Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 162: You pig, dare to squeeze our cabbage

Lin Fan settled down in the hotel and was idle. He logged in Teana Music with his mobile phone and checked his song data.

It's been 2 months since "Glory" and "Run" have been uploaded, and the money I can earn for paid downloads has basically been earned, and it's time to release new songs. Without Xia Yan's concert, Lin Fan might have released the new song now.

But it’s better now. It’s a great help to Lin Fan’s popularity to release songs after the concert.

Lin Fan looked at the download data of the two songs and was very satisfied!

At the same time, I remembered that I haven't checked the popularity value in the system for a long time, and I don't know whether the current popularity value of -4.2 million has increased a little.

To be honest, Lin Fan didn't want to look at the broken popularity value at all. If it weren't for the worry that the system would automatically deduct the money in the bank account, Lin Fan really wanted to shut the system in a small dark room and never look at it again.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

"System, check the popularity value."

[Current Popularity Value: -3556271, Total Popularity Value 1903052]


The two songs "Glory" and "Running" added more than 200,000 people to Lin Fan in the first week of uploading. Now two months later, the two songs of "Glory" and "Running" plus Xia Yan's "Running" "Bubble", a total of 678590 popularity value for Lin Fan increased.

Lin Fan feels distressed. These 680,000 people are combined with the previous 200,000 people. If they are exchanged, they will be 900,000 soft sister coins!

Sure enough, this black-hearted system! It's all black from the heart!

However, Lin Fan did not notice that his total popularity value is already very close to 2 million! He is no longer a small coffee!

This is 2 million live fans! Not 2 million passersby fans! If you add countless passerby fans, Lin Fan's popularity can already be called a quasi second-tier star!

If this is placed in a previous life, with 2 million live fans, some people will immediately dare to declare that they are on the front line!


Early the next morning, Lin Fan was taken to the concert venue by Yang Hongxia.

“Yanyan’s concert has actually been prepared since last year, and it has been warmed up. We have prepared 15 tours across the country, and the magic city will open two consecutive shows...” Yang Hongxia took Lin Fan into the venue and introduced him some Related situation.

Lin Fan also knew that Xia Yan's official debut hadn't been long, just over a year. However, because Xia Yan has participated in many international competitions and performances since he was a child, he has laid a solid foundation early. The general public in China may not have heard of Xia Yan, but in the music circle and the fan circle, Xia Yan is not the same. Not a nameless person.

When Xia Yan made her official debut, these accumulations quickly transformed into popularity and fans. Less than a year after her debut, she officially entered the second line and was close to the first line.

Before the release of the new album, Xia Yan was already known as the quasi-first line!

The number of Xia Yan’s fans is claimed to be 100 million. The passerby fans in it account for the overwhelming majority. Most of them are fans of super blogs and fast music, and most of the fans are fans of beauty, 70 to 80% of them are real. Hardcore fans are not so exaggerated.

Xia Yan has achieved all other targets now, and all that is missing is a platinum record, a platinum record that can become a masterpiece.

Xia Yan needs a platinum record to formally step into the front line and gain a firm foothold.

And the new album "Bubble" is now infinitely close to a platinum record! Only need to go to a few more concerts to consolidate the results, Xia Yan can completely enter the front line.

As for this achievement, Yang Hongxia knows very well that Lin Fan has contributed the most!

This is why Yang Hongxia values ​​Lin Fan so much.

From the musical instrument teacher who cooperated with Xia Yan Recording Studio, Yang Hongxia learned that Lin Fan still has several very good quality songs, whether it is Lin Fan who wants to send songs by herself or hand it to Xia Yan like "Bubbles" , You can get your share, and you can discuss it!

After all, the only insider Lin Fan has contact with is Xia Yan. Zhang Xinlan can only be regarded as Xia Yan’s contacts. Near the water tower, Yang Hongxia feels that if she can still let Lin Fan run away from her palm, then she is the ace broker. People don't do it, and retire early and go home to eat your own money!

