The longing yard was emptied by Lin Fan, and the nearby hotels were also full. The average homestays didn't even want to live in light rain, so they simply moved into Xia Yan's villa.

In the evening, even Xiao Yu called Xia Yan while taking a bath, telling Xia Yan what happened today.

"Yes, you don't know that the landlord is annoying. At the gate of the longing yard, he dared to pretend to be ordinary employees and drive away those tourists. Some tourists even indiscriminately say that they are disgusting! If I didn't show up in time To turn the tide, they might be bullied by them in general!"

Xia Yan ignored the other useless words in Lian Xiaoyu's words, and only selected the topic: "The landlord is making trouble?"

"Yes, the landlord was uneasy at the beginning. He deliberately left the loophole clause when signing the contract. Now he is threatening to choose one of the two, either moving away or spending 13 million to buy the yard."

Xia Yan said softly: "Lin Fan doesn't have that much money."

Xia Yan is very clear about how much energy Lin Fan has put into the yard he yearns for. Contract loopholes are one aspect. Lin Fan’s unwillingness to just give up this homestay is the most important thing. The landlord probably also noticed it, so he was so unscrupulous. , And the time the landlord chooses is very good!

The yearning yard has just become popular, and it is the critical moment to see the money back. To move Lin Fan away at this time is simply the life of Lin Fan!

Although I heard Lian Xiaoyu said that Lin Fan was ruthless and wanted to show the landlord a good look, this matter needs to be resolved after all.

"What should I do now, my dad is not willing to lend me money! Would you like to help me out without saying anything?"

"I know this, don't worry, I will solve it."

Xia Yan hung up the phone, and did not rush to contact Lin Fan, but went to Chen Yuan: "Yuanyuan, please check if there is any latest topic about the yard you yearn for on the Internet."

Chen Yuan was also about to tell Xia Yan about this.

In the afternoon, these fans who lived in the Yard of Yearning uploaded several small videos in the Fanfan fan group, all about the dispute between Lin Fan and the landlord.

The landlord's ugly face made Chen Yuan annoyed. It's just that Xia Yan was busy at that time, so Chen Yuan didn't tell her the matter in time. Now Xia Yan asked, Chen Yuan quickly told Xia Yan the whole story.

"Yu Ji Wang and Mengmeng want crowdfunding to help them buy the yard in general, but this is not a small number, and it will be difficult to get that much money in a short while. People don’t want Yu Mengmeng to pay for it. ,and……"

And if this matter is publicized, Lin Fan is afraid that it will be hacked again, and ask fans to crowdfund him to help him buy the homestay. This kind of thing will not be washed away!

In addition, Lin Fan had been hacked to collect money before, and this crowdfunding matter was exposed again. Netizens who eat melons don't care about the ins and outs of the matter, but only remember that Lin Fan asked fans to spend money on him again.

Once the label is affixed, it is not easy to tear it off.

While talking, Yang Hongxia came: "Yanyan, have you watched the news on the Internet?"


"Tourists are blackmailed for no reason, and the longing yard arrogantly drives the onlookers away"

"shock! A certain internet celebrity homestay did not take photos, and even resorted to the trick of falling to the ground and ruining people! 》

"An old man fell in front of the longing yard, passers-by watched indifferently"


The content of the news is the same. They are all things caused by the landlord at the entrance of the yard that he yearns for this afternoon, but the headlines are more frightening. If you don’t read the content, it seems to be saying that Lin Fan actually hired a rogue in order to drive away tourists who took pictures. Same as people!

Whether Lin Fan or the yard he yearns for, the heat is quite high. As soon as this sensational news came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens.

The fans also hurriedly went off the stage to argue for Lin Fan, and published the small videos that Yu Mengmeng and others had sent to the group. This time, it caused an uproar.

[A faint scumbag: Can there be loopholes in the contract that can continue to take effect? This landlord is so arrogant that no one can cure him? 】

[The feeling of chrysanthemum blooming: Even Xiao Yu Keng, Lin Fan is not too much, no wonder these two can work together, the relationship is "the pit attracts each other"! 】

[Hire a mother for your son: This is not Lin Fan's own hype, right? There are waves of news related to him, daily news, hot searches every day, and it's endless! 】


There are all kinds of voices, but most of them support Lin Fan’s rights defense. The Chinese people hate things like corrupting people for no reason. In addition, the landlord is first in the contract and pretends to be the employees of the longing yard to deliberately anger tourists. Later, the proper villain role attracted most of the artillery fire.

Yang Hongxia said: "So far, Lin Fan has a moral advantage. The landlord clearly wants to blackmail a sum of money and leave with a single vote, so he doesn't care about public opinion. But Lin Fan can't, Lin Fan must get rid of this matter as soon as possible. , Otherwise it will damage his reputation."

Xia Yan understands that the reputation of people in the entertainment industry is very important. Even if Lin Fan didn't make his official debut, he still straddled one foot in the circle. This matter was not handled well, which greatly affected Lin Fan's reputation.

