Before The College Entrance Examination, 20 Years Later, I Sent A Text Message

Chapter 229 The Curtain Ends, The Night Of The Full Moon

The torn yacht began to sink slowly.

Dr. Jones, Masako Inamori, and the crew on the yacht in the yacht control room panicked. Some were desperately waiting to die, and some were looking for lifebuoys, lifeboats and other things to save themselves.

Several robots that fell from the sky landed on the deck and began to help these people make choices.

Exclamations, screams, and running sounds, mixed together, seemed extremely chaotic.

Dr. Jones didn't want to die, so he quickly ran out of the control room, preparing to grab a lifeboat to escape.

He succeeded.

As a Tyrannosaurus Rex genetic warrior, he competed with the ordinary crew for a lifeboat, and there was no suspense at all, and he was soon snatched into a lifeboat.

He jumped and jumped into the lifeboat.

Still on the sinking white yacht, Masako Inamori, who ran in a hurry, shouted: "Me! Me! Take me with you..."

Before he finished speaking, a robot jumped onto the lifeboat that Dr. Jones had just grabbed.

How can this small lifeboat withstand the weight of a robot more than ten meters high?


Dr. Jones yelled in horror, but it was over.

The small lifeboat was trampled by the robot and capsized immediately.

Dr. Jones sinks with the robot.

The next moment, the water splashed everywhere, and Dr. Jones, whose hands and feet had already turned into the claws of Tyrannosaurus Rex, quickly stepped on the robot's huge body and jumped, trying to jump back to the sinking white yacht.

The sea surging, the robot's right hand raised, and a large knife in his hand caused a splash of water in the sky, and with a snort, he slashed Dr. Jones, who was flying in the air, in two.


Dr. Jones lowered his head in horror, seeing his lower body falling to the sea, his eyes suddenly turned desperate.

Masako Inamori on the yacht was so startled that she raised her hand to cover her mouth tightly, and her eyes also became desperate.



In the forest where the bullets were blazing, Chen Yu, who was transformed into a fierce tiger, dashed fast with a gust of wind, his speed was not unpleasant.

But the second batch of black-clothed gunmen sent by Dr. Jones were also genetic warriors. Although their speed was not as fast as Chen Yu's, the guns in their hands made up for the gap in speed.

And their advantage in numbers, Chen Yu could not make up for it for a while.

Counting the previous shot, Chen Yu already had three bullet holes in his body at this time, and blood was flowing from the bullet holes.

But the hatred for the little devil in his bones made him still not give up fighting.


With an angry tiger roar, his figure suddenly jumped up, the gorgeous body of a tiger leaped to a height of more than two meters, and stomped on a big tree with one foot, which suddenly made him jump out at a faster speed. At the same time, this kick also made his direction suddenly change.

He suddenly threw a black-clothed gunman down, and with a ferocious tiger's mouth, he snapped the gunman's neck with a snap.

"Bang bang..."

With his body vertical, he left here, and there were two more bullet holes on the ground where he had just stopped briefly.

There was a whirring sound in his mouth, and the continuous fierce battles consumed a lot of his physical strength. If the physical strength of the tiger's body was not strong enough, let alone three shots on him, even if he missed one shot, he Such a high-intensity battle has already exhausted his stamina.

"Bang bang bang..."

The bullets shot from everywhere chased his figure, making him not dare to stop for a moment.


There was another angry tiger roar, and he, who had been rushing westward, suddenly turned in a direction and angrily rushed towards the two black-clothed gunmen in the southwest direction.

Seeing him pounce, the faces of the two gunmen changed drastically, and they wanted to escape subconsciously.

But their reaction time was still too slow.

Chen Yu, who maintained the body of a fierce tiger, rushed past them, and swung his two front paws left and right in the air, slicing across the necks of the two men at the same time.

When a lot of blood spurted out from the necks of the two, Chen Yu's four feet fell to the ground, and as soon as the soles of his feet touched the ground, he didn't stop, his figure flashed to the right, and instantly flashed behind a big tree.

"Bang bang bang..."

A dozen bullets almost hit him, sending branches flying and soil splashing on the ground.

behind the tree.

Chen Yu paused temporarily and looked back at his tail.

Bloody, just now, a bullet broke his tail.

Then he looked down at the three bloody bullet holes in his waist and abdomen, and there was helplessness in his eyes.

Willing to kill thieves, powerless to return to the sky...

There are still many enemies, but he is a fierce tiger, but he can't support it for long.

The body of a tiger sounds powerful, but after all, it is still flesh and blood.

He could feel that as the blood in his body continued to flow out of the three bullet holes, his physical strength decreased faster and faster.

He knew he couldn't last long.


Thinking that he was going to die in the hands of the little devil, his tiger eyes became fierce again.

The education he received since he was a child has made him deeply hate little devils in his heart. On weekdays, in his life, as long as he finds any relatives and friends who have a tendency to hate, he will subconsciously stay away from those people.

If the blood feud is deep, can it be forgotten? Don't even care.

Can such a person be considered human?


With a tiger roar again, he suddenly probed towards the left front, as if he was about to pounce over there, but suddenly turned around and rushed out from the right front.

