The current time is 4:25 PM.

All classes for the week are over in 5 minutes.

Perhaps because of that, most of the students were excited.

Talking about what to do during breaks blossomed.

Of course, that has absolutely nothing to do with me.

“…So it is very important to be trusted by the Aids as a hero. The hero is the head and the Aids are limbs. It should be that organic relationship. If we play, it will be a big deal, right?”

The last lecture of the week is Introduction to Heroism by Professor Marie.

Again, that’s all you know.

While waiting for the lecture to be over, I stared at the clock.

As soon as it’s over, I’ll go find the first hidden piece in the forest east of the academy.

Read at

Food and tools such as a flashlight were also packed in the bag.

At 5 o’clock there is a circular carriage going to the entrance to the East Forest.

However, Hidden Peace is in a deep place that cannot be reached by carriage, so it takes a full day to get around.

If you hurry, you can eat dinner at the academy tomorrow.

I’m checking the plan in my head,

“Before the lecture is over, I’ll test if I’ve listened to today’s lecture. Ummm… Shall I answer you, Theo?”

Marie named me.


I’m sorry if I don’t ask anymore.

But why did you pretend to be worried when you said you were going to point out me anyway?


These days, all professors point me out during lectures and ask questions.

The cause must be Marie, who just pointed me out.

I guess I’ll try to give you a f*ck.

but there is no rush

In the meantime, I have answered all the questions.

Thanks to this, the eyes of my classmates toward me have softened considerably.

“Then, um-”

But Marie asked a fairly difficult question.

He asked questions that required insight and analysis that could not be answered by memorization.

The eyes of the students are drawn.

‘This time Theo, even that guy won’t know.’

His gaze has softened quite a bit, but his previous reputation was too bad.

There are still a lot of negative eyes.

or not,

“…I think that a mission that would normally take about a month can be reduced to about a week. After all, if you do this, you don’t have to block the monster wave head-on.”

I answered without hesitation.

Absolutely the correct answer

Because the answer to the question was a strategy that I devised and created by myself, and that the developer of this work recognized that it was a method that he did not even think of.

It’s too long a story to tell, so I’ve summarized it as much as possible.


After my reply, the classroom became silent for a moment.

Tired eyes of students.

After a while, Marie nodded and said.

“Wow, you can approach it that way. I never even thought of going in the direction that Student Theo said.”

Marie nodded her head several times, ‘Ummm,’ as if seriously impressed by my answer.

Didn’t you point me out to f*ck you?

Marie’s eyes twinkled as if she had found an advanced artifact in an unexpected dungeon.

“Student Theo, if the time permits, I would like to hear the story in more detail. Can I have some time after class?”

“It looks like it will be difficult because the schedule is full, I’m sorry.”

I shyly refused.

Marie is a fairly competent active-duty warrior and the youngest professor in the Department of Bravery.

Building friendships will help one day.

However, it is clear that the story will not end in a short time.

As a professor, she’s young, and she’s thirsty for achievements.

“Then, please come to the professor’s office anytime during the rain. I’m always in the professor’s room when there’s no class.”

But Marie did not give up.

Before I took possession, Theo had trouble with her several times.

I wouldn’t want to mix the words.

That’s a pretty big bend in self-esteem.

Again, the eyes of the students were focused on me.

A certain child is blushing as she imagines impure thoughts.

“I’ll visit you when I have time.”

it’s good me

Instead, I will never tell you bare-faced.

Upon hearing my answer, Marie smiled broadly.

“Okay, student Theo. Please come and visit us. So, today’s class ends here. Have a good weekend everyone!”


Marie left the classroom.

Read at

Finally, all classes for the week are over.

Read at

Following Marie, a group of students rushed out of the classroom.

There are children who go out exchanging sticky eyes as if they are dating.

“See you next week, Theo!”

He told me that he would take a break from training today because of work.

Noctar, who was sitting next to me, also left the classroom with his orc friends.

Noctar is the leader of the orc horde.

Then the other orcs greeted me by waving their thick, muscular hands.

“Yeah, be careful.”

Immediately I packed my things.

at that time.


A female student spoke to me.

You’ve been looking at me with subtle eyes lately.

With silver hair and red eyes like mine.

It was Aisha.

Her full name is Aisha Balderk.

As the surname suggests, she is a girl of the same age who is distantly related to Theo.

A named character with an innocent face that doesn’t know anything about the world, but dozens of snakes live inside.

Aisha said with a smile.

“Would you like to have dinner together? I’ve reserved a good restaurant for you.”

* * *

Today, Aisha turned down the proposal of her classmates to go out with her.

To remember his distant relative, Theo Lin Walderk.

Balderk is a great family that goes beyond the Empire and makes a name for the entire continent.

Unlike her, who came from a collateral family, Theo was a deficit in the immediate family.

But unlike noble blood, Theo was the shame of an indolent and incompetent family.

