Before The College Entrance Examination, 20 Years Later, I Sent A Text Message

Chapter 233 Stars In Front Of People, Big Shots In The Back

Hong Kong Theatre.

In the largest movie hall where the premiere of "Within Ten Meters" was held, Chen Yu, sitting in the middle of the first row, squinted and watched the movie with thousands of people.

On his left is the film's director Li Rong, and on his right is the movie's heroine, Fu Yunke.

Fu Yunke, who is only 18 years old, is the latest Miss Xiangjiang champion. This girl was signed in by Li Rong's Galaxy Imaging as soon as she won the honor of Miss Xiangjiang champion.

As we all know, Xiangjiang Film has been going downhill in recent years, and going downhill has become the new normal of Xiangjiang Film.

However, there are still talents in the Hong Kong film and television industry.

From time to time, there will be one or two amazing talents in the Chinese film and television industry.

For example, Li Rong, such as Fu Yunke, are rare talents.

The only difference is... Li Rong relies on his talent as a director, while Fu Yunke relies on his amazing beauty.

It is said that the reason why Li Rong pushed to create "Within Ten Meters" this time, an action movie led by Heung Kong Film and Television Company, was because after seeing Fu Yunke, he was inspired and confident.

In other words, before this movie, Li Rong had not directed a movie led by Heung Kong Film and Television for a long time.

So, here comes the question - is Fu Yunke really that beautiful?

From Chen Yu's point of view, this girl is indeed extremely beautiful. Looking at the entire Huayu film and television industry, it is estimated that Song Yingzi, the first beauty in the mainland, can compare with her.

Song Yingzi, he is very familiar.

After all, he had slept in a certain time and space before.

But even so, he still felt that Fu Yunke and Song Yingzi had their own victories.

In terms of style, Song Yingzi, who is a few years older than Fu Yunke, is even better.

In terms of water spirit and youthful breath, Fu Yunke is better than Song Yingzi.

And what kind of movie is "Within Ten Meters"?

Chen Yu has a memory of the script of this movie in his mind. What does this movie say?

Fu Yunke's main role in this film is the vase!

But intuition tells Chen Yu that Fu Yunke is likely to be popular in this movie.

The plot of this movie is not complicated. There have been similar movies in the past. The general plot is the heroine played by Fu Yunke. She is very beautiful and has a good family.

Her life had been carefree.

Called God's darling.


On a certain day in a certain year, her rich father received a gossip that he angered some people because he supported a batch of precious strategic materials for the country. Those people threatened to make him pay a price, one of which was His precious daughter, who is said to be the invincible genetic warrior within ten meters, the Fallen Angel, will personally take action.

He was very worried about his daughter's safety, but he had no masters who could deal with fallen angels.

He asked the state for help, hoping that the state could protect the safety of his daughter.

Tiger King is a master sent by the state to protect his daughter.

Simply put, this is the story of a super personal bodyguard protecting a rich lady.

Does this story look familiar?

Familiar is right!

In Chen Yu's memory, there are several movies with similar plots, both at home and abroad.

He can guess the next plot without looking at the movie script in "memory".

It's nothing more than that Miss Qianjin resisted the bodyguard from the mainland at the beginning, and even thought the bodyguard was rustic and didn't like it very much, and didn't believe that the invincible fallen angel within ten meters would come to deal with her, a weak woman.

Then, the Fallen Angel really came, and the rustic bodyguard broke out with amazing fighting power. During the battle with the Fallen Angel, several dangers were involved to protect the safety of Miss Qianjin.

As for Miss Qianjin, in the process of being protected, she secretly fell in love with the bodyguard she didn't like before.

In fact, the script for the movie was written that way.

Very bloody?

However, as long as the drama is exciting enough, the heroine is beautiful enough, and the heroine's way of secretly sending her love is romantic enough, the audience will still like it.

For the audience, it doesn’t matter if your story is cliché. Everyone from childhood to adulthood has never seen movies and TV dramas adapted from famous novels and best-selling novels. The plots of those movies and TV dramas are clear to fans of the original books, but as long as you shoot them well enough , everyone is still willing to brush one, two brushes, and even willing to praise you to death.

What everyone can't accept is that your plot is not only cliché, but also vulgar and ugly.

The movie on the big screen finally entered the intense action part.

The fallen angel who claims to be invincible within ten meters is actually a black man?

As soon as this big villain appeared, there was an exclamation in the theater.

Not only because the villain has dark skin and can automatically hide at night, but also because the villain is tall and strong, with beautiful black muscles.

Many people are wondering what is the genetic ability of this fallen angel?

Soon, everyone will know.

On the surface, the genetic ability of this fallen angel is to fly. He can transform into three pairs of black wings. After transforming, he looks like an angel in Western mythology, but it is too dark.

In fact, he actually has another genetic ability-breathing fire.

In this movie, the setting of this fallen angel is that he used the genetic medicine of the legendary fire phoenix.

After using this potion, not only will three pairs of wings grow, but also the ability of a fire phoenix to breathe fire.

On the big screen, the battle was fierce, especially when the Fallen Angel began to breathe fire, the whole big screen seemed to be lit, and every time the fire was fired, a large area would be ignited.

