Beauty Replicates The Strong

Chapter 443 Killing and Education

The evolutionary in the cages all fell to the ground. At this time, all the detained people felt a panic. They were all wondering what the outcome would be waiting for them, but they wanted to. It will not be a good result.

"What are you going to do?" In the prison, an evolutionary covered in red scales asked Bruce. This is an old acquaintance, the Red Devil, and a backbone member of Hellfire. Bruce even copied him. Ability, teleportation, very good, the number of uses is very high.

But at the moment the empty scales on this guy fell constantly, revealing the bloody skin underneath, as if the scales were pulled out directly. This level of pain caused the red devil to roar loudly. He stopped Bruce and asked hard.

"What do I want? But what do you want? I have already told you about the huge amounts of catastrophic situation faced by the evolutionary, but you are still indifferent. What benefits did Hellfire and HYDRA give you? Red Devil, You have been here for more than ten years, right? What kind of things I haven't told you? The delicious food is for you, just listening to you yelling HYDRA Hail?" Bruce was also anxious.

No one cares more about the survival of the Evolutionary Alliance than Bruce. What did he call all the shouts that he could search for? He needs a force to support himself to occupy a place in the future situation, this force he selected the evolutionary, because his copy Ability is dependent on the evolutionary start.

This makes him feel cordial. Although he is now a rich man, he can also build a steel armor like Howard, or even a higher level. He can use Adamantium alloy to make a steel battle suit, just replace the inside. All kinds of parts, the shell can be kept indestructible.

But he didn't. He felt that the power of the evolutionary could be more useful, instead of being caught by ordinary people like a mouse crossing the street for research in the future, or ended up with a natural end.

He doesn't know what the original direction of history will be? Because before he crossed, Wolverine had three promotional videos saying that Mutant was gone, and only three people were left. Suddenly a small female Mutant appeared to make Charles such a treasure. This is nothing like reversing the future. But after the experiments of Vivall got the conclusion that the evolutionary's genes were constantly declining, Bruce believed that he wanted to save this group, but these people were constantly pulling back their legs.

"Your stubbornness made you reject my good intentions, so I am not keeping hope for you, so I gave up. The more than one hundred of you are still a loss for me. So what I have to do for you is Killing without mercy, I don’t think it’s a big deal to kill you. There are a lot of evolutionaries in your hands, and you are not dead in vain." Bruce turned and left as he said, and then in this one These people in the cage will slowly feel the coming of death.

This is a by-product discovered when studying the continuation of the evolutionary gene. This thing can kill the X gene. That is to say, as long as the X gene in the evolutionary body injected with this drug will collapse and become an ordinary person, definitely This is the best result, and it is more likely that other gene chains also collapsed under the drive of the collapsed X gene.

In other words, in this Dungeon, in addition to the very individual lucky ones who will become ordinary people, more of them will become a pool of minced meat.

In doing this, Bruce didn’t tell anyone that he was operating everything, including Erik, Charles, and others. They didn’t even know about it. Only the woman Emma was involved, because this woman’s mind is strong enough and she has seen countless darkness. Charles hasn't recovered from the previous blows in Japan, and Bruce is not going to tell him the truth.

As for Erik, although this guy believes in Bruce unconditionally, he is a thorough racist who can be seen as lighter than ants for ordinary people, but for the evolutionary, he does not have such a strong ability to bear. Bruce is also Won't tell him all this. Bruce definitely still has this guilt to Erik in his heart that he has never said. This is his secret, and he is not going to tell anyone.

After all this disappears in the Dungeon of the Evolutionary Alliance, this place will be permanently closed. Then collapse and bury everything in due course.

Bruce walked out of Dungeon and removed this burden. He now has only two worries: the genetic problem of the evolutionary, and the six Infinite Gems in the universe will converge on the earth. These two things will have a profound impact on him. These are the major things that he pays attention to. As for other things, if you are interested, go and take a look. If you are not interested, let him go on the original historical trajectory.

