Best Actor

Vol 3 Chapter 182: Is it right?

"The arrogance of the film academy has been shown again in front of people. The most frustrated person at the 80th Oscars is Sean Tang. Among the actors born in the 80s, there is no better than him. , and Milk is also better than more **** movies—Brokeback Mountain is a good movie, but it falls short of Milk on the subject.

Yes, we can all admit that Lewis's performance in "There Will Be Blood" was admirable, but wasn't Sean's performance in "Milk" mesmerizing as well? Yes, we also know that they shook hands at a party that night, but that doesn't mean Sean has conceded.

I think anyone who has watched "Milk" will think that Sean undoubtedly deserves this little golden man more than Lewis, he has the advantages of Lewis, and he also has the advantages that Lewis does not have. Is there anyone who has played several types of roles before the age of 30 like him? And each is excellent, not even Lewis at his age, is he?

But film academies obviously don't think so, they are always reluctant to give young actors more opportunities, and they always feel that there is a problem with **** characters, even if the theme is civil rights. Maybe they should really make reforms, drastic reforms, rather than painless changes such as attracting more young members! "

—San Francisco Chronicle

Among the many media, the local ones in San Francisco attacked the Film Academy the most, almost pointing to the nose of the film academy judges and saying: This is discrimination.

Who made San Francisco the home base for Sean? Especially after the filming of "Milk," it was full of his supporters, who inexplicably lost to Lewis when they hoped he could win an Oscar for this great role - at least in their eyes. So - anger becomes a natural thing.

Of course, thanks to Milk being a film about **** rights and that Harvey Milk is from San Francisco and Sean is from San Francisco, both conditions When combined together, an unimaginable chemical effect is formed.

In short, the **** community in San Francisco is one-sided on Sean's side, the formal media is not bad, like the "San Francisco Chronicle" is more or less lenient, in the **** community and their website , basically scolding the film school for discriminating against Sean and **** groups, or voting cheating.

In such a turbulent situation, **** groups across the United States were suddenly driven. They jumped out to respond to the call of San Francisco and attacked the film school in their own way, such as the tandem on Facebook, or YouTube in the video, and many media also contributed to the hype.

The turmoil lasted from the end of February to mid-March, so much so that the Film Academy had to ask a spokesperson to come forward and announce that the voting process was fair and that both Lewis and Sean were eligible for the award, but God chose Lewis.

Repay everyone and so on.

In short, although the speech was somewhat official, and none of the parties were offended, it was considered sincere, so this turmoil or movement, this slowly subsided. It's just that, in the years to come, it will certainly be brought up from time to time, and it may even become a less glorious place in Oscar history, like Gwyneth's best actress.

Although Lewis is much more qualified than Gwyneth, but...Unfortunately, many things are like this. As for the behind-the-scenes transactions, for example, some battered film academies want Sean to come out and clarify, Or Sean's donations to **** groups, and his team's anonymous contact with the media, etc., needless to say.

In any case, this turmoil is still full of trouble, not only **** groups and film schools have been involved, but many actors and directors have also been entangled by reporters. Of course, both of them are basically not guilty, and both think that both Lewis and Sean are eligible for the award, but Lewis has better luck.

George Clooney also complained to reporters half-jokingly: "I am also one of the nominees, why do you always pay attention to the two of them?"

Of course, that's not all. Paul Thomas Anderson claimed that Lewis was more eligible for the award, but compared to Gus Van San, who thought that Lewis and Sean were good, it was difficult to choose from them. T, it seems very stingy.

What kind of consequences the force will bring, it will take time to observe, and now, Sean's energy will be focused on another matter.

Stopping the car in place, Natalie took off her sunglasses and glanced at the bar sign not far away, then frowned. This place is a little remote, although the law and order is not bad, but... she gets a little irritable when she thinks of that phone call.

