Episode 87 Ancestor, this is how I write it

Krashu returned and talked to Crimson Garden right away.

Because she is the right person to get this type of advice.

[ Hmm, buying time to think about it seems like you’re thinking of bringing out more terms of the deal. ]

As expected, Crimson Garden’s thoughts were not that different from Krashu’s.

“Crimson Garden, from your point of view, what is the value of the Thousand Killer?”

[ There is a problem because the disadvantages are clear, but it is different in terms of simple destructive power. Because the body itself has the power of the Celestial Star. ]

It is a value that obviously varies from person to person.

‘Shouldn’t you have told me about the value of the Celestial Star?’

On the other hand, I feel regret.

Anyway, due to the nature of Blabby’s skill, it was pointless to lie.

I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with just being on the trading floor.

“I don’t know what kind of people Sephira and Sephira are in Crimson Garden.”

The servant of Crimson Garden, Mirbis, whom Krashu has seen many times, is a third-class crown of Sephira.

If that’s enough, she must have had a conversation with Seiran.

[ Sephira and Sephira are not treated as Sephira’s princesses for nothing. Since she belonged to Sephira, she had nothing to talk about. ]

The only known external image is a little lively and curious personality.

Sephira Seirang maintained her mysticism all along, even covering her face with her veil.

Thanks to that, Crimson Garden also didn’t have much information about Seirang.

‘I don’t know anything about him for other reasons.’

The information was separate, so it was not possible to know for sure who Seirang was.

‘Anyway, we’ll run into each other for a while.’

Krashu decided not to think about it any further.

Because Lilish and the knight captains were returning after the meeting.

“Crad, the room for your sister is ready.”

Then Lebelian spoke to Krache.

I tipped off in advance so that Bianca could stay in one of the barracks Sephira built, and it seems that she found it well.


Krache beckoned Bianca.

Of course, Bianca can’t come along with her demonic realm.

“I’ll be back.”

So she said as she stroked the hair of Bianca who had come to her.

Bianca, who moved her head following Krashu’s gesture, raised her hand and wrapped it around Krashu’s.

“Don’t get hurt.”

“Sometimes you talk like you’ve been hurt.”

“You always get hurt.”

It wasn’t that I was hurt, but rather that I was overdoing it.

She said to Bianca that she thought they were both the same expression, so she made sure to keep it inscribed.

Krache, who exchanged greetings with Bianca like that, asked Rebelian to send her Bianca well.

He must be spending time reading in moderation in the barracks.

In the meantime, the knights who had finished their preparations finally moved in front of the walls of the Demonic Realm.

Of course, Krashu was also among the Blue Sea Knights.

The Qinghai Knights wondered what Krashu and Seirang were talking about, but they didn’t ask.

I thought there must be something, and I thought it was a matter of personal circumstances.

‘I don’t know about anything else, but the Cheonghae Knights must have the best personality.’

I don’t think it’s the management of Vega, the leader, and I wonder if it’s because of Lebelian’s influence.

“Everyone, open your ears and listen carefully.”

At that moment, the head of the Joo Chun Knights spoke on behalf of Lilish.

“This Demonic Expedition is to be dealt with before the newly covered name and the existing name in the area near the eastern entrance we are entering engage in a power battle.”

Because the size of the demon landscape is so vast, it is different from general world erosion.

Thanks to that, there are many named encroaching species living in the Devil’s Nest.

They fight for power every day and grow in size.

‘Because the erosion species inside the Devil’s Palace swallow the opponent’s world erosion power.’

It was similar to the secret technique of extreme blood poisoning that Krashu had learned.

Thanks to that, the encroaching species of the Devil’s Palace become stronger each time they catch and eat other encroaching species.

So, when an erosive species that can devour an area of the Devil’s Land and an erosive species comparable to it try to fight each other.

Humans must intervene and somehow kill both or at least kill one beforehand.

The moment when one side wins and swallows the other eroding species.

At that time, uncontrollable erosion species will be created.

This expedition was a result of an erosive species that has recently suddenly increased in size.

