Before The College Entrance Examination, 20 Years Later, I Sent A Text Message

Chapter 210 \"Decepticons\" Falling From The Sky


Under the darkness of the night, men in black clothes in armor rushed to the Chen family villa from all directions. These people could not get any hot weapons in China, so they armed themselves with armor and samurai swords.

I don't know. At first glance, I thought that these people were making movies, or that they had just traveled from ancient times.

In fact, they are all genetic warriors from island nations.

Hundreds of figures, about half of them are very fast.

An old man in his sixties may be angry at home tonight. At this moment, he is sitting on the steps outside the door with his head down, smoking a suffocating cigarette.

A black figure flashed in front of him, and a gust of wind blew on the old man's face and body. The old man's hair and clothes were ruffled by the gust of wind. The old man looked around a little strangely, what? did not see.

When he brought the half of the cigarette in his hand to his mouth and was about to take a puff, he was surprised to find that the cigarette had gone out.

The old man was stunned.

When he regained his senses, he heard the sound of dull footsteps. The old man turned his face in confusion, and saw seven or eight men in black with sturdy statures running towards the end of the village. The speed is not slow, every foot landing is like a running cow's hoof stepping on the ground, not only making a dull sound, but also splashing dust on the ground.

The old man was stunned.

Village tail.

Chen's Villa.

A black-clothed genetic warrior with a reputation for speed, as if he knew the legendary light power, rushed to the courtyard wall of the villa, jumped, and flew over the top of the wall more than two meters high. disappeared into the wall.

Forty or fifty people in black with speed flow, jumped into the courtyard from all directions of the courtyard wall in just a few seconds.

The battle broke out the moment they jumped into the hospital.

Robots that are bloated, slender, or tall have long been ready.

Compared with the genetic warriors that Jones sent to Modu to attack the Chen Family Manor, these black-clothed genetic warriors tonight are much more powerful because they came prepared.

These people not only held the island samurai swords, but also wore metal armors, and it was estimated that all of them knew the swordsmanship.

The long and narrow samurai swords are in their hands, and they are very skilled in cutting horizontally and vertically.

This is not surprising, because the first batch of genetic warriors that Inamori Jiro trained were some martial arts who knew how to use the sword.

If Jones trains genetic warriors, he will not refuse anyone who comes. As long as he is an individual, he will give a shot. If he succeeds, he is a genetic warrior. If he fails, he will be thrown into the crematorium.

When Inamori Jiro was cultivating genetic warriors, he took a carefully selected route, mainly because the number of genetic medicines Jones gave him was limited after all.

Inamori Jiro himself does not have the technology to manufacture genetic medicines, and he is not qualified to go as much as Jones. He can only improve the combat power of each genetic warrior as much as possible.

in the yard.

A bloated robot punched a man in black on the back.

The metal fist hit the metal armor, making a metal collision sound.

The man in black, who was hit hard by it, fell forward, then turned over and took the knife to attack the bloated robot.

It seems that the punch just now did not hurt him.

But it was not easy for him to quickly defeat the robot in front of him. His samurai sword slashed on the robot's arms, thighs and neck one by one, causing sparks to splash around. The robot was still standing in front of him, constantly Waving its two metal arms, it blocked the samurai swords that the men in black kept coming over.

In the end, the man in black gritted his teeth, suddenly withdrew his knife, rushed forward, and slammed his shoulder into the robot's chest.

This time, it knocked the robot backwards and stumbled.

A smile appeared on the face of the man in black, and the samurai sword in his hand stabbed the robot's neck. At this moment, a group of black mechanical birds flew over the courtyard.

The mechanical birds with sharp wings, like suicide, swooped down one after another.

The man in black looked up, and Tong Kong shrank.

Too much!

Visually, there are at least more than 200 mechanical birds swooping down.

Before they came to Huaxia this time, they already knew what kinds of robots Chen Yu had.

Originally, he did not take the small mechanical bird in his eyes.

But at this time, when he looked up, he saw numerous mechanical birds swooping down like locusts in transit, and he only felt his scalp tingle.

Just like how ordinary people feel when they see a large group of wasps rushing towards them.

He hurriedly sat down on the horse, holding the sword in both hands, and erected the blade. As soon as the black mechanical bird flew close to him, the samurai sword in his hand quickly stabbed at the mechanical birds one by one.

The men in black in the yard almost all gave up fighting with other robots at this time, and they all used their knives to swoosh down the mechanical birds.

In the night, the samurai sword stuck on the mechanical bird, and sparks splashed from time to time.

Any mechanical bird caught by a samurai sword is basically useless.

Like a hit baseball, it flew sideways and landed on the ground.

Individual mechanical birds were even cut in half with one knife.

Of course, there were also mechanical birds that were not choked, and swiftly swept past the throats of the men in black, or beside their arms.

The man in black suffered immediate casualties.