The Tiger King played by Chen Yu fought fiercely with the villain in the midst of the fire, and in the end, of course, he won.

how to say? From Chen Yu's point of view, this movie is purely a popcorn movie.

Watching these intense battle scenes with 3D glasses can really make fans of action movies feel very enjoyable.

But, that's all.

Nothing artistic.

The whole movie, except for the battle, is basically the plot of the clichéd daughter of a daughter who flirts with Han.


He listened to the sudden burst of exclamations in the movie hall from time to time, and occasionally looked back at the eyes in the movie hall who were staring at the big screen. He estimated that the box office of this movie would not be very low.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a small hand of Fu Yunke beside him, and suddenly and quietly held his hand.


You are only 18 years old! I'm not a few years younger than your father, and the weather is not cold, why are you holding my hand? This movie has been filmed for a few months, so you haven't gotten out of the movie, have you?

Chen Yu turned his face slightly and glanced at Fu Yunke beside him.

Fu Yunke clenched his hand quietly, but her eyes were still staring at the big screen without blinking, as if the hand was not hers.

The constantly changing pictures on the big screen cause the light in the cinema to change constantly.

These changing lights reflected on her face, and Chen Yu noticed that her cheeks were slightly flushed.

So she was a little shy?

Chen Yu tried to draw his hand, but didn't.

She held it tightly.

Of course, no matter how tight she held it, if he tried really hard, she wouldn't be able to hold it.

Chen Yu hesitated slightly, but went with her.

If the action is too big and someone sees it or even takes a picture, it doesn't matter if he is a big man, and the girl will be embarrassed when she looks back.

The movie is over.

The lights in the theater turned on one after another, and the smiling hostess stepped up to the front desk, held a microphone and hosted the scene, inviting producers, directors, and film creators to come on stage.

Chen Yu and Fu Yunke went to the stage together at the invitation of director Li Rong.

Accept questions from the audience and interviews from the media.

When they got up, the audience burst into warm applause.

Many in the audience applauded excitedly.

Maybe for directors and starring actors, they hope that their movies can be more artistic, but for fans, popcorn movies are great! No artistry is better.

Many movie fans are terrified of commercial films that add artistic elements. Most people come to the cinema just to have a good time.

No other requirements.

But many directors clearly claim that they are shooting commercial blockbusters, but in fact, they teach everyone the truth of being a human being in the movie.

It feels like movie fans are paying for tickets to come in for ideological education.

And today's "Within Ten Meters" starring Chen Yu and Fu Yunke satisfied most of the audience.

The heroine is pretty enough, the drama is exciting enough, and the heroine's role against the hero is sweet enough, and everyone is satisfied.

Especially for the fans of Xiangjiang, it is really content.

How long has it been since you saw such a pure popcorn action movie in Hong Kong?

"Thank you Director Li, Brother Yu, Miss Fu Yunke, and thank you to all the creators for presenting such a wonderful action blockbuster for us, Director Li! Can you share with us some of your experience in shooting this film? Media friends and movie fans are very interested!"

The hostess said with a smile on her face, and held the microphone in front of director Li Rong.

Li Rong looked at the eyes of the scene staring at him with some emotion, and turned to look at Chen Yu and Fu Yunke beside him.

He smiled and said, "My experience... I want to say that for a director who is used to shooting action movies, it is really too happy and too important to be able to work with first-class action actors!"

Chen Yu hurriedly smiled and raised his hand, putting his hands together, showing humility.

Li Rong smiled, glanced at Fu Yunke, who was looking at him, and hurriedly added: "Of course, I am very happy to be able to work with a beautiful actress like Miss Fu Yunke!"

Fu Yunke blushed slightly, and hurriedly bowed to show humility.

There was also a good-hearted laughter.

Li Rong: "As for this movie, everyone just watched it. In terms of the plot, it's actually very simple, right?"

Many people nodded thoughtfully.

Li Rong: "Actually, I personally always feel that a good action movie doesn't need to be very complicated in terms of plot. The more classic action movies are, the simpler the plot will be. This is the common characteristic of many classic action movies in the past, and they So to be able to become a classic, I think the role of an actor is far greater than that of a director! It is a good actor, especially an action actor, who can turn those action movie scripts with simple plots into a wonderful movie! So, I am very Thank you Brother Yu for accepting my invitation this time to star in my film! Thank you!"

The last thank you, he said to Chen Yu, and when he said it, he bowed his head slightly.

Chen Yu quickly reached out to stop Li Rong.

The hostess asked at the right time: "Then, Brother Yu! Would you like to say a few words? Everyone is waiting."

The microphone came to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu behaved very modestly at this time.

"Director Li's words make me very ashamed. I do not deny that as the starring role, I have some role in this film, but my role is definitely not as exaggerated as Director Li said, otherwise, as everyone knows, I am also a director. Ah! If my acting ability is really so important, why don't I continue to direct and act? Instead, collaborate with Director Li? Right?"

Humble people are always more favorable.

In particular, Chen Yu's identity is an actor from the mainland, and here is Xiangjiang. Today, the media reporters and fans in this theater are basically from Hong Kong.

