Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 52: Refining Boneweed

By the time everyone in the villa had rested, and when everything was silent, Tang Feng was alone again and quietly left the villa.

He felt that he was getting used to this kind of life, and he felt a very relaxed feeling in his heart.

This time, without the company of Chen Jianfei, Tang Feng himself followed the route he took and headed towards Xiaoqingshan with his own strength. When he arrived near the old house of Zhang family, he found this place. It was still brightly lit, and found it was the same as when he came the night before.

In front of the gate of the house, several people were waiting there, obviously waiting for Tang Feng. With Tang Feng’s ability, he didn’t need to go through the gate at all. He could directly enter the house from any place and enter the house directly, but Tang Feng did not like this, but came to the door, complimented by a man who looked like a bodyguard, and led the way to the door of the living room.

In the living room, Zhang Qingyu looked forward to it. Behind him, he still followed his son Zhang Zhenbei and granddaughter Chu Chu. She saw it at a glance. Zhang Zhang Qingyu’s face was full of expectation. Tang Feng showed up and quickly stood up to greet him.

"Mr. Tang, you are here, please come inside." Zhang Qingyu greeted the door of the living room and said respectfully.

Tang Feng nodded slightly and walked into the living room without any refusal.

Behind Zhang Qingyu, Chu Chu looked at Tang Feng with a curious look on his face. Tang Feng ignored him, and went straight to the eight immortal table with marble countertops in the living room. There were several on the table. Exquisite wooden box.

Seeing Tang Feng walking to the table, Zhang Zhenbei hurried forward and opened the wooden boxes one by one, exposing the medicines inside to Tang Feng's eyes.

Tang Feng glanced over, and could not help but nodded slightly. The strength of the Zhang family really should not be underestimated. The requirements for the medicine he put forward were already a bit harsh. They could find the medicine in such a short time, and the quality of the medicine was judged. It doesn't look bad, and it's a bit more than what I requested.

Zhang Zhenbei opened the wooden box and said, "Mr. Tang, my father said that he was worried that this medicinal material did not meet the requirements of my husband, so I prepared an extra one. There are some other medicinal materials here, all of which are tonic. , We dare not use it indiscriminately, so we will give it to Mr. Tang to see.

When Zhang Zhenbei was speaking, he glanced at Tang Feng from time to time, and he could see that there was still a hint of suspicion in his eyes. Although he looked respectful to Tang Feng, it was more because of Zhang Qing. That's all the gesture made in front of Yu.

Tang Feng didn't take his attitude in the slightest. His eyes only swept over the medicinal materials. The medicinal materials prepared by the Zhang family were almost the same as what he had requested, and the effect of alchemy should be good.

Among the several wooden boxes on the table, there is a smaller one, which contains a few herbs. The more expensive medicinal materials on this table are all individually packed in a wooden box. Several plants are put together. So the high-end ones, of course, are relative to other valuable medicinal materials. There will naturally be nothing ordinary that can be placed on this table.

When Tang Feng glanced over the wooden box inadvertently, he paused slightly.

Refining bone grass?

Did you read it wrong? Isn't this the elixir that can only be found in the star field? There is no such thing on earth. How could it appear here? This bone-refining herb is an indispensable medicine for refining Wanyuan Dan! It's a pity that this bone-refining grass has not yet grown, and it will take at least three to five years before it can be used as medicine.

But even if the year is a little shorter, something is better than nothing! This is a panacea that Tang Feng has never thought about, there will be on the earth!

At that moment, Tang Feng was extremely surprised, but his face was calm and expressionless.

Zhang Zhenbei saw Tang Feng's gaze pause for a while on the wooden box. He replied wrongly and quickly said: "Mr. Tang, these ginseng plants were given to his father to treat his body. Although the age is relatively short, the appearance It's not very good, but the person who sent it said that it was pure wild ginseng dug in the deep mountains of the northeast. I brought it to Mr. Tang to see it. If Mr. feels bad, I can take it out. "

"No, there is nothing wrong with these medicinal materials, just leave them to me." Tang Feng said lightly.

"Mr. Tang, do you see anything else you need? As long as you say, I will find it at all costs." Zhang Qingyu asked carefully, seeing that there was no expression on Tang Feng's face.

"I need a place to make medicinal materials into medicine. It takes about an hour. Within this hour, no one is allowed to disturb me, and no one can watch."

"Well, well, there are a few empty rooms at the back of the house. Mr. Tang chooses to choose. I will order everyone to leave the back house for an hour. Oh no, no one will step into the house until Mr. Tang allows it. Half a step." Zhang Qingyu said quickly.

Tang Feng nodded: "Lead the way."

"I'll take you over." Chu Chu, who had been standing behind Zhang Qingyu and watching Tang Feng with a smile on his face, suddenly jumped out and said excitedly. When he spoke, he still stared at Tang Feng with a smile.

Tang Feng had always regarded her as a child and didn't say much, just made a gesture to ask her to lead the way.

Chu Chu smiled at the corner of her lips and walked around, still saying to Tang Feng, "The empty houses in Grandpa's back house are not good at all. I will take you to a good place."

Tang Feng didn't say anything, but just walked with her. He just needed a quiet place to practice alchemy. As for where that place was and what he did before, he didn't mind at all.

"Chu Chu, don't mess around." Zhang Qingyu followed behind with a cane. Although he speeded up, he had been ill for a long time. How could he keep up with the jumping speed of a young girl.

Zhang Zhenbei hurriedly went to help Zhang Qingyu, and signaled the bodyguards to take all the wooden boxes on the table of the Eight Immortals and follow him.

Chu Chu was still jumping and walking extremely fast, but along the way, he walked towards the garden.

For the arrival of Tang Feng in Zhang’s old house, the front living room was brightly lit, but the back house did not light up a few lights. The direction of the garden was even darker, but Chu Chu was obviously familiar with the path, even if it was dark. In, still brisk footsteps.

Tang Feng was a little curious about where the little girl would take herself.

"Chu Chu girl, what is this going to do!" Zhang Qingyu followed behind panting, complaining in his mouth.

"Chu Chu, stop making trouble, and take Mr. Tang to the back house." Zhang Zhenbei raised his voice and said to Chu Chu, who had already run out for more than ten meters.

What could answer him was only a string of laughter like silver bells. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 052 Liangu Cao) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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