in, and his reluctance was quite funny, so he glanced at the living room and then met a mocking question: "There are so many people, you seem to be doing this Brainstorm? Have a party?"

"Good evening, Harvey." Before Sean could answer, Frederick, who was sitting on the single sofa, had already greeted him with a tone of schadenfreude.

"It's not good at all." Harvey Weinstein complained, then found a seat, sat down, and unceremoniously picked up a can of beer from the coffee table, slap opened.

He knew very well that he had been pulled into Sean's mansion, and there were many people sitting here - Sean's agent and several inseparable besties, or a few writers and producers he knew, like Eric Rees.

So, if you can't leave for a while, then just sit down and listen to what he wants to do, but at the same time he sneered, and it seems that he doesn't plan to say anything what. To be honest, as a person who was brought here by semi-forcedness, his current attitude is already due to the good cooperation between each other.

Sean obviously understands this, so there is no unnecessary nonsense, and goes directly to the topic: "Okay, everyone, I'm glad you can come here, I'll make a long story short, it's very simple, a few A few months ago, I asked Nathan to write a script for me, but because the requirements were too high, it never reached the level I wanted, so I desperately need your help..."

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