Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 20: Lin Mengjia's crisis

Shangguan silently walked into Tang Feng's room, stood at the door and paused, then closed the door with his hand, still standing in the same place.

Tang Feng felt funny in his heart. This little Wu Xiu seemed to regard himself as a monster that could eat people. Every time he saw him, he was frightened. He really didn't know what was scary about him.

"Miss Lin's company has encountered some trouble." Shangguan's voice was very soft, but it reached Tang Feng's ears clearly.

It seemed that although Shangguan was not present before, she could hear the conversation between Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia clearly.

Tang Feng frowned slightly.

Shangguan's body shook, and he immediately explained: "I didn't mean to eavesdrop on what you said. It just happened to be at the door and heard what you asked Miss Lin."

Tang Feng was a little bit dumbfounded.

He frowned just because Lin Mengjia was in trouble, thinking that she had started a company from scratch and didn't know how many difficulties she had to endure. She felt a little uncomfortable for her, but was misunderstood by the superiors, thinking that she was blaming her.

Tang Feng coughed softly and said, "It's okay, I didn't blame you. Tell me about her situation."

Shangguan breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat oozing from his forehead, and continued: "Miss Lin’s Mengtang Group started as a real estate company. Since the beginning of last year, the real estate industry in the whole country is not as good as before. Ms. Lin wants to transform the enterprise, develop in all directions, and gradually set foot in other industries."

Tang Feng nodded slightly. With the influence of supply and demand on the market, the real estate industry will become a bubble economy sooner or later. Although it seems that this industry is an evergreen tree in the industry, it will certainly not always make money like this over time. Lin Mengjia has a foresight, and he started to transform before the industry had a crisis, which can be said to be very clever.

"Did she encounter difficulties during the transition period?" Tang Feng asked.

"Mengtang Group has also been involved in many consumable industries such as clothing, catering, cosmetics, etc. The preliminary trials were relatively successful. Ms. Lin weighed the pros and cons of various investments, and finally focused on cosmetics. She decided to develop one. New products follow the international high-end route and become an international luxury jewelry brand. In order to achieve this goal, she invested a lot of money in research and development, and also hired many high-energy talents. Recently, she has finally achieved results."

Shangguan's voice was very soft, whispering, a shadow was revealed between his eyebrows.

"Since the results have been achieved, this is a good thing. Why is there a problem again? The product fails to pass the inspection? Or is it difficult to produce?" Tang Feng asked in a puzzled manner.

Shangguan sighed and frowned: "Everything is going well. Miss Lin's skin care suit named Meng Tang Suiyue Wuhen series has passed all inspections, and the first batch of products has also been put into production. It is planned to be in next month. A press conference was held, all the preparatory work was done, posters, endorsement stars, reporter invitations, everything was ready, but just today, this product was listed in advance by other companies."

"Someone has stolen business secrets?" Tang Feng's gaze shrank, revealing a little chill.

"Well, the most core information was stolen. Miss Lin's half-year effort has been burned." Shangguan smiled bitterly. "Furthermore, she put most of the funds of Mengtang Group into this project, which is a desperate bet. Now..."

"Now she doesn't have much money in her hands. Her company is going to be unable to sustain it, right?"

Shangguan nodded sadly: "Now that this kind of thing has happened, not only can the invested funds not be collected, but Mengtang Group is also facing the situation of being sued by the spokesperson to the court to pay the liquidated damages. Ms. Lin invested in product development funds. Those transferred from other projects must be recovered next month before investing in them. Otherwise, other real estate projects under construction will face suspension of work, and Mengtang Group can only declare bankruptcy."

Tang Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, thoughtfully.

Shangguan continued to preach: "Mengtang Group was founded by Ms. Lin, who devoted all her energy to her. To her, Mengtang is like Yaoyao, like her own daughter. How could she just watch Mengtang end? But the current situation, The bank is no longer able to give her a loan and is still urging her to repay. Today Miss Lin spent a whole day trying to find her previous partner to exchange funds, but she was refused."

"Success or failure in the business arena is common. Do these people think that she will have no chance to turn over? There is such a one-sided situation, I'm afraid someone behind it!" Tang Feng sneered, a little bit in his voice. Yin and cold.

His tone made Shangguan involuntarily fought a cold war, he was talking endlessly, and stopped all at once.

Tang Feng continued coldly and said, "Where did the company that stole her information come from?"

It took three seconds for Shangguan to come back to his senses, and then said: "Liren Rongzhuang is a well-known cosmetics company in China, headquartered in Yanjing, and the company’s president is Sun Lili. In fact, she is not an outsider, it can be regarded as Miss Lin’s family. People over there, her mother is Miss Lin’s mother’s relatives, and she is Miss Lin’s cousin."

Tang Feng knew it instantly.

When Lin Mengjia stayed with him, she kept silent about her family background. Tang Feng's experience was simple, so she didn't think much about it. Now recalling it, the powerful family behind her must be extremely dissatisfied with her and imposed a considerable amount on her. There was a lot of pressure, and this beauty cosmetics came from Yanjing all the way to steal the information of a just-started makeup brand. Naturally, this family was also in trouble.

Sure enough, Shangguan continued: "Ms. Lin came to Pingyang and broke with the family. I didn’t understand the situation at the time, and I didn’t dare to make false statements. I only knew that the Lin family had a lot of grievances against her afterwards. This incident was on the surface of the company’s viciousness. Behind the competition, the family suppressed her, wanting her to abandon the Mengtang Group, return to Yanjing, and obey the family arrangements. If it were not for the powerful influence of the Lin family, how could a little beauty make Miss Lin have everything? Don't business partners dare to help?"

The reason for Lin Mengjia's break with the family was of course because of himself. Tang Feng added a trace of guilt to Lin Mengjia in his heart.

Although everything that happened later, Tang Feng was involuntarily involuntarily, but in the end it brought harm to Lin Mengjia. As the star of Ziwei, he would not make excuses to dodge, secretly, he is the master of the northern star region, how can he let it Does your own woman suffer these things? He must make good compensation for what owed her before. He must solve this matter for her! The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 020 Lin Mengjia’s Crisis) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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