Someone's throat was slashed by the sharp wings of the mechanical bird, and he subconsciously raised his hand to tightly cover his throat that was spewing blood, but to no avail, his body slowly fell to the ground.

There are also people's arms, which were scratched by the wings of the mechanical bird, and because of the blocking of the armor, they made a harsh metal scratching sound.

There was also bad luck. The mechanical bird's wings just swept over the place that the armor did not protect, and blood splashed immediately, and the screams sounded immediately.

For a time, with the addition of this group of mechanical birds, the forty or fifty men in black in the yard suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

Not only are these mechanical birds constantly attacking them, but the robots walking on the ground are also constantly attacking.

A small electrified hammer, a sharp blade, a metal fist the size of a casserole, a tall robot transformed from a car, a big foot that suddenly stepped on... that's really a big foot! The length of the soles of the feet is more than half a meter. When one stepped on it, the man in black who couldn't dodge was either turned into a meat pie, or his tendons were broken.

In a short time, more than a dozen men in black died.

Finally, their reinforcements came.

A majestic power-flowing black-clothed genetic warrior jumped up and climbed with both hands on the top of the courtyard wall. With another leap, he jumped into the courtyard.

These power-flowing genetic warriors wear armor, which covers the body more tightly, and they all wear thick full-body armor.

As they leaped into the yard, some of the mechanical birds in the night sky swooped towards them.

As a result, although these genetic warriors wearing full-body armor are far less quick than the previous batch of black-clothed men, they still have very few places to protect.

They just need to wave their palms and slap the mechanical bird that pounces on their face. Except for the face, the mechanical bird's wings swipe over other parts of their body, and it has no effect, except for a harsh metal scratching sound and a little blood. can't see.

As these forty or fifty sturdy genetic warriors joined the battle, the victorious Libra began to tilt towards the people in black.

The slender robot was punched by these newly joined forces in black, and either the body malfunctioned or was knocked out.

A bloated robot is also walking the power flow, but at this time it is surrounded by three majestic men in black, and the heavy fists of the three men in black bang on the robot.

This robot is also fighting back, but it is hard to beat with four hands, not to mention that there are three men in black besieging it at this time.

In a few moments, it was beaten until the electric light flickered in its body, and with a burst of blue smoke, it shut down and froze in place.

In the study room on the 3rd floor of the villa.

Chen Yu frowned slightly as he looked at the battle screen on the computer screen.

The last time in Modu, when these robots dealt with the gene warriors, they quickly gained the absolute upper hand. Within a few minutes, they killed most of the gene warriors who committed the crime, and the remaining dozen or so gene warriors were also forced by the situation. , voluntarily surrender.

But tonight...

The number of these genetic warriors in black clothes was not much larger than last time. They just wore armor and katana swords, which suppressed so many robots on his side.

Is it so easy to be restrained?

There were sudden footsteps outside the study door.

The door of the study was quickly opened, and his son Chen Wusu shouted in panic, "Dad! What should I do? What should I do? Those people in black outside are going to win, do we still have robots in our house? If so, hurry up. Send them all out! Those in black are really going to win..."

Before he finished speaking, his daughter, parents, wife Tang Hongjie and others rushed into his study.

Mother Huang Suying's face was pale and panicked, "Yeah, Xiaoyu, where did those people in black come from outside? It's scary, are there any robots at home? If so, send them out quickly! If you don't send them out, just It's too late..." Chen Guangguang also urged: "Is there any more? Send it out, if not, let's run away! We can't wait to die here!"

Chen Yu's eyes swept across their faces, and found that except for his daughter Chen Wuyou and his wife Tang Hongjie, they were able to maintain a bit of composure, and everyone else panicked.

Even Tang Hongjie's eyes were worried.

Chen Yu suddenly turned his ears slightly, as if listening to something.

A few seconds later, with a smile on his face, he got up and walked to the window, overlooking the battle in the yard, and said calmly: "Don't panic! Isn't the reinforcement here!"

Everyone knows how fast the plane is.

Before Chen Yu could finish his words, the parents, children, wife and others behind him heard the sound of the plane diving in the night sky.

They subconsciously leaned beside Chen Yu and looked up in surprise at the three planes swooping down in the night sky.

One small passenger plane, two helicopters.

The strong wind caused by the dive of the three planes made the windows and glass tremble violently, not to mention the curtains, as well as everyone's hair and clothes.


The people in black who were beating the robot down heard the sound of breaking air in the night sky, and felt the gust of wind blowing in their faces. Some of them suddenly looked up at the plane in the night sky, and some of them were stiff and their heads were mechanical. Lifting up a little bit, they stared at the three planes that were swooping in dumbfounded. The strong wind blew their clothes, and the samurai swords in their hands were a little unsteady due to the strong wind.

At this moment, these men in black are like a big winter, they were poured over their heads with a basin of cold water, and they were instantly cold from their heads to their feet.

This kind of cool feeling is definitely an effect that no amount of Sprite can achieve.

