Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 576: Stop it! Everything in the movie!

   "Let us welcome the director and male lead of "A Chinese Ghost Story", Lin Fan!"

   Lin Fan followed the host’s rhythm and walked from the backstage to the front of the stage. Before he could speak, he was overwhelmed by a scream.

   "Ahhhhhhh! Vague!"

   "It's coming out!"

   "Where is my goddess?"

  Although the number of people in the entire theater is small, it did not affect the enthusiasm of the fans in the slightest. The scene of hundreds of people, with the fans' screaming and cheering, seemed extraordinarily lively.

   is not at all the desertedness of the three-no movie.

   The media people and film insiders who saw this scene couldn't help but have some new ideas in their hearts.

   Lin Fan stood still on the stage and waited for three seconds. After the fans’ screams fell slightly, he calmly greeted everyone: "Hello everyone, I’m Lin Fan."

   There was no accident, and the audience responded with enthusiastic applause.

This interactive Q&A session is indispensable for every premiere. It is mainly for the host to replace the media and the audience to ask the members of the creative team: how is the movie, why the movie is picked up, and there are some questions during the filming. What fun things happen and so on.

  Occasionally, lucky viewers or the media will be selected on the spot, and they will ask their own questions and increase the sense of interaction.

   What everyone cares most is why Lin Fan suddenly wanted to make a movie.

   In this regard, Lin Fan's answer is: "It is not a sudden, the story of "A Chinese Ghost Story" itself is very dramatic. When I conceived this story, it was presented in my mind in the form of a movie.

   Today may be the first time you have seen this movie, but for me, before shooting, this movie has been played in my mind countless times.

   I don’t know if I can let you see the movie in my head, but I have tried my best to move it out of my head. As long as you can resonate with me and feel the charm of movie characters when you are watching a movie, then I will be successful. "

Liang Wen smiled and helped Lin Fanyuan on the sidelines: "It is the first time for us to make a movie for Director Lin, but it is an excellent level in terms of professionalism and professionalism. I don't know the specifics. , You will be able to see it with your own eyes in the movie later. A reminder, there is a surprise!"

   Liang Wen deserves to be the second-in-command in the industry that is beloved by directors. One sentence helped Lin Fan round the scene and mobilized the audience's interest.

   Especially those professional film critics, although they came to the premiere with their carriage fees, they still don't like Lin Fan in their hearts.

  Although Liang Wen, as the deputy director of the movie, could not say in public that his film was not good, but he took the stage and praised it against his will, and sincerely thought it was good, this group of talents can still tell the difference.

   Liang Wen’s professional ability is undoubtedly, he is so confident in this movie, so it seems that it should be good?

   The premiere ceremony is proceeding in an orderly manner, and other actors of the film have appeared one after another. However, due to the actor's own popularity and popularity, he only received polite applause when he appeared on the stage, which was incomparable to the moment when Lin Fan appeared.

   The answers of the actors are naturally based on praise. Even if it is a bad film, it will be praised as a flower at this time. How to whet the appetite of the audience. As for how the audience reacted after the show, it has nothing to do with the actors.

   With the passage of time, the main creative team has almost been interviewed. In the end, only one heroine was left. The audience was obviously uncontrollable and a little restless.

   The host received the prompt from the backstage through the headset, and then raised the microphone: "Next, welcome to the heroine of "A Chinese Ghost Story", Xia Yan!"

   "Wow!" There was a warm applause immediately.

   Xia Yan also walked slowly to the front of the stage while wearing a white dress in the agitated sound of the flute. Others don't know, but everyone in the crew knows that this background music is the prelude to the theme song of the same name in "A Chinese Ghost Story".

But the audience didn’t know it. They just felt that Xia Yan walked slowly in such a melody, dressed in white, with an inexplicable dreamy beauty, coupled with Xia Yan’s own cold temperament, and the whole person seemed alienated and alienated. blurred!

Liang Wen pushed Lin Fan with his shoulder, and Lin Fan took a step forward. Amidst the audience's roar of "Oh~~", he walked up to Xia Yan and stretched out his hand to gently support Xia Yan's small hand. Take her to the center of the stage.

   didn't know who it was. When Lin Fan put on Xia Yan's hand, he suddenly started to booze: "Kiss!"

   Someone took the lead, and the people next to him started making noise: "Kiss!"

   The media and film critics, as well as various advertising sponsors are also very happy: "Kiss!"

   Lin Fan is not used to them: "Don't make trouble! There are everything in the movie, and you want to see it. Don't blink when you watch the movie later!"

   "Wow!" A strange cry came from the audience.

   What does Lin Fan mean?

   has everything in the movie?

have what?

   is the "what" I understand?

The fans were excited, the media were excited, the eyes of the film critics were bright, and the sponsors had suspicious smiles on their faces. In short, the scene was quite frightening, as if hundreds of evil wolves with green eyes were staring straight up. Looking at Lin Fan, he wanted to get more inside information out of his mouth.

The host couldn't help shaking, and quickly changed the subject: "Ah! Welcome Xia Yan! Yan Yan, we all know that this is not only Director Lin's first movie, but also Yan Yan's first movie. Why did you make this movie in the first place?"

   Xia Yan tilted his head to look at Lin Fan, and suddenly smiled: "Isn't it obvious, for Lin Fan."

   "Boom!" The audience was shocked by Xia Yan's straightforward words!

   Is this openly spreading dog food?



   This is not the premiere of "A Chinese Ghost Story" It is actually the wedding ceremony of Lin Fan and Xia Yan! Show affection, don't show it too much, let people not watch movies at night!

   "I should be the first person in the world to hear the story of "A Chinese Ghost Story"."

Xia Yan glanced at Lin Fan and remembered the scene where Lin Fan was talking about this story for the first time in the hotel, her eyes were much gentler: "Later, Lin Fan said that he wanted to make this story into a movie, so I should He was the first person to approve with his hands.

   The love that crosses life and death is really worth commemorating in this way. In reality, it may be difficult for us to do it, but this does not affect our longing for that kind of love. So, I told Lin Fan, you must make this movie. "

   Later, Lin Fan really made the movie.

   Xia Yan really can’t wait to share this joy with everyone, so that everyone knows Lin Fan’s talent and how beautiful Lin Fan’s "A Ghost Story" is.

   "So, everyone must watch the movie well later, everything I want to say is in the movie, and all Lin Fan wants to express is also in the movie."


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