I feel ashamed!

Lin Fan followed Yang Hongxia all the way to the stage, only to realize that it was not Xia Yan herself who was rehearsing, but a female singer she didn't know at all.

"This is a newcomer launched by Galaxy Entertainment, and the senior management wants to let words lead her." Yang Hongxia explained.

There is no alternative. There is no way that one person can sing from beginning to end in a concert, and no one can stand such high-intensity work. Therefore, inviting guests to the concert has become a necessary part. On the one hand, it can help the singer for a while, so that the singer can take a break and step down and change his style.

Well, you can also give the audience time to go to the bathroom.

On the other hand, invited guests can also increase the selling point of the concert, or as it is now, the agency uses the number of guests to exchange resources, bring newcomers, and so on. Some people, because their popularity is not so sufficient, need other help guests to bring some traffic, but Xia Yan does not need it.

Xia Yan's concerts are all about the traffic of others who rub Xia Yan.

But in general, it is a mutually beneficial thing.

"What do you think?" Yang Hongxia asked.

Lin Fan was a little dazed: "How about what?"

"What's the level of this newcomer? Don't perfuse me, I can go find Yanyan and ask again later."

Lin Fanfu: How about the level of newcomers in your company, you ask me? Do you want to hear good or bad? It is easy to offend people by saying the wrong thing!

Fortunately, I have a systematic combination of skills [Hua Xia Good Tongue-Articulate] and [Human Love and Sophistication]!

"Singing skills are much better than the students who debuted in our draft this year!"

Yang Hongxia was taken aback for a moment, and then realized what Lin Fan's words meant.

First of all, the newcomer of Galaxy Entertainment, who is also a professional singer, is naturally much better than the idol who debuted in the draft. This is a singing skill, but not popular.

Secondly, who is Lin Fan's debut in "Morning Star"? Li Yingqi, Zhuo Yuanquan, Li Xiaodong...In short, it is not Lin Fan himself. They are better than Li Yingqi, but not necessarily better than Lin Fan. But this sentence sounds rather humble at first glance.

Yang Hongxia is happy, this kid, there is a lot of careful thinking! No wonder I dared to go to my cabbage!

Yang Hongxia watched the performance of the newcomer for a while, and compared her to Xia Yan in her heart. Well, forget it, the company still wants to stuff this newcomer into her own hands, squeezing Xia Yan's traffic under the banner of Junior Sister Xia Yan. If her level is not bad, Xia Yan probably wouldn't say anything.

But it seems that the difference is a little bit worse at the moment, forget it, and Xia Yan's traffic is not everyone can rub!


Lin Fan finally saw Xia Yan in the background.

She was wearing a simple white T-shirt + jeans, her long black hair tied a high ponytail casually, her eyebrows were exquisite, her expression was focused, and she was communicating with the staff.

Xia Yan has finished the rehearsal of the previous solo singing At present, there is only the cooperation and interaction part with the assisting guests.

Except for Lin Fan, Xia Yan only has a stage with another guest, and the other guest performers are all performing by themselves, and there is no need to cooperate with Xia Yan.

Seeing Lin Fan, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile: "You are here."

In one sentence, three words, with joy, with expectation, with a hint of excitement, the emotions are so restrained that if it is not for the system's magical skills [exquisite feelings] and [human affection and sophistication], Lin Fan can't realize it.

In response to Xia Yan's gaze, Lin Fan nodded slightly: "Here."

"How is the rehearsal?" Yang Hongxia's eyes flashed, and she stepped forward calmly, standing between Xia Yan and Lin Fan, separating them.

"The feedback from the director group was pretty good. Sister Xia, I took Lin Fan to the rehearsal." Xia Yan didn't notice Yang Hongxia's small movements, and took Lin Fan onto the stage from the backstage.

Yang Hongxia showed helplessness, but it was hard to say anything under the eyes of everyone, so they could only let them go.

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