Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 98: Lin Mengjia is investigating

Tang Feng returned to his room, and began to meditate cross-legged, guiding the real air flow. Although this period had little effect, he still recovered somewhat, allowing him to use some of the most basic spells.

As he meditated, Tang Feng thought to himself that he had just recovered to a level equivalent to the first level of Qi refining these days. If at this rate, he could recover his mana slightly within this week. The breakthrough, this is the limit he can do now.

The current level of qi refining is really too low. When he was practicing before, Tang Feng had not experienced the two stages of qi refining and foundation building because he had taken certain spiritual things and reached the golden core stage. He had never had such a difficult process before, which gave him the feeling that a Thousand Lima was bound to his limbs, and he could only slow down the walking of the ants. The whole person felt very depressed.

After returning to the earth, Tang Feng has always felt frustrated about repairing the soul. He had the pleasure of soaring thousands of miles before. This too slow speed really made him extremely dissatisfied, but yet again. Helpless.

Now, Tang Feng wants to help the little girl in her practice again, giving her all the aura of the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, and it takes a lot of time to find other sources of aura.

Tang Feng sighed. Since this matter cannot be resolved in the short term, he no longer thinks about it. When his spells are improved in the future and a spiritual formation is set up, then the situation will be much better.

Right now, let's solve our current problems! Tang Feng picked up the phone and dialed Shangguan's number.

This time, Shangguan answered quickly, with a natural voice, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Why didn't you be with Lin Mengjia today?" Tang Feng asked straightforwardly without any greetings. He always talked like this with Shangguan.

When he was just in kindergarten, Tang Feng didn't see Shangguan. Shangguan can speak to her without evasiveness, indicating that she is still not by Lin Mengjia's side, otherwise, she would definitely not be so calm and relaxed.

The Shangguan obviously didn't expect Tang Summit to ask her like this. He hesitated and paused for a while before he said: "Miss Lin asked me to come out and help her with something."

"With so many people in her company, what do you have to do?" Tang Feng was suspicious.

As the president of Mengtang Group, Lin Mengjia has a lot of capable staff. No matter how you look at the company’s affairs, it is not the turn of an officer to do it. Anyone is more suitable than her. Moreover, Lin Mengjia asked Shangguan to leave her. She has to run the risk that someone might secretly attack her and no one will save her. Isn’t it worth the loss?

Shangguan still hesitated, as if he didn't know how to speak.

Tang Feng asked abruptly, "Is it related to me?"

Tang Feng guessed that what Lin Mengjia asked the superior to do this time was definitely not an official business. If it was a private matter, he had to let the superior do it, and that the superior hesitated like this must be related to him.

Shangguan remained silent. Just when Tang Feng was almost impatient, she said lowly: "Yes."

"What's the matter?" Tang Feng didn't care about Shangguan's hesitation at all, and asked straightforwardly.

The sound of Shangguan's breathing came from the other side of the phone. Tang Feng could guess that she should be very entangled at the moment.

After a while, Shangguan’s voice suddenly calmed down, and she said in her usual tone: "Miss Lin asked me to find out what happened after you disappeared. Anyway, I haven’t found anything. I told you. It’s okay."

Tang Feng couldn't help but chuckle. Of course Shangguan couldn't find out anything. He hasn't been on the earth at all for the past six years. It is impossible for anyone here to tell his trace.

"Then how do you plan to deal with her?" Tang Feng asked with interest.

"Tell the truth." Shangguan has always been upright.

"You didn't want to come over and ask me?"

"Will you tell me." Shangguan's tone was still plain. She was cold-tempered and seemed completely immune to things like joking. Tang Feng couldn't tell whether it was true or a joke.

"You can tell her that you found that I fell off a cliff and was rescued by a western expedition. I was in a severely injured coma. After waking up, I lost my memory due to brain damage. I just recovered some time ago. Go back to China, and look for her."

"Do you think Miss Lin would believe this kind of old-fashioned bridge?" Shangguan sneered, "I was originally an ordinary person. After coma and amnesia, he suddenly gained the master's accomplishments. It would not be performed like this in the movie."

"Maybe she would believe it."

Shangguan was speechless, and didn't want to continue this topic with Tang Feng, and said, "If there is nothing else, I will go back to Miss Lin."

"Why did she suddenly think of asking you to investigate this matter?" Tang Feng asked suddenly.

"I don't know. I don't know anything about the grievances between you."

"Really?" Tang Feng's tone was very calm, as if he was just asking casually.

But these three words sounded in Shangguan's ears, but they made her body tremble involuntarily.

Shangguan could vaguely perceive the unusual relationship between Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia, and he had already guessed in his heart that Tang Feng was the gutsy man who abandoned Lin Mengjia back then, that is, the little girl’s biological father, but this matter has always been deep. Buried in her heart, she didn't tell anyone about it. As a result, she had no friends, no one to say, she can't gossip about it with Lin Mengjia, right? Secondly, she did not dare to talk about Tang Feng's things behind her back.

"I'm just Miss Lin's bodyguard, and she won't discuss everything with me about what she wants to do." Shangguan's voice was slightly lowered, and he seemed to explain reluctantly.

"You are a smart person and know what to do." Tang Feng said lightly, and hung up the phone.

Although he had reminded Shangguan to pay attention to what to say and improperly in front of Lin Mengjia, Tang Feng couldn't calm down for a while.

Why did Lin Mengjia suddenly ask Shangguan to investigate herself? What does she want to do?

Thinking about the words of the old housekeeper before, Lin Mengjia must have other thoughts about her experience, and this thought eventually caused her to break with the family and hate herself for so many years.

In the past few days, Tang Feng didn't notice anything unusual about Lin Mengjia. She still worked as usual, accompanied the little girl, and didn't even show her curiosity about him at all. Why did she want to understand what happened after his disappearance?

Tang Feng rubbed his forehead and understood a woman's mind. It was much harder than Xiu Xian, but he had to figure out these things! The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: Returns to be a daddy mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 098 Lin Mengjia is investigating), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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