Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 74: Gu Daxingxing's agent

Little girl’s baking class is a well-known special skill training school in Pingyang New District. It is said to be a school, but it is actually a variety of interest classes. There are various types of art, music, sports and literature. In addition to formal courses, there are also baking flower arrangements. This kind of more life-oriented class is quite large, but it is actually a place for rich people to entertain or train children to specialize.

However, the average children are musical instruments or calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing. There are not too many baking courses like the little girl. The little girl also enrolls in several classes here. In addition to baking, he also learns. With ballet and simple strokes for children, it’s just that Lin Mengjia usually doesn’t have time and only comes back once for a long time.

The little girl was very serious in the baking class, staring at the teacher without blinking. According to her, she did it step by step, kneading the dough and pinching flowers, meticulously, her eyes were extremely concentrated, and her face was rubbed against her. I don't even know the flour.

Compared with the little girl, Lin Mengjia seemed less attentive. After all, she came to the baking class just to accompany the little girl, and didn't want to learn how to make cakes and desserts.

Sitting in the rest area outside the classroom, Tang Feng watched the little girl with interest through the glass windows occupying half of the wall. Seeing her concentrating appearance, he couldn't help smiling.

Most of the people who came to participate in this baking course were wealthy wives with money and leisure, or boring white wealthy daughters. There were also a few young mothers who accompanied their children like Lin Mengjia. As soon as Tang Feng entered the door, I have observed that there is no suspicious person, so I can safely watch the little girl making cakes at this moment.

Since Tang Feng came to the little girl's side, it seems that Lin Mengjia's black hand behind Lin Mengjia has been scrupulous about her, and has never moved his hands again, but Tang Feng's vigilance has never been relaxed. Everywhere he goes, he will use his own. Mana feels the aura around him, and only when he is sure that there is nothing wrong will he relax. Fortunately, the mana he is recovering now is no longer a problem after visiting such a small area.

When the teacher carefully explained the steps, what Lin Mengjia thought was the company's business. The ups and downs in recent days have made Lin Mengjia feel a little physically and mentally exhausted, although it seems that everything is developing in a good direction so far.

Although the cosmetic formula was stolen, Tang Feng gave her a better effect. Now some experiments are no problem, and large-scale production can be carried out. When capital is needed for production, Zhang's timely injection of capital can ensure that The new product release is scheduled on the scheduled date. If this momentum is followed, the transformation of the Montgomery Group will be very successful.

Just when Lin Mengjia was thinking, her mobile phone suddenly vibrated. Because of the class, everyone turned their mobile phones into vibration mode. Lin Mengjia was no exception. The sudden vibration shocked Lin Mengjia. . He quickly reached into his pocket and took out his mobile phone to look at it. There was an unfamiliar number on it. The caller ID area was the magic city.

Lin Mengjia looked at the little girl who was still making cakes seriously, and felt that she had promised to accompany her to the baking class and have to deal with official affairs. She was a little bit sorry for the little girl. Moreover, this call was not from someone she knew. It was necessary to answer, so he pressed the reject button, put the phone on the table casually, and continued to accompany the little girl to listen to the class.

Unexpectedly, about two minutes later, the phone vibrated again, and Lin Mengjia saw that it was still the number of the magic city.

Lin Mengjia glanced at the little girl who was still attending the class, took her mobile phone, and quietly left the classroom from the back door. When she reached the door, she answered the sound and whispered, "Hey, hello, who are you?"

"Hello, are you the President Lin of Mengtang Group?" On the other end of the phone, a middle-aged woman's voice came. This voice sounded very friendly and a touch of leanness.

"Yes, may I ask you—" Lin Mengjia was sure that she had never heard this voice, but the other party easily revealed her identity, which seemed to be in business.

"Hello, my name is Meng Qiulin and I am Miss Gu Jiachen's agent. Is it convenient for you to speak now?"

Meng Qiulin, Gu Jiachen, these two names made Lin Mengjia stunned on the spot, the expression on her face became a little surprised, she walked out of the classroom, took a deep breath, and said, "Convenient, please tell me. "

At this moment, Lin Mengjia had walked to the place where Tang Feng was sitting in the rest area. Tang Feng's ears were able to hear the sound from Lin Mengjia's phone at such a short distance.

Meng Qiulin still said in a very gentle and dynamic voice: "President Lin, your company's new products of the Wuhen series will be launched soon. I heard that you are looking for a new spokesperson recently. Miss Gu has the intention to cooperate. I hope I can talk with you face-to-face, can you take the time to discuss specific matters with me in detail?"

Tang Feng's mouth couldn't help showing a smile. It seems that Gu Jiachen's actions are really fast enough. Yesterday he just agreed to be the spokesperson, and today he asked his agent to contact Lin Mengjia.

Lin Mengjia was shocked by the sudden news. She didn’t think about Gu Jiachen before. After all, she is now one of China’s top stars in China. She is well-known in the world and she speaks of world-class endorsements. For the luxury brand, Lin Mengjia felt that it was impossible for a coffee like Gu Jiachen to be the spokesperson for such a new product, so when he first chose the spokesperson, she did not dare to invite her.

But now, Gu Jiachen's agent actually took the initiative to call her and said to be a spokesperson, or at this critical moment when she was about to change the spokesperson, how could this make Lin Mengjia not feel shocked?

After a moment of stunned, Lin Mengjia came back to her senses and hurriedly replied: "Of course, I can have time at any time next week. When is it convenient for Ms. Meng?"

"If it is convenient for President Lin, then I will arrive at your company at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. We will discuss the specific matters in person."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Lin Mengjia said with a smile, eyes flashing with excitement.

At this time, Lin Mengjia hoped to confirm the choice of the spokesperson as soon as possible. Although she and Meng Qiulin said that she would have time for the whole week, she didn't want to delay it too late. Meng Qiulin proposed to have a face-to-face interview with her.

When Lin Mengjia and Meng Qiulin talked on the phone, Tang Feng listened with a smile, but he was thinking that Gu Jiachen had already done what he had promised, and now he had to promise her two things. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 074, Gu Daxing’s agent) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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