Sephira couldn’t respond and hurriedly called Valheim, it was clear that the situation was urgent.

‘The Devil’s Land.’

And Krashu swallowed a bitter sigh as he saw such a demonic scene.

One of the golden regions, the Devil’s Edge, requires steady management due to the characteristics in front.

But when war broke out between the Empire and Staron.

All the other kingdoms tried to save their strength. As a result, the support of the Magician was almost cut off.

‘Although Sephira struggled hard to stop the Devil’s Landing.’

Sephira’s own power is not very high.

They specialize in global erosion investigations, not suppression.

In the end, due to the threshold that came to Sephira, a power battle continued to take place within the Demon Realm.

In the end, a giant-class erosive species was born that destroyed the castle wall surrounding the Devil’s Mirror.

The erosive species annihilated all the tribesmen in the plains and eventually overtook the empire.

Because of the war, the empty empire was literally destroyed.

Ironically, the war came to an end thanks to the erosive species.

It’s a war, and to protect the empire, the knights and soldiers hurriedly took turns and the empire’s front line was broken.

But by the time they returned, the eroding species had already advanced to the capital.

‘And that’s where Arthur moved.’

After single-handedly defeating the erosion species of the Devil, Arthur quickly emerged as a hero of the empire.

In fact, the empire even bestowed a title on that occasion.

Also, the nickname “King of Heroes” Was added.

It was around that time that Sigryn, the princess, fell completely for Arthur.

‘Ha, ee, bastard.’

Looking back, Krashu realized Arthur’s intentions.

Why did he stand by the war even though he already knew it, and persuaded the generation of the sky to join the war?

And because of that incident, a gap in Sephira was created so that the World Eroder could kill Seirang.

‘Arthur, this bastard was going to do it all by himself from the start.’

Arthur swallowed the empire, swallowed Sephira, and swallowed the generation of the firmament.

From beginning to end, he had no intention of leaving the role to others.

‘But if I do that, the Empire and Sephirah won’t be able to handle the world erosion.’

Recalling Arthur’s actions, Krashu frowned.

Krashu knows too.

Anyway, even if the Empire and the Sephira are spreading, the world erosion will spread to the worst and get out of control.

Arthur must have seen that scene many times.

And he probably tried to maintain the Empire and Sephira in his own way.

‘…… Even so, destruction could not be prevented.’

So Arthur made a decision.

If he can’t avoid destruction in the end, even if he struggles and tries to save others.

I would rather only take advantage of it.

For Arthur, returning would have been an act that made everything worthless.

‘That’s why I couldn’t trust Arthur unless I put him under his feet.’

Krashu has always been by Arthur’s side, watching over him.

It was Arthur who spoke confidently to everyone like a king of heroes.

In his actions, he even felt the obsession that he had to lead the work himself.

At the time, I thought that obsessive-compulsive disorder was due to relying on everyone’s expectations.

Now I know that’s not the case.

‘Because Arthur was a regressor.’

Arthur stopped trusting others completely.

Krashu, frowning, realized one thing.

‘…… Did he get betrayed by someone?’

Arthur definitely didn’t repeat a single episode.

From noble mtl dot com

Having repeated numerous episodes, he may have been irreversibly betrayed by someone in those episodes.

‘Arthur trusting Mary, Abella, and Sigreen, and connecting their memories.’

Perhaps the three of them fully supported Arthur through the many rounds he went through.

‘I won’t deny the achievements and skills of those three.’

Honestly, Krashu had many doubts about Arthur’s choice of passing on the memories of the three to prevent the destruction of the world.

But he came back now, and looking back, Krashu could sense Arthur’s intentions.

‘The reason I passed on the memory of the three was not just their competence.’

For him, more than anything, it was important to be a member who fully supported himself.

Those who give you a sense of mental stability that you believe in even if you return.

“Ha, rot.”

Krashu inadvertently spat out a swear word.

With that said, I can see why he didn’t bother taking him to the Memory Tradition.

‘I Arthur, even though I acknowledged his skills, I didn’t trust him.’

I have been with Arthur all the time because I have the same determination to prevent the world from ending.

