Xiao Gang touched the edge of Cao Shen's glass with his wine glass and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect that a big capitalist like you would have such a high level of thinking. At such a young age, you can see the problems very clearly.

He took a sip of wine and joked:

"So, you cut off a lot of public accounts and self-media content yourself?"

What Xiao Gang was talking about was something Cao Shen started doing as soon as he got the NLP engine.

At the beginning, he connected the NLP engine to his own "public account" and the self-media content backend of "Today's News".

First, I ran through all the content, and then conducted a cross-comparison of "false verification" across the entire network.

All false news and out-of-context articles in these accounts were blocked, and the account holders were issued warnings.

It is ordered that future articles must be true and must not be taken out of context to sensationalize.

At first, these self-media didn’t pay much attention to it, thinking that it was just a superficial article for the platform to cope with the “pressure” from above.

Later I discovered that many of the articles I had concocted could not be published.

Even many of his accounts with high traffic were blocked directly.

Cao Shen's NLP engine is monitored in real time and will automatically take action if there is any behavior that crosses the line.

For a time, the entire self-media industry was in mourning.

The "position" that I managed to build with great difficulty is gone!

If our three pillars of "shock body", "scandal body" and "intimidation body" are eliminated, what else will we have to eat!

The hatred of taking away people’s jobs!

Relying on self-media to make a living, the best thing is typing on the keyboard.

Therefore, they planned to find enough dirty information related to Shen Technology and Tongcao Technology to get rid of them.

However, after researching and researching, I found that these two companies did not do anything extraordinary at all.

Not only does it not exist, but it also gets a lot of praise, especially for open source technology, which is a great good deed that shines brightly in the technology circle.

Not only that, even the competitors couldn't release any negative news. Instead, they expressed admiration for their product technology. I was willing to be inferior and learned a lot to avoid detours in the future.

He even told the self-media repeatedly that if his words were to be published, they must be published in full and must not be taken out of context.

They have absolutely no objection to Mr. Cao, and they hope that if Mr. Cao reads the article, he can give some advice, and it would be great if his company can be brought under his banner.

The people who went to interview were so angry.

Okay, if the company doesn’t have any dirty information, you must have it personally.

Jin Hao, who has so much money, can't support celebrities, pick up young models, engage in external affairs, and give up after all?

As a result, they dug three feet into the ground and discovered that Cao Shen was basically a dead man.

Let alone picking up girls, he didn't even leave the house!

As for Cao Shen being invited by Cen Feng to party on the yacht, they were not able to get involved in the secret work of the third and second generations.

So I kept doing it and got nothing.

The only person who had any clues was a college student from Cao Shen's university days, but the college student said that Cao Shen chased her at first, but didn't pursue her.

The people who went to interview just wanted to spit!

You want to be famous and want to go crazy!

Cao Shen!

That's Cao Shen!

Cao Shen, who is as handsome as the sky and as wealthy as anyone in his country!

Can you still chase a girl?

If you want to work in self-media, I’ll give you the pen!

You can make up better than us!

A group of people came back dejected.

When concocting articles like theirs, the most important thing is to have 100% evidence, 30% reasonableness, 50% fabrication, and 70% exaggeration and shock.

Only in this way can people think: "Damn, that seems to be what happened!"

But they didn't get any dirty information about Cao Shen. They couldn't even find this piece of evidence, and they couldn't knock out even a single word.

If you can't write an offensive article, you can only retreat in order to advance, which will make you miserable!

So, they began to write articles to accuse Xinshen Technology:

Create a monopoly!

Destroy free speech!

And he purchased a large number of navy troops to pretend to be innocent people and cheer for themselves.


Many articles are no longer available!

The public account we love has been blocked!

Destroying the people’s right to know!

Official dog!

The whole uproar was so great that Zhang Da and Tao Jiang were secretly happy for two days after seeing this crusade.

But on the third day, Cao Shen slapped him back.

Articles published by these media in the past were selected and directly compiled into a collection, and the "correct answers" were given at the same time.

Flip with a bang!

People who eat melons compare it and see, holy crap!

These unscrupulous fake news and unscrupulous media want traffic and are shameless!

As a result, the melon-eating masses began to spontaneously attack this group of people.

In the end, this group of self-media people embraced the Ah Q spirit of not leaving the master here, but leaving the master alone, and left!

Before leaving, they also posted topics:

Farewell, Department of Deep Technology! article.

In response, the masses said: Get out!

Although the matter was resolved, it also received support from a large number of people.

But the masses may have good intentions, but their eyes and hands are honest.

Without these "shock bodies", the traffic of Youxin's official account and "Today's News" dropped by 40%.

As a direct result, advertising revenue dropped by more than half.

Even stocks have been falling for several days.

Cao Shen didn't care about this.

Technology has no values, but the products that use technology have values, and the people who develop and operate the products have values.

In a product, as a developer, what you encourage, advocate, and avoid can be completely guided by the various weights of your product design.

In the end, it can make a big difference in the content of your product.

In the current environment, it is true that bad money drives out good money. The traffic of our own public platform and "Today's News" has been affected due to the lack of eye-catching articles.

And, maybe the user will never come back.

After all, human nature craves spiritual stimulation, and is naturally inert to seek deeper understanding.

However, as a large company, this is the most basic ethics: don’t do evil!

I can't control everyone, but I can control myself.

Cao Shen smiled helplessly at Xiao Gang:

"There is something to be done, and there is something not to be done.

As for the stock price, don’t we also own the Shenzhen Search of “Lanxiang Technology”? The advertising business there is pretty good and can fill the gap. "

Xiao Gang looked at Cao Shen with a smile:

"I wish I could live longer to see how far you can go."

Cao Shen paused while holding the wine glass:

"You are not old. In the future, as technology develops, people's life span will become longer and longer.

Didn’t you see that the current national statutory retirement age has been extended?

There is still a long way to go! "

Xiao Gang nodded silently and continued:

"Cao Shen, there is the Internet now, the mobile Internet, and in the future there will be the Internet of Things.

You said that when information technology develops to its extreme and human beings rely heavily on the Internet for their lives, will it be difficult for administrative management to keep up?

For example, if your current friend letter has the opportunity to become a super portal in the future, everyone will get all their needs from this portal.

You vigorously develop the Internet of Things and let all machines run under your network.

Then, people and things are actually in your network and under your ‘supervision’.

You are the ‘country’.

Of course, this is an extreme idea, just talk about it casually.

I just wonder whether administrative management and even the form of the country will change when network technology develops to its extreme. "

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