Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 595: Director Lin went to Guobei County to collect the account

The brokerage company went bankrupt before I took the stage https://

"Next, let us welcome the guests who are here today!"

"Weekend Meetup" is a less professional song show. Compared with "Music Without Boundaries" that Xia Yan participated in before, the professionalism of this show is not so high, but at the same time of sacrificing professionalism, this The entertainment of the programs has also been enhanced a lot, so the ratings are much better than "Music Without Boundaries".

Coupled with the current popularity of Xia Yan, when new songs and new albums are released, they are no longer so dependent on the help of professional song-playing programs. As long as they follow the normal announcement and post all the notices, the new songs can definitely be directly uploaded. List.

But what position you can get on the charts and what your final score will be depends on the song itself.

However, Xia Yan believes that from the quality of Lin Fan's tailor-made album, the final result will not be bad.

"Weekend Meetup" is an indoor variety show, which mainly involves inviting several guests at the same time, forming a confrontation group with the host team, and then playing games. The performances of the guests were interspersed during the period, and the games were mostly related to singing.

For example, guess the lyrics, such as the song solitaire, such as stepping on the rhythm, for example, guessing the title of the song, etc. Although it is not a professional program, it can also be side by side, and then it is easy to come out when playing games. Laughing fruit.

Although Xia Yan prefers to participate in programs such as "Music Without Boundaries", he also understands that such entertainment programs are more popular now, and the traditional song-playing model can no longer satisfy audiences and fans who want to interact with singers and artists. Demand.

The flow is like this, it can't be changed, it can only be joined.

A row of six guests stood at the stage according to the positions arranged by the director group, waiting for the moment of their final appearance.

The six guests, counting from left to right, are an actress, a male singer, Xia Yan, Ding Ruirui, a female singer, and a variety celebrity. This station is also the next game group.

With the host’s “welcome” on the front stage, the occlusion in front of the guests slowly rises, and hundreds of live audiences immediately saw today’s guest lineup.

"Ahhhhh! It's Xiaoqian!"

"Xiao Qian is so beautiful!"

"And Ding Ruirui, the queen of the song!"

"Oh my god, today's guest lineup is so strong!"

Enthusiastic cheers rushed towards the face, and coupled with the live sound effects, hundreds of live audiences were surprised to shout out thousands of people, and the atmosphere was very warm.

With the sound of music, Xia Yan glanced sideways at Ding Ruirui beside her, and stretched out her hand to signal: Senior go first.

Unexpectedly, Ding Ruirui stretched out her hand directly to hold Xia Yan's hand, and walked over the front stage with Xia Yan!

The two popular singers joined hands on stage, and the audience screamed with excitement!

Xia Yan was taken aback by Ding Ruirui's actions, but she quickly reacted, showing a standard smile, letting Ding Ruirui lead herself to the center of the stage.

Xia Yan also knew about Ding Ruirui seeking a chance to cooperate with Lin Fan, so at this point, Xia Yan felt that Ding Ruirui would not pit herself.

Even if you want to pit, you will not pit in the show. After all, with Yang Hongxia's energy, with her current status, with Lin Fan's status, before the show is broadcast, it is still satisfying to ask to see if there are any devil clips. .

Before he knew it, Xia Yan suddenly realized that he was no longer only relying on Xinghe’s former owner, no longer just his father’s big player in the circle, and no longer just the popularity of his first-line celebrities, as well as Lin Fan. This is a reassuring backer.

Therefore, it is really unnecessary to cheat people in variety shows, because everyone is in this circle, no one is a fool, so you will be fooled, not to mention that Xia Yan now has so many powerful backers. Even if it is really pitted, it may not be broadcast. More importantly, even if it is broadcast, it can still transfer the responsibility to the program team, saying that it is the pot of the devil's editing.

Therefore, although Xia Yan is cautious, he is not very worried.

"Welcome, Sister Rui Rui, say hello." The host said hello one by one, "Welcome everyone to our "Weekend Meetup", and say hello to the audience and the audience in front of the screen!"

Saying hello could not be sorted according to the position of the coffee, and it seemed very disrespectful, so I started with the actress on the far left and introduced myself one by one from left to right.

When it was Xia Yan's turn: "Hello everyone, this is Xia Yan."

"Xiao Qian!"

"Xiao Qian, you are my goddess!"

"Xiao Qian, we will always love you!"

Xia Yan: ...Well, as long as you are happy.

Since the release of "A Chinese Ghost Story", Xia Yan felt that she had completely changed her name to Xiaoqian. Not only fans, but even fans of Lin Fan, did not call her own name, but called her. "Xiao Qian".

The host smiled with a rhythm: "What's the matter, I haven't received a notice from the crew of "A Chinese Ghost Story" to do a promotion! So what, Xiaoqian, go back and let your Director Lin settle the advertising expenses!"

Xia Yan smiled and said, "Director Lin went to Guobei County to collect the accounts and hasn't come back yet!"

The audience suddenly laughed!

Many viewers even shouted: "Director Lin's ledger has been drenched in the rain and cannot be settled! Let us bet Xiaoqian here!"

In the back and forth, the program group got a lot of heat, amused the audience, and relieved Xia Yan. The program director sitting behind the monitoring screen was very satisfied with the live effect.

After the small episode, the guests' self-introduction continued, but unfortunately, except for Ding Ruirui's audience here, the response was a little bit more enthusiastic, and the rest of the people received much less attention.

This is also the norm. The first issue of the program group invites so many There is always a difference between popular and not so popular. The audience's attention is also limited, and they are allocated to the first-line big coffee. Naturally, there is no extra energy allocated to other people, unless you perform very well in the program.

This is also the reason why the variety celebrities in the major variety shows are better than the average celebrities.

After introducing myself, I went directly to the group confrontation. There are three hosts in "Weekend Meetup". Except for one of them who has remained neutral and is responsible for the cue process, the other two hosts each lead a guest team.

Xia Yan and Ding Ruirui, as the two big names among the guests, naturally cannot be in the same team, so Xia Yan is a host with an actress and a male singer. Ding Ruirui is another person over there.

There are three games in each episode, but the specific games are not fixed. Xia Yan's episode is about song solitaire, rhythm and song reverse.

Song Solitaire is when the host gives a key word or key element, and two teams of guests sing lyrics containing the key word or key element, and which team sings more will win.

Then the audience witnessed Ding Ruirui's horrible song inventory after a generation of songs!

Whether it’s "lyrics with colors", "lyrics with a kind of flower", or "lyrics with numbers", Ding Ruirui can do it easily. One person can top a team and kill Xia Yan with one person. People turn on their backs, and they can't be defeated.

The anxious Xia Yan, the host leading the team, directly stepped forward and hugged his thigh, crying and shouting: "Sister Rui Rui, be merciful!"

Amused the audience at the scene laughing forward and backward together, the effect is full score!

I like that the brokerage company went bankrupt before I came to the stage. Please collect: () The brokerage company went bankrupt before I came to the stage. The update speed is the fastest.

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