Someone shouted in fright, "Okasan!!", threw the samurai sword in his hand, turned around and ran away.

(Okassan: Mama meant it.)

But more people in black froze in place at this time, unable to respond for a while, but their eyes became more and more frightened.



In the night sky, the three planes that swooped down, including two helicopters, quickly began to deform with the sound of Kaka.

Only the small passenger plane remained unchanged, it swept away from a low altitude, and then climbed away.

But the two deforming helicopters slammed into the ground in the courtyard with a loud bang.

With a body more than ten meters tall and feet more than one meter long, as soon as they landed, they stepped on a few men in black into meat patties, and blood slowly flowed from the soles of their feet.

This scene had too great a visual impact on these men in black.

The two were timid and fell to the ground in fright, looking up at the two robots in horror, as if they had seen a freaking god.

Just at that moment, the two robots fell into the yard, and they both felt that the ground was shaken.

How to fight this?



Seven or eight men in black who had reacted cried out in horror, threw the samurai sword in their hands, and turned around and ran away.

As soon as one of them ran, he jumped at the slant, and flew towards a mechanical dog. A steel tooth immediately bit the right leg of the unfortunate person. Suddenly, the unfortunate person was shocked and his eyes were wide open. It's all terrifying horror.

"Have you ever seen a fist the size of a water tank?"

A robot more than ten meters high said a witty word through the speaker, and then a fist that was about the size of a water tank slammed down.

Immediately, he smashed a black-clothed man into mud, blood splashing everywhere.

The other men in black immediately scattered like birds and beasts. Some people turned around and ran away. Some people were so frightened that they fell to the ground.

Others grabbed their companions, threw them at the robot, and then ran away quickly.

Before, the robots in the yard, which were transformed from cars, were four or five meters tall and did not frighten these men in black.

But at this time, with the appearance of the robots transformed from two helicopters, the body more than ten meters high seemed to stand upright.

Immediately, the fighting spirit of these men in black was completely disintegrated.

No one is confident that they can beat these two robots.

Such a tall robot, without hot weapons, slashing with a katana? Give me a break! Their samurai swords are not laser knives, so what to cut?

The people in black were running away, and two robots more than ten meters high were taking the lead in chasing them, and the other robots were following behind, beating up the underdogs.

The first to suffer are the genetic warriors of the power flow.

They have a majestic body and a thick full-body armor. Before, these were their advantages, but at this time, they became their fatal shortcomings.

As soon as they escaped from the Chen's yard, some were immediately trampled into flesh by big feet that fell from the sky; some were bitten on their legs or buttocks by a mechanical dog that jumped up suddenly; some were grabbed by a robot transformed from a car, Then, with a pinch, there was an on-site juicing, and blood splattered immediately.

Some desperate men in black knelt down and surrendered, and some crazy men in black saw that they couldn't escape, so they turned around and desperately tried their best. Then, his life was gone, but he didn't hurt a single hair on the robot, because robots have no hair.

This night, many people in Chenjiaba opened their eyes.

When these men in black rushed to the Chen family villa from all directions before, someone in the village saw them accidentally. At that time, they only left a question mark on their forehead. I don't know where the men in black came from? How is it so fast? Why are these men in black running so fast?

At this time, when these men in black fled for their lives and were chased by robots, more people in the village passed through windows and door cracks, and were surprised to find that these men in black could run faster?

I also saw several robots of different sizes.

In the darkness of the night, the mechanical bird, which was about the size of a pigeon, was ignored by the villagers, thinking it was a flock of birds.

The mechanical dog in a dog's skin was not much different from a real dog in the dark, and was ignored by many villagers.

But there are several other robots that no one can ignore.

In particular, the two were more than ten meters high. Every time they took a step, there were robots six or seven meters away, which stunned the villagers.


There are children whose eyes light up.


There are also children who call the two robots that way.

"What is this thing that's become fine?"

Some old people suspect that this is a ghost.

"Are you shooting a movie? Where are the camera and the director?" Some women thought it should be a movie.


Chen Family Villa, the window of the study room on the 3rd floor.

Chen Yu put his hands behind his waist, squinting at the men in black who were chased by his robot under the night.

His original level of education is average, but he has many memories related to time and space in his mind, and in those memories, there are languages ​​of several countries.

When he heard a few people in black in the yard running away and shouted "Okasan" and "Otosan" in horror, he knew where these people in black came from tonight.

Coupled with the fact that these men in black are almost all armed with an island samurai sword tonight, the identity of these men in black is even more obvious.

"Dad, I want a robot!"

Suddenly, the voice of his son Chen Wusu came from behind.

Chen Yu smiled, didn't look back, and said casually, "You can think, it's your right."

Chen Wuju was stunned and asked gloomily: "Dad, you have so many robots, can't you give me one of them? The big one is not good, just give me a small one!"

Chen Yu smiled and ignored him.

joke! Such a dangerous thing, can you give him a toy?

Children can't even play with fire, let alone robots?

------off topic-----

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