However, something in Bruce’s memory does not necessarily happen. At least one thing he did not interfere at all, but did not appear, that is the appearance of Fat Green. This event should be almost the same in his memory, because of that. Dr. Bruce Banner, who has the same name as him, is a few years older than Tony, and in the plot, his father inherited the gene of the Hulk to him. This experiment Bruce has not discovered the penetration of the US imperial government.

Without the fat daddy, then there should be no line of the movie The Magic Hulk. Bruce thinks that it should be based on the timeline of the evolution of the invincible Hulk, which means that there are still 20 or 30 years for the fat green. It will appear, and during this time is the most active period of evolution, and many powerful evolutionaries have emerged during this time, such as those main characters in X-Men.

Thinking of this, Bruce began to pay attention to the latest list of evolutionaries they discovered. These are all directly printed lists through the Cerebro engine and searched one by one. No matter what Awakening's Ability is, as long as it is an evolutionary, an evolutionary. The door of the alliance will be open to welcome.

Because the number of evolvers now is really not optimistic. The time has passed since 1977, and it is less than forty years from the time of prediction. At this time, the number of evolvers has just broken through 10,000. Such a small population simply Can't support a race. And the strong among them are even rarer.

But what makes Bruce feel gratified is that the number of Awakening evolutionaries has increased constantly in recent years. Every search will have new evolutionaries appear, and most of them are children. This makes Bruce decide to be in the Bauhinia Academy. Setting up a branch specializing in teaching for evolving people, the location is still set up in Charles' West Chester manor, but the enrollment of students will be more than the one established by Charles himself.

The principal is Charles. This guy's personality is not suitable for charging and fighting, so he will be a teacher in the back, teaching the children of these evolutionaries to learn scientific knowledge, and definitely learn to use their own Ability correctly, and grow up optimistically.

As for other courses, the evolutionary alliance now has much more resources than Charles's original good personality, which means that these children will be better protected. Now the American Emperor X weapon project has been completely shelved. , The political group of the rising political star Oba Niu under the support of Bruce opposes the rights of the evolutionary has also received a lot of good protection.

Definite is indispensable for muscle-brightening behavior, but it is within the scope of acceptance. Definite is not without opposition, but it has been selected by Bruce countless, but the consequence of this is that the military and some politicians who oppose evolution have increased. In support of the Super Soldier Program, Colonel Ross, who originally presided over this work, has now assumed the title of general.

"Hello kids, today is the opening day of Bauhinia College West Chester. Welcome everyone here. Maybe everyone should feel that you are different from other children, but here will be Your home, you are here like other children, growing up happily." At the gate of a vast manor, a group of hundreds of children were watching a bald youth giving a speech.

"Are you the detective Charles?" a little guy asked, looking up at the bald young man in a red and black striped trench coat.

"Good boy, yes, I am Charles and your principal. You will learn and live under my guidance in the future." Charles looked at the little guy and said.

"So do you know Batman? I like Batman the best." The little boy continued.

"Well, when you get A+ in your test scores in the future, I will let Batman come to our school to give you a lesson, okay?" Charles thought in his heart that he knew Batman definitely, and the relationship was very close, but now he doesn't plan to go directly. Tell these children, but hope that they can be used as an incentive. It is best for these children to have an idol that they like. In this way, it will be much easier to manage.

"I like Magneto..."

"Can you ask for Wolverine's autograph for me? He is so handsome. The six steel claws and lightning claws..."

Every child was talking about their idols, but none of them talked about him, which made Charles's face a little more colorful.

Although the evolutionary alliance no longer appears, their stories have been widely circulated before. These children have been in contact with them, and the best recognizable ones are Batman, Magneto, and Wolverine. The rest of the rays are Supno. Anthony, the diamond tank, Huang Zhong, flying darts, etc. also have their own audiences, but Charles is only famous in New York, and his low-key is not very famous.

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