Begin the Holy Grail War with the Sombra Legion

Chapter 119 Origin Bullet and 3 Crane Wings

"Ah, ah..."

The wrapped mercury ball scattered and turned into mercury sprinkled on the ground again. Kenneth collapsed on the ground, his face twisted, and his fingers flicked uncontrollably.

"How dare you..."

The look in his eyes looking at Emiya Kiritsugu has already turned into undisguised hatred.

In the end, under great physical and mental pain, he passed out.


Sola exclaimed, half kneeling on the ground, ignoring that she was still supplying magic power to Saber, and activated the healing magic, hoping to relieve Kenneth's pain.

Although he usually shows good intentions to Kenneth, and his daily behavior is not like a person with a brain, Sola still understands the importance of Kenneth. If Nice died here, it would really be a nightmare.

It will have a huge impact on the clock tower, and even the entire inner world. At that time, she will definitely be able to escape the blame as an escort.

Fortunately, after touching Kenneth's breath with his hand and finding that it was still stable, Sola was slightly relieved, but then, she was about to face another problem.

Emiya Kiritsugu had already taken out his submachine gun, looking like he wanted to kill them all, thinking of the notoriety of a magician killer, Sora turned pale.

"Wait a moment!"

Sola quickly waved Kenneth's hand, on which were three bright red Command Seals.

"We've given up on the Holy Grail War! Whether it's Command Seals or Saber, take them all away!"

Emiya Kiritsugu stopped in his tracks, he was not a bloodthirsty person, especially when his opponent was completely destroyed.

The attack he shot at Kenneth before was a bullet made from the powder of his ribs, and it was also his strongest trump card, the origin bullet.

The origin is not only the original direction of each person, but also determines the direction you will lead. No matter how many times you reincarnate and what kind of individual you become, whether it is human beings, animals or plants, they will unconsciously deviate towards the direction of origin. , is nothing more than more or less because of the growth environment and experience.

Such a decisive thing naturally has a strange power. Although it has not been fully awakened, Emiya Kiritsugu still used the power of origin through the way of the origin bomb.

His origin is, cut and combined.

Taking it out alone may not be excellent,

But combined, it becomes a terrifying force.

Hitting a creature will cause a wound and then allow the wound to heal, but this is just a manifestation. Under the healing surface, the blood vessels and nerves will be randomly and disorderly connected together, making that part lose its function.

For a magician, it is even more terrifying. A magic circuit is something as precise as a circuit. If it is restarted and cut off, after a random connection, the magician is equivalent to abolished.

This is the result obtained by Kiritsugu with thirty-seven samples harvested from thirty-seven rounds of priming bombs, no matter how excellent it is, there will be no exceptions.

It was almost impossible for Kenneth to survive as a magician, Kiritsugu was sure of this, but Saber's temptation made him pause.

In the situation where the servants of this class are too strong, it is a seamless strategy to have a strong follower who is attacking from the front and cooperate with the assassination of himself and Archer.

What's more, he doesn't lack candidates for Master, and Irisviel is undoubtedly a trustworthy companion.

Thinking of this, Emiya Kiritsugu took out a self-compulsory essay from his bosom, which he had prepared before coming, and it was just for this situation.

After making some slight changes, he threw it to Sola.

"Sign it and I'll give you thirty seconds or I'll shoot you,"

Sola took the testimonial, showing an expression of amnesty.


"Kotomine Kirei."

Archer looked at the stiff, serious priest, but was not fooled by this appearance.

"In a sense, as long as I kill you, this Holy Grail War can be considered my victory?"

This priest is a scourge to the world, even if there is no that shiny golden guy this time, he shouldn't be kept.


Kotomine Kirei looked at Archer calmly, and slashed the three black keys with his fingertips, extending the sharp blade.

"Obviously you are very similar to me, you are an empty person."

As a person who can't get what he wants, Kotomine Kirei is always particularly sensitive to the smell of the same kind.

"You should also not be able to obtain the happiness of ordinary people. You just spent your life like me, but in the end you became a heroic spirit who was sung. That is to say, have you found the answer?"

Kotomine Kirei looked like a curious baby, "Then why do you want to stop me? Apart from seeking answers, I have no malicious intentions, even if I quit the Holy Grail War, as long as you tell me what the answer I am looking for is .”

"It's very similar to you. It's the second disgusting thing I've heard in my life."

Archer's voice revealed obvious displeasure, he didn't answer Kotomine Kirei's words, but he didn't refute.

No one knows better than Emiya Shirou what kind of person he is.

Empty, idealistic, like this priest, Shirou Emiya cannot feel the happiness of ordinary people, and can only feel warmth through the happiness of others.

So he is a good old man who never stops, an incompetent who will not resist when he is treated unfairly, because, even if it is bullying, as long as others can feel happiness, Emiya Shirou will feel very warm.

He does not live for the purpose of helping others, but a fanatic who lives to feel happy and for others.

What selflessness and ideals are just sad and naive excuses, so that guy will not hesitate to cause even greater tragedy for his own happiness.

Kotomine Kirei was right, but Emiya Shirou was a similar kind to him.

Being said to be similar to Emiya Shiro is the most disgusting thing for Archer.

The transpiring magic power gathered in Archer's palm, condensing into his usual black and white double swords.

After throwing it round and round on both sides, the second pair of twin swords began to condense, held in his palm, and slashed towards Kotomine Kirei. However, just when he touched the black key that Kotomine Kirei used to block, the second pair The second pair of swords were bounced off again.

The brand-new black and white double swords were held by Archer in the palm of his hand, and he launched a new attack, and the two pairs of swirling blades also flew towards Kotomine Kirei from an incredible angle. At this time, the priest who was fighting with Archer had no evasion. of space.

This is an unavoidable move that Archer has created in countless battles in conjunction with his own unique fighting style.

Archer, who knew the tricky Bajiquan and Kotomine Kirei's combat intuition, used his ultimate move from the very beginning, so he must avoid future troubles.

Kotomine Kirei had absolutely no chance of surviving this blow.

"Three Company of Crane Wings!"

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