"Bang bang bang..." A burst of bullets shot in the front left position.

After Chen Yu pounced from the front right, the gorgeous body of a fierce tiger once again disappeared in the woods, squatting down, and when he saw an opportunity, he suddenly killed one or two gunmen in black.

Even if he died, he would have to pull a few more backs before he died!

Want to put him on hold?

Impossible in this lifetime!

Just then, the wind in the woods suddenly picked up.

No matter the big tree, the small tree, or the weeds on the ground, they all began to sway violently. Not only that, but there was also the sound of the propeller spinning violently in the sky.

The gunmen in black looked up at the sky subconsciously, their eyes puzzled.

Chen Yu was also curious, but before he looked up at the sky, he saw that there were many gunmen in black looking up around him, so he couldn't help but seize the opportunity and slaughter two more gunmen one after another.

After that, his figure flashed and he jumped behind a small mound.

Breathing heavily, he had time to look up at the sky.

One, two, three...

He saw six or seven helicopters flying in the sky, he was stunned, then grinned.


Are they finally here?

Several helicopters in the sky began to transform one after another, and in the sound of clack of metal friction, they pulled away the rapidly rotating propellers, and quickly transformed into the sky while quickly falling to the woods below.

In a clicking sound.

They have turned into a tall robot.

"Boom bang bang..."

As they fell into the woods one after another, their heavy bodies made dull sounds when their feet landed on the ground.

A burst of dust flew up.

Of course, when they fell into the woods, the branches that were broken by them also made a dense clicking sound.

"No. 2, No. 3 and I will protect the master together, and the others will immediately clear all the enemies!"

After one of the robots landed, it issued a mechanical command sound through the speaker in its body. Before the sound fell, it was already running towards Chen Yu.





In a mechanical response, the two robots ran towards Chen Yu, and the electronic eyes of the other robots quickly swept around.

The gunmen in black all around saw that they had turned into machine guns, and all of them turned pale in shock. They turned around and ran away without thinking about it.


In the high-speed shooting sound of "Da da da...", the rain of bullets almost in a continuous line, like the water column sprayed from the faucet used in the car wash, chased the black-clothed gunmen.

Anyone caught up by the bullet rain, without exception, will fall to the ground on the spot, the difference, that is, the duration of trembling and twitching is slightly different.

Behind the mound.

Chen Yu smiled as he watched three tall robots run over and protect him in the middle.

The whole body also relaxed.

His body of a fierce tiger slowly faded away, turning back into his naked body.

He said to one of the robots, "Go find Fang Yongqing! I knocked her unconscious and hid her in a bunker on the beach. Go find her and protect her!" When Chen Yu gave this order, He stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of Yongqing below.

"Yes! Master."

The robot bowed its head slightly, then turned and strode away.

Watching its tall back run towards Fang Yongqing, Chen Yu's heart relaxed a little bit.

He thought about it, looked up and said to another robot: "You! Can you help me contact Niuniu? I want to talk to Niuniu!"

"Yes! Master!"

The robot agreed, and a pair of electronic eyes immediately looked in the direction of the ruins of the villa. After the electronic eyes flickered for a while, Niuniu's milky voice sounded in its speakers.

"Master, are you looking for me? Yes? Master, are you injured? Just wait a moment, I'll have someone come over to bandage your wound, and then take you to the hospital as soon as possible!"

Hearing Niuniu's voice, Chen Yu smiled and said casually, "Remember to bring me a set of clothes and shoes by the way."

Niuniu: "Okay, Master!"

Chen Yu frowned and asked the question in his heart, "Niuniu, why is your reaction so slow today? I'm dying, so you sent the robot?"

Niuniu: "Master! I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. Someone blocked my signal, and the command I issued the first time couldn't be sent at all. When I started to try other signal frequency bands, I was blown up. Most of my server has been damaged, and my computing power has been greatly affected, Master, you need to replace the server for me!"

Chen Yu: "..."

What can he say?

The sound of fighting on Phuket Island gradually became sparse, and within a few minutes, it stopped completely.

But at this time, many countries saw the battle scene in Phuket through satellite surveillance, especially when there were thousands of tall robots in the picture. Anyone who saw this scene was stunned.


See the robot again?

Before hundreds of robots entered Seattle, the United States shocked the world at that time.

Almost everyone was taken aback.

Can't believe that someone has been able to fight with such advanced robots.

However, after the fact, no one found the whereabouts of those robots.

Because the robots that entered Seattle quickly retreated into the ocean and disappeared, making it impossible to trace their whereabouts.

Today, through satellite surveillance footage, everyone saw thousands of robots suddenly appearing on the sea around Phuket Island.

This makes people wonder - Phuket, is the lair of those robots?

Countries have begun to trace the truth.

For a time, Phuket became the focus of the world's attention.

Countries want to hide the news here, but they can't do it for a while.

Because there are nearly two million residents in Phuket, it is not a small private island, and there are too many residents here.

Therefore, when thousands of robots appeared on the sea around the island, the scene of the situation was photographed by many people with their mobile phones and posted on social media.

