Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 324: This applause is very professional

The whole awards ceremony was even more boring than what Lin Fan had seen on TV before. Watching the show on TV, Lin Fan could also eat some snacks and drink some fat house happy water. No matter how bad he was, he could change a few positions, from lying down. Watching on the bed becomes watching on the bed.

I can go to the toilet halfway through.

But at the scene, it was really a posture from beginning to end. Even if there were various magical skills of the system, it was still overwhelming to let Lin Fan maintain his manner in front of so many cameras in the audience semi-mandatory. .

Moreover, it is already December, even if it is the magic city, even at the awards ceremony, even if the heating is on in the audience, it is cold.

Lin Fan separated a row of artists and looked at the back of Xia Yan... who was sitting in the second row.

Today’s Xia Yan is wearing a white dress with a shoulder-length dress. The upper body follows Xia Yan’s graceful body curve, revealing rounded shoulders. A shiny pearl necklace is dotted with delicate clavicles; the lower body’s skirt is like flowers. Open, it makes Xia Yanmei more uncommon.

But no matter how beautiful a skirt is, it won't keep warm.

Although the air conditioner is turned on in the infield, the effect of keeping warm in such a large space is really limited. Not to mention the female artists wearing all kinds of halter straps and thighs, even Lin Fan in a full suit feels a bit cold.

But with so many shots, everyone can only smile and use the spiritual victory method to tell themselves that I am not cold! I am not cold! I am not cold!

Then keep your best demeanor, sit here for two hours and enjoy a simple evening party.

The opening performance was unfortunately not a classmate Wei Kai that Lin Fan was familiar with. Although everyone teased Wei Kai in the group for a long time, Wei Kai himself was also willing to be the opening guest. Unfortunately, the organizer has his own more promising entertainers. Therefore, Wei Kai can only be a guest of honor, sitting in the fifth row.

It sounds very close to Lin Fan sitting in the fourth row, but in fact one is in the east and the other in the west. When Lin Fan entered the field, he couldn't find Wei Kai with a glance. It can be seen how far the two positions are. .

Although Wei Kai's specific location was not visible, Lin Fan found the locations of several other people in the group.

Needless to say, Liu Zhengyan and Hui Qiaodan are sitting in the first row. Liang Ben and Jiang Yuhe are also sitting in the second and third rows. Cen Miaoxue did not come this time, and Yi Xiaobo was sitting in the sixth row. It's a pity that everyone is a little far away.

As for Li Xiaodong and the others, let alone.

This is someone Lin Fan is more familiar with in the circle, and he really doesn't know the others. Even if other artists are no longer interested in Lin Fan, they can't talk to Lin Fanhe in such an environment. Everyone says hello, nods and smiles, and looks familiar.

When the lights were dimmed, Tang He's voice sounded in the darkness: "Ladies! Gentlemen! Welcome everyone's old friend Mr. Luo Yu!"

Music sounded in the dark, and the lights on the stage slowly turned on. Luo Yu stood on the stage in a white suit and sang his masterpiece "Our Friends" to the music.

This is not the first time that Lin Fan has heard Luo Yu sing live. When he was in the "Morning Star" factory, Luo Yu was the main mentor among the mentors, mainly serving as a host, and rarely instructing students directly, but Lin Fan was very " The lucky ones have been guided by Luo Yu.

At that time, Lin Fan had just received the [Elementary Singing Skills] from the system. When he sang, he was less conspicuous than other students, but he only knew it but didn’t know why, so he couldn’t use it freely. In Luo Yu’s view, it was Lin Fankong. It was a pity that he was talented but couldn't use it, so he gave Lin Fan some guidance.

Not only Luo Yu, Zhang Xinlan and Ding Erxun also pointed out Lin Fan's singing skills.

And now that when he heard Luo Yu's performance on such an occasion, Lin Fan couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional. At first, he was performing on the stage, and Luo Yu was watching it off the stage. The scene was transformed, and became myself watching Luo Yu's performance under the stage.