"I promise this is the last time. If I continue to pester you after this, you can apply to the court for a restraining order." The news of the request for a call came from a corner, and the words she said after the last meeting after the call was connected were very clearly left in Natalie's mind.

Although it was very brief, she still clearly understood the following meaning from the way the other party hung up after speaking: If she doesn't go, then he will reveal everything to the media.

Although Natalie is confident that he will control the situation after he stabs this, at least not slipping in a direction unfavorable to her, but it will also pay a considerable price, so consider carefully After that, she still chose to make an appointment.

However, the impatience and disgust in my heart are still more and more. Natalie, who was cold on the surface, complained in her heart. Not only did he fail to achieve his goals, but he was still entangled.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but snorted coldly in her heart, the **** is just like that, so what kind of **** can't you settle with this entanglement? But then again, she didn't expect this guy to feel so strongly about him.

Taking a deep breath, Natalie lowered her hat and pushed open the door of the bar. After dealing with the bartender, she began to look for the agreed position.

Natalie quickly found a place, a very hidden corner, where Sean was already sitting and waiting. Although he was wearing a trench coat and baseball cap, and lowered his head, she recognized him at a glance.

"Sorry, I'm a few minutes late." Natalie sat down and said in a very cold tone. It's already like this anyway, so there's no need to make too many disguises.

"I didn't know you liked this kind of place yet." After glancing around, she said again.

A nightclub can be regarded as such a large-scale place.

Of course, that's why it's easy to talk about things and not get discovered.

"Want something to drink?" Sean asked first, his voice calm and not too emotional.

"No, just tell me if you have anything, I have other things to do." Natalie said in a deliberately impatient tone.

However, Sean took out the banknotes and waved to the waiter, waiting for the other party to come over before saying, "Two glasses of whiskey."

"No, I just want lemonade." Natalie had to correct.

Sean didn't insist, and soon the waiter brought things over, Sean picked up the glass, shook it, took another sip, and finally asked: "Tell me, Natalie , why did you do this?"

Natalie, who didn't touch the lemonade, frowned and felt a little bad in her heart. You must know that Sean has always called her "Nata" before this, even if she He deliberately corrected his wording, but he didn't change it.

But now it has changed from "Nata" to "Natalie", which shows that he has completely given up on himself and adjusted his mentality. As a result, it is not good for her. .

But she didn't show it on her face, she still made a sneer: "You called me out to say this? What should I say about you, Sean? You? Do you think it's interesting to be entangled like this?"

"No no no," Shawn shook his head, "I'm just curious, curious, I want to know what you're thinking."

But Sean didn't give her a chance to play, and immediately went on: "I always thought it was strange - well, it's really strange after thinking about it now, why don't you Are you willing to tell others what happened between us?"

"I think I explained it to you about this, didn't I?" Natalie hummed, "You said yes, and now you're telling me you're unhappy, it's funny ."

"I said it, I'm just curious." Sean picked up the cup and took another sip, "I can understand if I don't disclose it to the media, but it's very difficult to even tell the people around me. Strange, you are so worried about being known, we are dating?"

Not waiting for Natalie to answer, he continued: "Are worried about your image being destroyed? your heart, what you build and what you keep The image of me is more important than the relationship between us? Or, in fact, you have been just perfunctory me all the time, and you actually have no feelings for me at all."

Sean's eyes stared at Natalie without blinking, while she looked back at him calmly, before speaking again after a while: "I'm sorry, Sean, If I would have known this was the case, I would have ended it in a softer way. But now, I am so disappointed, so disappointed, that you have reached the point of arbitrary delusion in order to shirk responsibility, and I really feel like...we have nothing to do right now Talked."

She said it very seriously and very sincerely - at least it seemed - but Sean obviously didn't think so, he sneered, then leaned a little closer, and for the first time showed his sarcasm without any concealment look:

"Yeah, of course you're very disappointed, and sleeping with me doesn't necessarily get you an Oscar, right?"

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