For the concert project, the most urgent and important thing this week is to solve the problem of scalpers.

Whether this problem is solved or not is very important to both the concert and Chen Minhao.

If the problem of the scalpers can be resolved smoothly, then Chen Minhao will gain both fame and fortune, and his influence in China will be raised to a higher level.

But if Chen Minhao's declaration of war against scalpers fails, then he must bear a lot of ridicule. After all, the action against the scalpers this time was so big, and so many people paid attention.

Before the extinction of human beings, there will be no shortage of people who make trouble in this world.

Therefore, before today's meeting, the core members of Chen Minhao's studio, Wu Hongrong, and Si Ruoyan were more or less worried.

But now that everyone has seen Chen Minhao's plan, all previous worries have vanished.

After Wu Xiaoshuang finished the meeting, she hurried back to her office.

Chen Minhao has been a hot topic recently on the Internet. Although there are mostly positive comments, there are also negative public opinions. After she left for a while, someone started to take the lead in blog posts.

A netizen named "Dream Walker" posted on Weibo, "Chen Minhao earns his own good reputation by cracking down on scalpers."

"It's so black." Wu Xiaoshuang sneered, and immediately asked Chen Minhao's fans to pick on this "dream walker", finding out that she was a fan of a 28th-tier star named Xiao Jing.

The follow-up work was handed over to Chen Minhao's anti-gangster team.

Wu Xiaoshuang continued to monitor public opinion on Weibo.

Yesterday on Zhihu, netizens had a heated discussion about whether Chen Minhao could successfully solve the problem of the scalpers this time, and today the fire spread to Weibo.

A Weibo post by the name of "Daughter Prince" is very popular. He posted a long picture to explain his point of view.

"The ticketing companies in Huaxia are all bad now. If the performance company sets the price at 500 yuan, it means that the ticketing company has to give the performance party 500 yuan, so how can the ticketing company make money?

The ticketing company only releases very few original-price tickets for everyone to grab online. Most votes are given to the scalpers below at a price of 700 yuan, so how can the scalpers make money?

Scalpers sold tickets to fans for 1,000 yuan.

Chen Minhao did not choose a mature ticketing company, but chose to start his own company. Judging from this choice, we can see Chen Minhao's innocence, but we can also see that he is a little naive in dealing with scalpers.

Concert ticketing is a complex industrial chain, in which performers, ticketing companies, and scalpers can all make money. Chen Minhao is kind, but his stride is too big, I don't think he can solve this problem.

If Chen Minhao can really solve the scalper's problem, I will broadcast Chixiang live. "

Wu Xiaoshuang did not report on this microblog that questioned Chen Minhao. After all, before the show was broadcast, everyone could not be expected to have confidence in Chen Minhao.

But Wu Xiaoshuang believes that after the third episode airs, some enthusiastic netizens will ask the blogger on which platform the blogger broadcasts the live broadcast on this Weibo.

Wu Xiaoshuang originally wanted to quit this page, but after thinking about it, she finally clicked to bookmark this Weibo. Avoid getting lost after the show airs.

At 3 p.m., a female celebrity cheated, which finally made the discussion about Chen Minhao and the concert less heated.

Wu Xiaoshuang breathed a sigh of relief, she only slept for 4 hours last night in order to prevent the rhythm of black fans, and now she wants to take a nap for a while.

Wu Xiaoshuang had just slept on the camp bed in the office for half an hour when she was woken up by her own assistant knocking on the door.

As soon as the assistant entered the door, he said anxiously: "Sister Xiaoshuang, sister Xiaoshuang, a university professor posted on Weibo to question Chen Minhao's practice of boycotting scalpers, and now many people like it."

In a daze, Wu Xiaoshuang took out her mobile phone, opened Weibo, and soon found what the assistant said the professor questioned.

"Ticket prices are a major cause of ticket speculation. Obviously many people have a strong ability to pay, but the ticket prices are not expensive enough. At this time, scalpers will take action to adjust the supply and demand of the market to balance it. In fact, there is a research direction in economics now. It’s scalper economics”

This article is very long. After reading it, Wu Xiaoshuang found that "scalper economics" has reached the sixth most searched list on Weibo.

Wu Xiaoshuang clicked to enter the homepage of this microblog called "Professor Wu Gang". She found that there were not many followers on this microblog, and it was only an hour before this microblog was published.

Someone must be buying trending searches.

What role does this professor play? Was he murdered with a borrowed knife, or did he deliberately target Chen Minhao?

Who bought this hot search? Why did he buy it?

None of these issues are important to the immediate situation, and these issues can all be addressed later.

What matters is how the current public opinion guides and judges what tricks the opponent will use next.

Just as Wu Xiaoshuang was rubbing her temples and thinking, the assistant screamed: "Sister Xiaoshuang, look quickly."

Wu Xiaoshuang, whose train of thought was interrupted, frowned and asked, "What are you looking at?"

The assistant quickly said: "People's Daily posted Weibo to support Chen Minhao."

Wu Xiaoshuang stood up suddenly and asked, "Where is the original text of People's Daily? Send it to me quickly."

The assistant hurriedly handed her mobile phone to Wu Xiaoshuang.

"People's Daily": "I have seen some people say that scalpers are the behavior of the market. It is true that tickets for entertainment performances are not a necessity of life. It doesn't matter if you watch more or less of these performances. What about other important areas?

For example, is it okay to see a doctor more or less? #Boycott Scalpers#”

"People's Daily" has an extremely lofty status in China, and is regarded as the "mainstay" and "sacred needle" of national propaganda, and the "vanguard" and "navigator" of the media.

In other words, People's Daily is synonymous with political correctness and correct public opinion.

Scalpers do not only exist in the concert industry. Scalpers are indispensable for hospital registration and Spring Festival train tickets.

However, this Weibo post by People's Daily aroused wider social discussion on how to solve the problem of scalpers.

This was unexpected by everyone in Chen Minhao's studio.

Before the second episode aired, Chen Minhao knew that the discussion about scalpers would become popular, but he didn't expect it to become so popular.

It's 8 p.m. Sunday night again.

Many people who didn't care about Chen Minhao's concert or variety shows at first started to pay attention to the third issue of "My Concert and Me".

Because these people want to know whether Chen Minhao can solve the problem of scalpers, and how Chen Minhao plans to solve the problem of scalpers.

Happy National Day~ These few articles cannot be posted in this chapter, nor can they be commented~ You can go to the Mikita Plantation to play~ Group number: 826787479

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