. . . so far.

He seemed to be a different person these days.

Theoretically, she answered everything she didn’t know, the senior in the grade.

The answer I gave to the professor a while ago made me feel inferior.

Also, he said that the food in the student cafeteria is eaten by lowly commoners, and he has never eaten it before, and he says that both lunch and dinner are eaten in the student cafeteria.

Just like an orc.

‘······There must be something.’

Aisha has been watching Theo since childhood.

At every big meeting where all members of his immediate and collateral lines gathered, he proved his incompetence without exception.

The children of the collateral family did not express it in front of them, but from behind they gathered together and called him a bastard.

But did he suddenly change?

Not a single thing is suspicious.

‘I’m not sure I’m awake…’

Among active warriors, it is extremely rare to awaken.

And Theo is still 16 years old like himself.

Ryuk, the first president of Elinia Academy, who was called the greatest genius on the continent, also awakened at the age of 18.

‘It’s clear that you’ve acquired a new trait.’

Otherwise, I couldn’t explain Theo who became a model student overnight.

It’s rare, but there are cases where you can acquire the trait late.

However, even with her vast knowledge, it was completely unknown what traits he had acquired.

I don’t know if my soul has been changed.

‘We have to figure it out as soon as possible.’

Aisha’s goal is to become the next head of the Walderk family.

So, she had been secretly interacting with other collateral families for a long time.

Graduated from the Faculty of Warriors at Elinia Academy.

This is the minimum condition to become the owner of the Balderk family.

As expected, Theo will be expelled from school within two years at the most.

The children of other branches of the family could not even enter the Faculty of Heroes.

Then, of course, the next head of state will be hers.

It was such a perfect opportunity that a better plate could not be laid.

If Theo hadn’t suddenly changed.

So I spoke to him to get him to float.

“Theo. Would you like to have dinner with us? I’ve reserved a good restaurant for you.”

It is an offer that cannot be refused.

Judging from his inclination, it is clear that the professor’s proposal was deliberately rejected.

It is a common event for him to engage in nerve warfare with a professor from commoners.

So obviously there will be time.

Even he is being bullied throughout the academy.

He doesn’t say anything, but he desperately wanted a relationship with someone else.

How hungry he was for affection, these days, he even hangs out with orcs.

Aisha was implicitly the head of a collegiate family.

Naturally, he will gladly accept the meal offer.

“No, I have a schedule.”

But Aisha’s thoughts were wrong.

“Can you tell me what the schedule is?”

Embarrassed, Aisha took care of her expression.

“It’s a family thing.”

Carrying his bag, he turned his back.

And with only his head turned, he continued.

“I’m sorry I made the offer first. I’m busy, so I’ll just leave.”

with those words,

Whoops, whoops-

With graceful footsteps, he disappeared.

Aisha stared at his receding back, and stiffened.


Aisha’s face flushed red.

It’s not shameful to have a meal offer turned down.

‘It’s a family thing.’

The brilliant Aisha understood the true meaning of the word at once.

It was a warning.

like you

There is no need to know about a branch that is not a direct line.

‘no way······.’

did he notice?

If so, how far?

Is it possible that you are working behind the scenes for another branch?

cold sweat flows

Staring at the back door Theo had left for a while, Aisha thought.

Read at

F*cked up.

* * *

I quickly headed to the stop.

Classrooms and bus stops are a 20-minute walk.

The current time is 4:42.

Otherwise, you may miss the 5 o’clock circular carriage.

Sometimes it comes 2-3 minutes early.

The trait will activate, but it can’t be helped.

let’s run





Read at

Fortunately, I was able to get on the 5 o’clock circular carriage.

profit, profit-

With the distinctive exhaust sound, the circular wagon started.

By the way, Aisha’s meal offer is a good sign.

Like Marie, there’s nothing wrong with being friendly with Aisha.

In my heart, I wanted to eat together.

But the very next week, I had a match with the students, so I gave it a reasonable excuse.

You must secure the Hidden Peace as soon as possible.

‘I’ll have dinner together next week. Would it be better for me to propose first this time?’

In various routes in this work, Theo is killed by Eisha.

She skillfully killed Theo without getting her hands dirty.

Irene also died on several routes, but it was different from Eisha.

Irene is fiancee.

But I have a limited life.

afraid to get close

I wonder if he will still be alive in three and a half years, but we couldn’t be friends.

It doesn’t look like they’ll be friendly.

Anyway, in this work, Eisha will continue to support the main character, Neike, in the future as the head of the Walderk family.

In addition to supporting unique items, it also lends the authority of the great noble Balderk family.

Of course, Aisha gets help from Neike too.

But by any chance, if I graduate safely… will I become a head of state?

Of course, I wouldn’t do it even if I told you to.

Compared to this privilege, the position has too much to bear.

While turning the circuit of hope like that, the circular carriage arrived in the eastern forest.

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