Xia Yan turned to Chen Yuan: "Yuanyuan, help me book the fastest flight to Huadao Island."


Lin Fan also found news on the Internet about the landlord of the yard who yearned for making trouble. After all, the landlord was making trouble in the public. Although it was finally exposed by the light rain, the impact of this incident was still quite large.

The first impact is on the reputation of Lin Fanhe's Longing Yard, and the second impact is on the tourism industry of Huadao Island.

Lin Fan has seen a tourist attraction in the news and hot searches because of the high price of seafood in his life, which has tarnished the reputation of the entire tourist city, let alone the landlord’s deliberate act of corrupting people?

Coupled with the involvement of Lin Fan, half of the entertainment industry, it is not the media's favorite news material.

So only half a day passed, and the matter was completely fermented on the Internet. Numerous melon-eating netizens came after hearing the news and joined the army of condemning the landlord in a lively manner.

However, when the trend of supporting Lin Fan and condemning the landlord was on the rise, a screenshot of the group chat was released by the media.

The content is the chat message of Fanfan fans who discussed crowdfunding to help Lin Fan buy the yard he yearned for.

In an instant, the netizen who had just spoken out for Lin Fan on the Internet turned his back in an instant.

[Years are feeding pigs: isn’t it? Lin Fan still can't spend 13 million? Don't celebrities make money easily, earning millions of dollars every minute? 】

[The fool is so cute: Fuck! Why is Lin Fan so disgusting, he is starting to collect money again! Want fans to raise 13 million? Why doesn't he grab it? 】

[You **** up: I have never seen such a brazen person. What exactly does Lin Fan's fans picture? Lin Fan didn't make a debut and was closed for business. He cuts fan leeks every day, but these fans still stupidly put money in front of Lin Fan, begging him to spend it. Don't understand. 】


Black fans, gather and go online again!

Lin Fan, who has been hacked out of experience, was very calm and didn't take these netizens' speeches to heart at all, but everyone in the Fanfan fan group was furious.

[This person is probably sick: Who on earth leaked the chat history? Isn't this point of view that it is plainly blaming the general black? 】

[Chopping durian empty-handed: Who did it and retired by himself! Such fans are not welcome here! 】

[Tian Sheng Yu Ji Wang: Well, everyone, don’t worry about getting angry. Whose fan group does not mix into a few media accounts or undercover others, just get used to it. In the future, be careful not to divulge personal affair, and to recruit gangsters in general. I will post the other chat records later to clarify it in general, but everyone’s nicknames will be blocked, so don’t worry. 】

Wang Lingli appeased the fans in the group and took screenshots of the chat history, blocked the names that should be blocked, and cut the content that was not suitable for release. After confirming that there was no problem, he posted to the fan club’s super Bo on.

A statement is attached at the end.

[It is not true that the “Lin Fan Fan Support Club crowdfunded to buy the yearning yard” is not true. Of course, this is a proposal to help our favorite Fan Fan keep his dream homestay. The fans have indeed seriously discussed its feasibility and feasibility. Operational, but unfortunately, it turned out to be impossible to execute.

Although the fancier is willing to do everything he can to help Fanfan, this matter is just wishful thinking and unaware of the matter. After learning about it, he is not willing to accept such help. He is more willing to use his own methods to solve the matter.

In addition, the person who arbitrarily leaked the chat content of the fan group, as well as a certain self-media, you have been suspected of infringing on our rights of sex, we will reserve the right to use legal weapons to protect yourself, hope you will regret it in time and delete the relevant content . 】


Xia Yan, who was waiting for the flight at the airport, looked through the screenshots of chat records released by Wang Lingli one by one.

In the screenshot, the fans were filled with outrage when they first learned that the landlord had come to make trouble, to find that Lin Fan had a loophole in the lease contract that Lin Fan had originally signed, and fell into passive anxiety. Finally, Lin Fan's songs during this period were divided into income and the yearning yard early investment. The comparison revealed that Lin Fan was indeed very anxious after lack of money.

Then it was logical that fans suggested When this proposal came out, fans naturally responded, but it was immediately thrown cold water. One is that 13 million is not a small number, and it is impossible to make up so much money in a short period of time. Second, the fans who lived in the yard of yearning told Lin Fan to help with crowdfunding, but Lin Fan refused.

Crowdfunding is no more.

Wang Lingli is very proficient in these things. Through a few chat records, Lin Fangui has been portrayed as an innocent little pitiful who was entrapped by an unscrupulous landlord. Although he will not reverse the negative comments at once, he can also save Lin Fan. A lot of impression points.

At least, those black fans weren't allowed to put the label of "money trapping" on Lin Fan.

After reading the screenshots, Xia Yan put the phone away, and the public opinion was watched by Sister Xia and Wang Yuji, and there was nothing wrong with it. Now, all that is left is to get rid of the landlord.

However, Xia Yan at this time did not know that Lin Fan's second wave of counterattacks had already achieved results.

Moreover, this effect is somewhat good!

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