Krache couldn’t believe Arthur himself.

I’m sure Arthur didn’t know that.

So Krashu was abandoned at that time.

In the end, though, that was the cause of Krashu stealing the return from him.

Krashu swallowed a laugh and raised his head.

Koo Goo Goo Goong-

It was because the walls of the Devil’s Land were opening just in time.

Arthur seems to have tried to prevent the destruction of the world by putting it under his feet.

Krache didn’t think of that.

In the end, the reality is that even Arthur, who did that, couldn’t prevent destruction.

‘I will go on my own.’

It becomes stronger as if it were tenacious, and it suppresses destruction by force by destroying all the culprits.

That was Krashu’s goal.

‘That’s why I’m going to get the Celestial Killer this time and absorb the world erosion to become stronger.’

Krashu’s blue eyes shone brightly.

Then, Krashu suddenly looked back at the Crimson Garden.

Because she never left her shoulder and was here all along.

“Cream, is it okay if I go to the Demon Realm in that form?”

Krashu asked in an inaudible voice.

Then Crimson Garden glanced at Krashu and snorted.

[ You should know that this child is not an ordinary child, right? ]

That’s right, since it’s the species Crimson Garden chose, it won’t be normal. I already knew that.

Because she actually did it a couple of times.

[ Don’t worry. I don’t know anything else about this child, but world erosion has no effect. ]

Hearing that, Krashu became curious about the identity of the crow.

She decided not to ask now.

Because Lilish, who was in front of her, opened her mouth.

“The Knights of Valheim, to participate.”

With the cry of Lilish, who stood at the forefront, the entire Knights entered the Devil’s Landing.

The moment you step into the Magic Realm.

Krashu felt the air around him change all at once.

Her lungs felt cramped as if she had inhaled smoke just by breathing as the world erosion spread thickly.

At the same time, her whole body became even heavier, as if she was chained.

It was a phenomenon that appeared because the space itself was a distorted demon realm.

Shoot aaa!

The black rain water that fell ran down Krashu’s hair and face.

Above the place where mountains and black bushes grow wildly instead of the former plains.

For unknown reasons, gray pillars were lined up one after another.

The purple sky was covered with black dark clouds, revealing that it was a demonic realm.

“Protect properly with Power Aura.”

Then Vega, the commander of the Cheonghae Knights, spoke with a serious face.

The black rainwater of the Devil’s Landing.

This rainwater was a kind of curse.

If you don’t wear an aura all the time, it will burn your skin and be absorbed into your body.

As a result, the black rainwater crawls inside the body and drains all the blood in the body through a hole called a hole.

Then the black rainwater takes the place where the blood used to be.

A human who has become a shell of black rainwater loses his will and becomes another erosive species wandering inside the Devil’s Realm.

That too, with a terrifying face that had been blown apart by the rainwater.

Parasitic rainwater.

Those who have been to the Devil’s View used to say that of the black rainwater.

However, in the rain, Krashu was not wearing an aura.

The pouring black rainwater was being absorbed into the body, but it was left as it was.


Instead, Ignis burned inside Krashu’s body.

Ignis forcibly burned it before the black rainwater could force the blood out of it.

As a result, the black rainwater that burned was melted with the power of world erosion.

What does that mean?

It was simple.

Black rainwater was a resource itself that could be melted by the power of world erosion to Krashu.


Krashu exhaled lightly.

Then, without everyone noticing, he put on a bleak smile.

How can I not laugh?

‘I expected it.’

For others, it’s a hellish place where you die if you don’t wear an aura.

For him, it was the best place to grow.

‘I now understand why Demaris Valheim became the strongest.’

In the end, he might have really ended the world if he hadn’t killed himself in a fit of madness.

However, Krashu did not intend to end up like that.

Because there is a guideline called ancestors, future generations can develop without making the same mistakes as them.

‘Ancestors, take a good look at how the next generations do with secret arts.’

I will make Demaris Valheim die of envy in the underworld.

[ Format value. ]

Aside from the fact that Crimson Garden looks at it pathetically.

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