Best Actor

Vol 3 Chapter 178: the better one

On the afternoon of February 24th, the outside of the Kodak Theater was as lively as ever. Although it is always said that the ratings of the Oscars are declining, he is still well-deserved and the most important award in the American film industry.

Therefore, reporters still came to the Avenue of Stars, which had been closed, early to set up various cameras and video cameras to photograph and report on the big and small stars who participated in this event.

"You see Joel Cohen and Ethan Cohen now, the Coen brothers are competing for the Oscar with "No Country for Old Men" this year, this is their 11th nomination, can they be like Martin this year? Scorsese gets what they want, it's up to them." Facing the camera, the host of ABC was giving a eloquent introduction.

On the red carpet, various stars, directors, and producers are slowly walking to the theater in an orderly manner, while joking with each other, or dealing with the peripheral media. Here you can find any big name you want, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Scorsese and Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise, and more, indeed It's starry.

"Thomas Paul Anderson is obviously very confident and has to admit that "There Will Be Blood" is indeed a good movie, and Lewis is also very good. Of course, his opponents are also very good, Frankly, I almost believed it when I heard the news that Sean Tang might come out, he's really good, I think he deserves a statuette - ha, just mentioned, he showed up, let's Now go over and ask to see how he is feeling now." The host turned around and began to greet him loudly.

"Hey, Barry, how are you? Came here to host the Oscars?" The young man who came over in his greeting asked first.

"Yes, I will host this year," the host laughed, "How is it, how does it feel to come out?"

"Help, Barry, enough people have asked this question." The other party immediately sighed.

The host continued to laugh: "Okay, then, are you going to win tonight? Or are you going to continue to use the phrase 'you can't know the answer until the last second' What are you talking about?"

"It's true, Barry, I think I did a good job, but Lewis is also very good, he is a strong opponent." The other party spread his hands, showing a helpless look.

"Come on then, I support you." The host didn't ask any more questions, and then turned to someone else.

Sean sighed inwardly, but did not feel relieved, because the same question would always be asked.

"It would be great if you came out." This was the first thing the guy said after meeting Gus Van Sant.

"The joke isn't funny at all, Gus." Sean spread his hands.

"You can take it as a compliment." Santer laughed and patted his shoulder.

"Unfortunately, I won't be interested in men until I meet a woman who can make me completely tempted and have a vigorous love affair with her." Sean said simply.

"So what are the characteristics of a woman who can make you completely tempted, and who is in a passionate and passionate love?" Santer asked immediately.

"Well...I don't know either." Sean spread his hands again, and Sant couldn't help laughing louder, as if to say: I knew you would do this.

Although Sean was also laughing, he glanced back from the corner of his eyes. At the far corner of the street, Kate with a big belly walked slowly towards the theater with a smile. As for the other figure, he hasn't seen it yet, maybe it's already in, maybe it hasn't come yet.

While chatting with people, they entered the lobby of the Kodak Theater. Sean quickly found his seat and sat down, and then fell silent. In the back, Frederick was also sitting elsewhere, and with all that said before, let's just take a break.

Looking around, the nominees for the acting awards were mostly seated in the front row, so he quickly spotted Natalie, who had probably been seated for a while. Gently squeezed his hand, he let out a breath in his heart, and then turned his eyes away to Lewis.

Until now, Sean has never had a face-to-face conversation with this veteran actor, so naturally he doesn't know what the other party is thinking. He would like to talk to this actor, who is famous for his acting skills, although many people have been criticizing him for abandoning the pregnant Isabelle Adjani and marrying Rebecca Miller inexplicably, but which man does not have this problem ? Especially men in the entertainment industry.

Lewis has played many different types of roles, and each role has played very well. As Sean, who also has the same ambition, he naturally wants to communicate with him.

Only, there was a chance before, but before Sean went to greet him, Thomas Paul Anderson came over and pulled Lewis away. And he clearly gave Sean a look when he left, no doubt he was very upset with him, what a narrow-minded guy.