Too many people post videos like this.

Many people who saw these videos chose to forward such videos.

It didn't take long for most of the world's netizens to see such videos and learn that there were many robots appearing around the Siamese island of Phuket.

Everyone's curiosity was instantly hooked.

Everyone wants to know the truth.

There is a lot of discussion online.

And Chen Yu has left Phuket.

He needs treatment for his injuries, and, for him, Phuket is no longer safe.

His villas here were all blown up, and if he wanted to continue living, he could no longer live comfortably.

He came to an island outside Tianzhu by submarine.

This island is not big, it is a private island.

Although the nominal owner of this island is not Chen Yu, he is actually his.

There are villas and a private airport on this island.

Island>Cen Rou sits here.

Two days later, in a ward in the underground base of the island, Chen Yu was sitting by the head of the bed with a mobile phone in his hand, watching news on the Internet.

Cen Rou in a white suit sat next to her and frowned, "The impact of this incident has been too great, and now all countries are investigating the truth of this incident, because too many people died that day, and we simply couldn't take care of the aftermath, so , the traces of your life there, including the corpses of those murderers, etc., are now in the hands of Siam.

Although it is said that Siam is under your secret control, on the bright side, you cannot directly control it.

Now all the powerful countries are in contact with Siam and want to get those evidences, which makes it even more difficult for us to deal with the aftermath. "

Chen Yu glanced at her, "So what? What do you want to say?"

Cen Rou shook her head slightly, "I don't want to say anything, I just want to remind you that there are a lot of smart people in this world, and you have left too many things in Phuket this time. I estimate that in a few days, there will be someone Being able to find out your identity and more of your hidden things, these all need to be faced by us next, maybe, there are some things that you should seriously consider."

Chen Yu was a little puzzled, "What do you mean by something that needs serious consideration...what do you mean?"

Cen Rou looked at him and remained silent. After more than ten seconds, she said softly, "Surface to the surface, grab a place as quickly as possible, and use it as our standing place to let the world know us!"

Chen Yu frowned.

Surprised that she would have such an idea?

What is this for?

Suggest me to start a country?

Let me stand up as the Great Demon King?

This is a road of no return, once you have set foot on it, there is no turning back.

Back is dead! If you can't resist the pressure of various countries, you will still die!

"I'm not here."

he said softly.

Cen Rou frowned, her eyes filled with doubts, "Are you kidding me? You have led us to make so many preparations quietly for so many years, and now we are almost ready. Are you saying that you are not here?"

Chen Yu: "..."

After being silent for a while, he raised his hand and pressed his temple, and said with a wry smile: "Give me some time and let me think about it again, okay?"

Cen Rou still frowned, looked at him quietly for a while, then suddenly got up and walked towards the door, "Then think about it! However, I want to remind you that we have no turning back, and we will wait for the outside world to find out our details. , no one will believe that we have no ambitions!"

Chen Yu hummed.

Not much else to say.

Cen Rou left the room without looking back.

"There is no turning back?"

On the hospital bed, Chen Yu whispered to himself and suddenly smiled, because he knew that he could still turn back.

The full moon night is coming.

He will be able to connect with himself 20 years ago.

He also has the opportunity to change his current situation.


A few days passed by in a flash.

Night shrouded the earth, and a full moon hung high above the night.

On the beach of the island, Chen Yu, wrapped in a thick gauze bandage, was wearing a pair of trousers and shirtless, sitting by the seaside bonfire.

On the quiet beach, there was only the occasional crackling sound when the firewood was burning.

He is roasting a leg of lamb.

The aroma of roast mutton was already in the air, and occasionally a few drops of mutton oil dripped onto the fire, making a sizzling sound.

He was still hesitating whether to contact himself 20 years ago this month. He originally wanted to stay in this time and space for a few more months.

Unfortunately, the plan has not kept up with the changes.

Now all countries are investigating him, and it will not be long before his secrets are dug up.

In the past, everyone didn't notice him and didn't investigate him in detail. Some of his secrets could still be hidden, but now when everyone is seriously investigating him, how many secrets can he hide?

With these helpless thoughts in his mind, he took out his white iPhone, opened WeChat, and sent himself a video call request.

After a while, the video connects.

In the video chat box, the face of young Chen Yu appeared.

"Huh? Why is there so much gauze wrapped around you? Are you injured?"

The voice of young Chen Yu came from the phone.

Middle-aged Chen Yu laughed at himself, "Yeah! I was shot a few times and almost died."

Young Chen Yu: "Shot? What's going on? Who is going to kill you? Who is the enemy?"

The middle-aged Chen Yu smiled bitterly: "There are too many people who want to kill me. It won't be long before I'll be an enemy all over the world."

The young Chen Yu's eyes became more puzzled, "What's the situation? How could the whole world be enemies? What are you doing?"

Middle-aged Chen Yu laughed, "It wasn't me who did it, it was you who did it! You are so professional, forcing me to choose between 'death' and 'rebellion' now."

------off topic-----

Thank you for the reward of Longteng Supreme, thank you for the reward of 2,000 starting coins in Jianghu, and ask for a monthly pass!

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