Best Actor

Vol 3 Chapter 134: another director's invitation

"Forty-two!" Sean exhaled, gritted his teeth and slowly put down the arm force in front of him, then slowly raised it, "Forty-three!"

This equipment requires him to sit in the position, grasp the arm strength device connected to the back and lift it up, while exercising the arms, it can also exercise the lower abdomen, serving several birds with one stone.

"Forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine..." Sean was already covered in sweat at this time, and the front and back of the vest had been wet for a large amount, "Fifty!"

Finally, Shawn finished the set exercise, put down his arm and let out a long breath, then got up and wiped the towel handed over by the coach.

"Very good, rest for fifteen to twenty minutes," the coach said immediately, "then we will try fifty more difficult sit-ups, of course, if you feel uncomfortable, stop, never reluctantly."

Then, when Sean nodded to show that he knew, he suggested again: "To be honest, Mr. Tang, I think you can try protein powder."

"Thank you for the suggestion, Andrew, but my opinion has not changed," Shawn shook his head, "I admit that protein powder can make people replenish calories faster, but after all, it is too I prefer to extract calories from food, although that makes me…”

He spread his hands and made a "you know" gesture, the coach nodded, and did not say more.

wiped his head with a towel, drank two more sips of water, and walked a few steps back and forth in the gym before Sean was completely relaxed. The effect of protein powder is actually not as big as ordinary people think. It just allows the human body to take in more calories. It is more suitable for pregnant women who are pregnant and do not want to gain weight, or children who are growing, as well as people who want to diet and vegetarians. Activists.

If you want to build muscle, you need to consume a lot of fat, and the muscles of Rambo or Terminator need hormones. Sean plays Batman, not Rambo and Terminator. He doesn't have much time to show his flesh. He wears a bat suit most of the time, and since wearing a bat suit, it's too easy to make yourself look strong , so Christopher's request was for him to gain weight, or at least look bigger.

However, as said before, it's better to do this less often. It would be fine if he just gained weight, but he had just lost more than ten pounds for "Milk" before, and it would be very harmful to his body if he lost a little while he added it. Also as I said before, when reducing, add an apple and a few green vegetables every day, and you will have water in your mouth every day. disorder, that would be unfortunate.

Well, Milk is coming to an end soon, don't think too much about it. Sean said this to himself, but when he thought of "Milk", he couldn't help but want to grin.

Although the posture shown in the afternoon in front of Frederick and the others is a bit exaggerated, it is not much different from his true feelings. For the filming of "Milk" in mid-April All kinds of times, he absolutely does not want to mention it again.

It's not that there was any excesses during the filming, Sean is also a big man now, but some things are obviously well conceived, but once they are implemented, various problems will arise.

For example, even if it is the simplest, two men are lying on the bed **** and making love, he will involuntarily tighten his body, not to mention other shots.

This resulted in a lot of shots that needed to be shot repeatedly. Sant said at the beginning that he would never stop until the effect he wanted was achieved. One can imagine how much torture this was for Sean.

He is very fortunate that "Milk" is not "Brokeback Mountain". He thinks that **** groups fight for rights and interests as the main content, and there are not so many passionate scenes, otherwise he does not know whether he can survive.

Rao is so, this filming still tortured him for at least two weeks, so that "Milk", which can basically be closed now, has to be delayed until the end of the month.

Thanks to the rest of the details, he was able to start gaining weight, otherwise he might really need hormones.

In short, because of this, he didn't talk about this filming, and he didn't even want to remember. Look at their reaction today. Fortunately, Emma was driven back when they were filming, otherwise these guys wouldn't know how to beat themselves.

Slightly calmed down, Sean's thoughts began to turn to the news brought by Frederick, what will David Fincher, the genius director, have to do with him?

Well, as a well-known director and producer, I suddenly contacted a young man who had only talked in general before, and I knew what would happen with my knees. In fact, the message from Frederick was that he wanted to meet him and talk about a certain script.

It's just that this message is too simple, so simple that there is no useful information at all, or Frederick added a few words: "Probably the one adapted from F. Scott Fitzgerald Rand's 1922 script called The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, I've heard that David Fincher got it, but it's not confirmed yet."

