Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 337: The magical version of "A Chinese Ghost Story", is it okay?

"Hello, Teacher Lin! When I first met, I liked your song very much, especially the song "No Place to Confront" is really great!"

Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia came to the agreed place on a winter afternoon. A middle-aged man in the box quickly stood up and reached out to shake hands with Lin Fan and greeted them enthusiastically.

Lin Fan is free to deal with it: "Mr. Li has passed the award, thank you very much for your support."

Yang Hongxia moved quickly, but within a few days, she contacted an employer.

"Hey, I'm telling the truth. Not only I love listening to your songs, even my kid also likes Teacher Lin's songs very much. Knowing that I'm going to see Teacher Lin, I still want to come together!"

Saying that, even if this matter is true, it is impossible for President Li to bring his son over to see Lin Fan.

Lin Fan knew it well, and followed suit.

Yang Hongxia watched their greetings, and then smiled and interjected: "Mr. Li, Lin Fan, sit down and talk. Mr. Li, Lin Fan is very concerned about your investment in "A Chinese Ghost Story". The news says I want to see you."

"Oh, Teacher Lin cares so much about this project?"

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Yes, this is my story after all. To be honest, this story was created to make a movie. Unfortunately, I am a layman and don't have the resources for this, so I have to give it up."

President Li slapped his thigh: "I said this story looks so pleasing to the eye, it really is a complete script!"

"This is also Mr. Li, your eyes are like a torch!"

"This is all fate!"


After another round of business talks, the two sides officially opened the topic and gradually entered today's theme.

"I am very optimistic about this story. I believe that after the adaptation, this story will be able to be made into a 3D blockbuster that combines magic, suspense and horror!"


Lin Fan knew every word that President Li said, but why did Lin Fan feel that he didn't understand when they got together?

Lin Fan maintained a polite smile: "Wait a minute, President Li, Magic?"

"Yeah! Young people nowadays don't like to see any kind of old-fashioned people, fairies, ghosts and gods. They all like Western magical giants. I think our story is difficult to change into a magical style, but it's not impossible. ."

Speaking of this, the investor Mr. Li was excited: "Lin teacher, look, this heroine is a ghost, we can completely change her into a princess of a lost tribe!

The old monster behind her that controlled her basically didn't need to move, it was still an old tree monster, but it was no longer a thing like ashes, but a certain kind of curse. What is the name of that word? What do you think of "Fallen Druid"? "

Lin Fan: I think I want to test the hardness of your brain.

The investor was still there talking endlessly about what "A Chinese Ghost Story" in his mind was like.

"The starting point for the male lead to collect the bills is very good. I don't think it needs to be changed, but you can change the knight's side. How about a legendary knight? The duel between the knight and the druid is still very interesting? Or Teacher Lin prefers the mage profession?"

"As for the last female protagonist being married to the old black mountain demon, I think it should be very interesting to change to the female protagonist being taken away by the dark dragon. After the knight leads the male protagonist to defeat the dragon, they are assigned to the dragon. There were mountains of gold and silver treasures piled up in the palace, and I have lived a happy life ever since."

Yang Hongxia has also seen this story, but after listening to the investor's adaptation, how do you feel that this story has nothing to do with Lin Fan's "A Chinese Ghost Story"?

Such a summary of the story can be photographed with any name, so why bother to spend a fortune to buy the copyright of "A Chinese Ghost Story" from Lin Fan?

Yang Hongxia felt something was wrong: "Mr. Li, this story is a tragedy. You adapted it, uh, IMHO, it seems to have nothing to do with the original story, right?"

"Hey! How can it be said that it doesn't matter!" The investor smiled, "This story is adapted from "A Chinese Ghost Story". No matter how it is adapted, it is still "A Chinese Ghost Story", I can give it to Teacher Lin and Manager Yang You promise, this name will never be changed."

Of course it will not change, the most valuable thing in this whole story is this name!

In other words, it is Lin Fan's fame!

Lin Fan could see that the investor didn't actually plan to make this story well, but made a Western magic movie under his own banner.

The reason why I bought the copyright of "A Chinese Ghost Story" from myself is just to rub my fame and harvest my fans!

Even Lin Fan was confident enough to doubt that this magical story should have been filmed!

This employer is just waiting for his own Dongfeng!

Imagine that the story written by Lin Fan has been made into a movie. Who supports it most? Of course it is a fan!

For these investors, making movies is to make money, as long as they make money, they don't care what the movie will be like! Of course, try not to make bad movies as much as possible, otherwise it will affect the reputation and the next movie will be difficult to operate.

Yang Hongxia can also see that the investor is playing tricks with herself! From the beginning, they didn't think about cooperating well, but came to Lin Fan!

"Mr. Li, this is not good. After all, this story was created by Lin Fan. If it is changed to what you say, what good will it do for Lin Fan?"

"We are very sincere."

Mr. Li gave Yang Hongxia a suggestive look, "Furthermore, after the movie is released, Teacher Lin can also post an article condemning us for changing the plot. It does not matter. All the faults can be pushed to us, and it will definitely not defile Teacher Lin. Reputation!"

The investor's meaning is very clear. They spent a sum of money to buy the adaptation copyright of the story "A Chinese Ghost Story" from Lin Fan, and then transformed it into a movie and released it to harvest Lin Fan's fan leeks.

When the fans find out that they have been cheated, Lin Fan can push all the fault to the producer, claiming that he doesn't know the story will be modified in this way, and transfer the fan's anger to the producer.

In this way, Lin Fanhe and the producer have made money, and the fans have also received an explanation. Everyone is happy!

This kind of show operation is actually nothing new in the circle.

Unfortunately, this investor didn't know that what Lin Fan wanted was not money, but just a movie.

Lin Fan stood up: "I'm sorry, I can't accept this kind of magical change"

President Li was taken aback, and then stood up: "What does Teacher Lin think about the adaptation? It doesn't matter, everything is easy to discuss..."

"Do not."

Lin Fan doesn't want to talk nonsense with the other party, "If this story is to be made into a movie, I can only shoot it according to my script. I don't accept any magical changes or even abnormal adaptations. There is no discussion about this matter."

The investor's face is not very good: "Mr. Lin, you can't say that, do business..."

"It's a pity that we may not have reached a consensus on this point. In my opinion, this movie is not a business, it is just a movie."

Lin Fan showed eight big white teeth and smiled at each other, "Look, this is our disagreement. So this cooperation can only be defeated."

Yang Hongxia opened the door of the and signaled Lin Fan to go first and stay behind.

Before leaving the house, Yang Hongxia smiled with the investors: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry, you also know that the most popular artists are so unique, I hope you don't take offense. If this cooperation fails, there will be another next time! Let's talk again when we have the opportunity."

Mr. Li was speechless: next time what next time? This "business" was originally a one-shot deal!

The core is to harvest fan leeks once!

Can't agree this time, how could there be another time!

Is it possible that Lin Fan will have a new story next time?

President Li's spirit came all of a sudden, incredible, incredible! "A Chinese Ghost Story" is already so amazing, what's the next story?

After the relationship between humans and ghosts is over, is it a love that crosses races?

Mr. Li felt that he had grasped the point all at once!

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