Not only Lin Fan, Li Xiaodong and the others also felt a little strange.

"It's Teacher Luo!"

Lu Bingyang couldn't help but sigh: "When I saw Teacher Luo, I couldn't help but think of the time when I was tortured by various stages in Dachang a few months ago."

On the contrary, Zhuo Yuanquan had some different opinions: "In fact, when we were in the big factory, we made the fastest progress. After a few months of leaving the big factory, I feel that I have not made any progress at all, and even busy with various announcements, there is no time to continue. Learning, on the contrary, has regressed a bit."

Li Xiaodong was very dissatisfied: "You say this is too bad, you know? I now have time to study every day, but no one asks me to notify me, should we change it?"

Zhuo Yuanquan coughed dryly: "Cough! Watch the show, watch the show."

On the stage, Luo Yu finished singing a song and did not step down, but continued to sing two more songs, and then changed another female singer to the stage to continue performing.

The female singer performed skewers and sang the chorus part of ten songs. It is worth mentioning that these ten songs also include "Bubbles" and "Garden Fair". A masterpiece put an end to the entire performance.

So far, this is the end of the female singer's entire performance, and also the end of the entire opening performance of the awards ceremony.

Lin Fan looked at the expensive watch that was also borrowed from his wrist. The whole opening took almost half an hour. The key is that the female singer's memory is really not covered, and the lyrics of so many songs have been memorized, even the prompter. The device is useless.

At the end of the opening performance, the audience applauded reservedly, and amidst warm applause, the host boarded the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming to the 49th China Golden Melody Awards ceremony!"

Tang He took the hostess on the stage together. Although the most important thing in the award ceremony was the musician, and the host only played a role in linking up all the links, Tang He still played the spirit of 120,000 points. Without him, this hostess is really too prone to trouble.

Fortunately, the process of the award ceremony is not the same as that of other large-scale performances or programs. The host only needs to grasp each node, and then the hosting task can be handed over to the award-presenting guests and the award-winning guests to play by themselves.


"Next, let us invite the award-giving guest Liang Ben to announce the winners of the best band of the year for us!"

Lin Fan finally got a shock after hearing the familiar name. He watched Liang Ben step onto the stage in a suit and leather shoes, standing in front of the microphone, solemnly: "In fact, I really want to directly announce the results I just got, but the show The team told me that the process is still necessary.

There was a burst of laughter in the audience, and then the camera swept across the fourth row where Lin Fan was, and stayed on Lin Fan's face for a few seconds.

Fortunately, Lin Fanyou [Small Drama-Camera Sense Specialization], quickly showed a perfect business smile at the camera, but couldn't help but mutter in his heart, I really didn't expect Liang Ben to cue himself on such an occasion.

However, after Lin Fan became acquainted with Liang Ben, he realized that this big brother who looked very attractive and very personal was actually a very easy to get along with.

Pulling away.

The big screen on the stage began to broadcast the short introductions of the nominated bands. Lin Fan did not know them, but the screams of the audience were very loud, wave after wave, giving people a kind of competition. Intense feeling.

In the end, Liang Ben announced the winning Lin Fan saw sitting at a distance from his position. Several people jumped up, and then he was very excited to hug his teammates, hug nearby artists, and each other. congratulate.

On the stage came Tang He’s vigorous broadcasting voice: “The music style is fresh and unique, with individuality, subverting the era of precise listening, showing the vigor of the musicians and the high integrity of the album.”

Amidst the music with the title song of the winner’s album as the background, the winning band members stepped onto the stage and stood side by side in front of the microphone. Lin Fan also applauded politely. At the beginning, he applauded fiercely, and Lin Fan's hand was afraid that he would suffer.

Lin Fan noticed that although the female artist sitting next to him was applauding, the applause was slightly equal to nothing, but under the cover of the enthusiastic cheers and applause of the audience, no one found that the artist was just pretending. The other party seemed to notice Lin Fan's gaze, and the applause was a little louder.

I have to say, very professional.



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