Sean was suddenly a little fortunate that he didn't cooperate with him at the beginning, although "The Blood Will Come" is indeed a good movie - well, he is actually calculating, if he can successfully participate in "The Blood Will" To", now there is not so much pressure.

As the hall gradually fills up, the awards ceremony will officially begin, and this year is still hosted by Jon Stewart. This is an accident, you must know that the previous review he hosted was not very good, many people said that his style was not suitable for Oscar, and Ellen DeGeneres last year did a good job, but The organizing committee did not continue to invite Allen, but instead went to Le Stuart, which is really unpredictable. This is Oscar's 80th birthday.

However, the opening scene was very good. After darkening, the big screen began to play the beginning, and a van drove into Hollywood from the outside, with an obvious CG style. I encountered many things along the way, Jedi Knights, dinosaurs, aliens, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, etc., and finally the truck arrived at the Kodak Theater and found that the governor of the terminator was driving, and the goods delivered were a pile of small gold people.

In the end, these became the hallmarks of the 80th Oscars, and Stewart stepped up to the front.

Unsurprisingly, he made a joke about the previous strike, and then extended it to the best movies of the year.

"Look at this year's murder movies, No Country for Old Men, There Will Be Blood, and Milk...Is there any need for consolation here? What the **** is going on here?" said in a tone of voice, followed by bursts of laughter.

Similarly, the nominated best actor and actress were then teased, from Lewis to Daniel, from Kate to Natalie, not a single one was spared, and many people were amused. The only thing that made people unhappy was that he unconsciously turned the topic to politics. Fortunately, he quickly realized this, and after a few sentences, he finally started to formally present the awards. The first one was awarded the best costume, and the guest of honor was Jennifer Garner, but Sean didn't pay too much attention, just clapped his hands when he needed to applaud. Anyway, these awards have nothing to do with him, don't they?

But some shows are still very good, after all, it is Oscar's 80th birthday, and there are still a lot of tricks prepared, just like the 70th Oscars - at that time, it is said that they brought a bear to present the award.

This session is not so exaggerated, but I still invite some people to go to miss the past time, and it is really exciting to cooperate with the various historical events displayed on the screen.

In addition, singing and dancing are also indispensable. Interestingly, the organizing committee asked Amy Adams, the heroine of "Magic", to sing a theme song.

"Enchanted" is a Disney work, a G-rated family carnival work that alternates between animation and reality. As always, a large number of songs are interspersed, and these songs are basically sung by actors who play characters .

However, it was a little surprising to have actors sing at the Oscars. Although Sean also sang as an actor, it was Terri.

Amy Adams controlled herself very well, and it was not bad to sing infectiously on the stage, well, there is always a reason for the organizing committee to arrange this.

Maybe I can get her to work twice in the future. Sean, who was sitting below, had such a thought, and then he frowned again. Damn it, why do you think like this? Indulgence has already been indulged, why can't it be adjusted?

In fact, he knows the reason, but some things can't be turned back without the south wall, and even if they don't hurt, they can't be turned back.

Well, let's not talk about this, as several awards went on, it was finally the first performance award-Best Supporting Actor.

"The nominees for Best Supporting Actor are...", as always, presented by Jennifer Hudson, last year's Best Supporting Actress winner.

The first one mentioned is Sean, nominated for "Death of the Sharpshooter", watching his appearance on the big screen, no matter how calm he acts, his heartbeat will inevitably speed up a bit.

For this award, he is both yearning and worried now, if he can get it, it will be his first golden statuette, which is already amazing compared to other male actors born in the 1980s . But once this is the case, it means that he will miss the best actor tonight, and the film academy will not award two acting awards to the same person at the same Oscar.

So what is the end result? Sean squeezed his fist involuntarily, knowing that Jennifer Hudson read the name: "Javier Bardem, No Country for Old Men!"

For a while, warm applause broke out, and the Spaniards not far away also stood up excitedly, hugging and celebrating with those around them.

Disappointment inevitably flooded Sean's heart, but he was quickly relieved, and now there is no need to be embarrassed.

At the same time, Sant, who was sitting next to him, also patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, Sean, you should be the better one."

"Yes, I know." Sean nodded vigorously.

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