Well, anyway, a well-known director who has nothing to do with suddenly came to the door and asked us to talk, most of which were about cooperation, but...

"Have you told him that "Batman: The Dark Knight" may be filming until November." Sean asked at the time.

Because Christopher doesn’t like CG very much, he basically mainly focuses on real scenes. When the first part was filmed before, the crew took scenes in Iceland and Britain, and they were still in the studio Created a giant bat cave.

And this time, because of the excellent results of the first film, he was able to let go of his hands and feet to make the movie in his mind, not only completed the script of "The Dark Knight" with his brother Jonathan, but also got the final editing Quan, of course, is ambitious and wants to make a big deal.

So the shooting cycle was stretched for a long time, although there was a lot of rest time, according to the information passed in, sometimes even for half a month. Although this can allow Sean to better adjust himself, it also limits him. You must know that in addition to the resounding name of Playboy, he also has the nickname of a model worker.

At the beginning of the year, seven or eight films in which he acted were released. Even if it was brought about by chance, it was enough to show his diligence. But after doing this, apart from "The Dark Knight", it is basically impossible for him to have any connection with other movies this year and next year.

In fact, if he hadn't seized the spare time and used the time before the shooting of "The Dark Knight" to complete "Milk", Sean would probably have a very headache.

"I don't," Frederick replied to Sean's hesitation, "After all, what is the matter, you need to interview to find out, he did not say on the phone, yes I want you to play a role."

Still understand Sean's thoughts.

In any case, David Fincher is a director with great personality and popularity. Although he was born in commercials and MTV like Michael Bay, his path is completely different from that of Michael Bay. . Michael Bay has brought his explosion aesthetics to the extreme. No matter what kind of subject matter, only one or two explosions can be reconciled. Even if it is "Escape from the Clone Island" that has some connotations, there are still car chase scenes and explosion scenes. .

Of course, this also caused him to fail again after "Pearl Harbor". It's a pity that Scarlett's performance, if not for DreamWorks, was recommended to direct "Transformers". I'm afraid I still don't know when I will be able to turn over.

David Fincher has gone all the way to the dark in cult-style movies, "Seven Deadly Sins", "Fight Club", "Zodiac", etc., all show strong Noir style, even the more commercial "Mind Game" and "Thriller Room", so he is called a director who does not stray from conventional film language.

As a well-known independent film director and producer, if there is a chance, Sean naturally wants to cooperate. have cooperated once. So, even though there are still many questions, since the other party has already sent an invitation, it is no big deal to go and see first. Like Frederick said, maybe they are really here to pull investment or find distribution?

Let's put down some tangled psychology, Sean moved his body and walked to the coach: "Let's continue."

Meeting with David Fincher was in his office. The other party originally planned to meet Sean at a cafe or club outside, but Sean, in order to show his respect, still Decided to visit in person.

"Hi Sean."

"Hello, David."

The two shook hands, David made a gesture of please, and the two sat down immediately, and then Sean looked at each other unceremoniously. His height is only a little shorter than himself. Like all directors, he has a lean beard. Although his hair is relatively small and his forehead is exposed, he is very energetic and his eyes are bright. One of my own comments: I have some evil thoughts that are different from ordinary people.

Then, Sean suddenly found that while he was looking at the other party, the other party was also looking at himself. At this time, his eyes met, and he was aware of it, and the other party was also aware of it, and he was suddenly somewhat embarrassed. However, both of them quickly recovered, and then they both laughed. Although the assistants and managers who came with them were confused, they all tacitly agreed without saying a word.

"Nice to meet you, Sean." David held out his hand again.

"Nice to meet you too, David." Sean shook his hand again.

Although they only met for a few minutes, but because of that action, they both knew that the other was a very active person, so they didn't say a word, and David went straight to the theme: "I invite you to come here, yes Because there is a script I want you to read."

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button?" Sean immediately raised his eyebrows and asked, showing that he had done his homework.

"Yes, Brad recommended you as the male lead." Finch nodded.

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