Who doesn't have a hometown complex?

Therefore, when they heard that Chen Yu, an action star from the mainland, would give them face to the local director of Hong Kong, Li Rong, they would all feel very proud.

Kind and warm applause interrupted Chen Yu's speech.

When everyone's applause gradually subsided, Chen Yu continued with a smile, "I admire Director Li's understanding and experience of action films. I also learned a lot during this shooting. Say thank you!"


Facts have proved that modest enough superstars are more likeable.

At this premiere, Chen Yu said a few more modest words and praised people, and he won the goodwill of the audience.

I got out of the movie theater, got into my car, and made my way to the hotel.

The assistant Jiang Xiu, who was sitting beside him, handed over his mobile phone.

He smiled and said, "Fu Yunke has sent you a message, you can reply by yourself!"

Chen Yu took over the phone and saw a message from Fu Yunke in WeChat.

——"Brother Yu, you have come to Xiangjiang for a rare time. I want to show the friendship of the landlord. Please visit our night market in Xiangjiang and take you to taste our local snacks in Xiangjiang. Would you like to show your face?"

Looking at this message, Chen Yu remembered the small gesture of her holding his hand quietly when she was watching a movie in the cinema just now.

Does this girl really like me?

The memory in his mind shows that Fu Yunke's family background is not bad in Xiangjiang. Like the movie, she is really a rich daughter.

It stands to reason that there is no need for a young lady like her to curry favor with a star like him.

"The security is so bad now, how dare you go to the night market?"

He thought about it and replied like this.

After a while, Fu Yunke replied: "If I'm alone, of course I wouldn't dare to go to the night market. In fact, to be honest, I haven't been to the night market for a long time because of security issues, but if you accompany me, I won't be afraid. You are. Tiger King! Hee hee."

Chen Yu laughed and replied, "Do you really think I'm the Tiger King? I'm all for performances. In fact, I may not be able to beat any genetic warrior."

Fu Yunke replied with a suspicious expression.

Immediately, he replied: "I don't believe it! When filming, I was not at the scene, you didn't use a stand-in for all action scenes, and in more than 90% of the fight scenes, no special effects were added to you in the later stage. You can't beat a genetic warrior? Do you think I would believe it?"


You and I chatted for a while, Chen Yu thought about it, and agreed to accompany her to the night market tonight.

First, he has experienced many time and space, and it is indeed the first time that he has come to Xiangjiang in person. He is a little curious about the night scene of Xiangjiang.

Second, Fu Yunke is so enthusiastic, and it is difficult to accept her kindness. She is indeed very beautiful. He is not married in this time and space. What reason does he have to refuse a date invitation from a beautiful woman?

He had just finished chatting with Fu Yunke here, and he was swiping the news on his mobile phone, and Jiang Xiu, who was beside him, handed over her own mobile phone.

Chen Yu glanced over, a little surprised.

Jiang Xiu raised his chin slightly and motioned for him to take the phone.

Chen Yu took her cell phone with some doubts, and saw the note on her cell phone, which wrote: "Brother Yu, I just received news today that someone in the United States has developed a genetic medicine. It is said that it is Mellon. A secret genetic research center invested by the consortium has just been researched. At present, they are already selling their genetic medicines and are seizing the US market. Cen Rou suggested to send a group of experts to destroy the genetic research of the Mellon consortium. Center, she is waiting for your instructions."

Chen Yu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Not only surprised by this news, but also by this kind of thing, it turned out that Jiang Xiu reported to him in this way.

In an instant, a related memory emerged in his mind: In this time and space, Jiang Xiu was apparently his assistant in his acting career.

In fact, it is one of the bridges between him and the various departments in his real business.

Usually, when various departments report to him about any urgent matters, they usually contact him through Jiang Xiu.

And this is also a way for him to hide his true identity.

The effect is good.

So far, no one doubted that a little assistant beside him had such an important role.

——Gene research center invested by Mellon consortium?

Chen Yu is no stranger to this name.

In the past few time and space, the research center invested by the Mellon consortium has researched genetic medicine.

It was this research center that even first developed genetic medicine.

Dr. Jones?

Did you research it this time?

Chen Yu's eyes flashed, and he suddenly admired this Dr. Jones. Despite the many changes in time and space, this Dr. Jones could always research genetic medicine.

He returned Jiang Xiu's mobile phone to Jiang Xiu, and when he returned it to her, he nodded slightly in the face of her questioning eyes.

Jiang Xiu understood and nodded slightly.

The matter was so silently decided.

At this moment, Chen Yu was thinking: If the next time I contact my self from 20 years ago and let my past self kill that Dr. Jones, can there be other people in this world who can develop genetic medicine?

In his heart, he never wanted to let himself kill himself 20 years ago.

Because, once I killed someone 20 years ago, once the news was revealed, the consequences would be very serious, because the time and space 20 years ago could not be changed.

Once something is done wrong or missed, there is no way to change the consequences.

In contrast, what he does here is much more casual.

Because no matter how bad the situation is here, as long as the time and space change once, it is possible to recover.

------off topic-----

Thank you for the reward in the world of life and the reward for loving this book.

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