Beasttaming: Fallen Angel As The First Contract In Game

Chapter 225: Molten Bull, known as Little Red Dog

【Beast Familiar: Opening Contract Fallen Angel】【】

"Chila Chila"!

The viscous flame of the Mourning Flame Fan became even more frightening after Xiao Zi broke through.

The black seaweed, which seemed to have extremely strong vitality, was almost completely burned in an instant.

There is only a piece of scorched black earth and clusters of fires that do not want to be extinguished.

"Black seaweed!" The man in black trembled, it was already difficult for him to feel the breath of his pet beast from the clumps of pitch-black burning species.

Standing on tiptoe, he looked around vigorously, with a glimmer of hope.

"What do you look at?" Lin Yu said leisurely.

In the next second, Xiao Zi suddenly rushed out like a **** descending from the earth, with the aura of the Nine Nether Gods blooming from her body.

Her slender jade arms were raised high, and on her fingers was a long, evil white light that pierced the sky and pierced the earth.

Evil Light Slash]!

The jade finger suddenly slid down, "呵呵呵", in an instant, the space along the way seemed to be cut open.

The man in black couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Even the huge body of the mechanical octopus couldn't resist this long and narrow blow.

As smooth as cutting a stone, Xiao Zi's fingers went all the way down, directly cutting it in half from the middle.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssesses', the lights in the head of the mechanical octopus went out one by one, which also means that it completely lost consciousness.

"Ahhh—" the man in black screamed.

He was also affected by the Evil Light Slash, although it was only fleeting, but he also lost his right leg forever.

The mechanical octopus ignited the fire and fell to the sides. He couldn't control the balance of his body and fell down.

Fell into the rest of the sea of ​​fire.

Seeing this, Lin Yu no longer cared about him, and turned his head to look at another battlefield.

He obviously doesn't have to worry about that side.

The black-clothed man named Lao Wu seemed to have been hit head-on by the magma, and he was screaming frantically at this moment, his whole body trembling constantly.

The mechanical armament on his body has been split, and countless places have fallen off.

There was a burning smell all over his body.

"Huhuhu", no matter how he turned the light turbo beast and released various strong winds, he still couldn't blow away the residual magma attached to his body.

Seeing him scratching his ears and cheeks like a clown, Lin Yu couldn t help but chuckle.


The mechanical armament seemed to be completely scrapped, and it fell down with its owner in the flames.

This scene frightened the other two remaining men in black.

The mechanical zebra looked miserable, too.

The second half of its body has completely disappeared, as if it was involved in the onslaught of magma.

At this moment, the beast master could only hold the zebra's neck tightly and stick to its body, so as not to fall.

There is also a smaller beast hanging on his back.

The figure looks like a child's, but the face is pale and lifeless.

Name]: Fantastic Boy

Attribute]: spirit

Realm]: Transcendent Realm·Second Stage

Potential]: Samsung

Introduction: Since childhood, she has been extremely good at bewitching, and can create illusions that make other creatures mentally corrupt. It likes to haunt the valleys at dusk, bewitching the humans it meets.

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【Beast Familiar: Opening Contract Fallen Angel】【】

Mihuan Boy straightened his neck, and stared vigorously in the direction of the Molten Bull.

But it has applied illusion to it.

Feeling the tightening of his head, the Molten Bull paused slightly, then smiled sarcastically.

Immediately there was a roar, and the unparalleled mental power was released.

The boy Mi Huan trembled violently in fright, and the illusion was destroyed by itself.

The Molten God Bull stepped on the magma and moved forward quickly.

Even before it became a fallen believer, it was still the king of the fire system. How could such a mere pet beast control it?

Opening its mouth wide, boiling magma roared out, condensing in the air.

Molten flames]!

This skill allows it to freely control the magma to form various exquisite shapes.

In a blink of an eye, a sledgehammer appeared out of thin air.

On the crimson exterior, there are countless delicate patterns.

The whole body exudes endless hot pressure.

The giant magma hammer fell quietly, and the holes of the two men in black shrank suddenly.

"Boom", under the monstrous force, the body of the mechanical zebra was instantly flattened like a ball, and fell powerlessly downward.

"Damn it..." The last remaining man in black was already a bit confused.

However, he did not directly choose to escape.

Now not only did the mission fail, but the life and death of his companions were also unknown. He just went back like this, and he didn't even know how to explain to his senior brother and teacher.

He clenched his fists tightly, and sweat was already secreting from his palms.

He exhausted all his mental and spiritual power, aimed the laser turret at the head of the Molten Bull, and fired a cannon.

Waves of golden light pierced the sky, shining incomparably brightly.

It was still halfway, and there was already a faint rumble in the air.

But Lin Yu was not very worried about the Molten God Bull.

He has full confidence in it.

I saw the Molten Fire Dragon shaking its head, putting on a leisurely look, allowing the light wave to pass through its head.

"Successful?" The man in black's eyes widened and his heart was pounding.

It seemed that the joy came a little suddenly.

"No..." After carefully observing the situation in the distance, he took a deep breath.

The light waves of the laser turret did not penetrate the opponent's head... because its head turned into a mass of magma in an instant.

The strong light just passed through the magma.

"Pa-ta-pa-ta", in the dumbfounded expression of the man in black, the magma squirmed and returned to the appearance of the head of the Molten God Bull.

"What the **** is this!"

After witnessing such weird scenes, he only felt his hands and feet were cold, and his common sense was no longer enough.

"The God of Melting Fire, known as'Little Red Dog'." Lin Yu said cheerfully.

After being transformed by the power of corruption, it has newly obtained the skill Element Spectral Body]. This skill can turn it into a pure elemental form.

In other words,,,..version. 】

Comparable to elemental beasts.

No, it is even scarier than a simple elemental beast. After all, an elemental beast will also be injured if it hits the laser cannon.

But it can directly separate the body to defuse the enemy's attack.

After the man in black showed a hellish expression, he stomped on it a few times and didn't dare to stay for long.

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【Beast Familiar: Opening Contract Fallen Angel】【】

He turned his head and ordered the golden flower pet beast under his feet to flee quickly.

It gently waved its petals and floated out like a kite, leaving clouds of golden mist on the way.


The Molten Fire God snorted hot air from its nose, it didn't care about it, it ignited fire all over its body, and sprinted away.

The mist skill with a paralyzing effect didn't have any real effect on it, so it was directly burned.

The man in black looked back, and the childish hole of fear could not help but enlarge.

The divine cow roared again, and stomped **** the spot.

In an instant, billowing magma boiled up, forming a monstrous hand in the air, slowly opening it.

"Pa-ta-pa-ta", that is the sound of magma slipping from the side of the hand.

The man in black pursed his lips, feeling the shadows and the approaching terrifying heat.

Even the clothes on his body have begun to spontaneously ignite.

He gritted his teeth, made up his mind, picked up the laser turret, and jumped off the back of the flower beast.


The golden flower was instantly pinched by the big hands of the magma.

It hangs down its petals weakly, and its whole body is covered in flames.

"You are quite decisive."

Looking at the falling figure, Lin Yu said in surprise.

Unlike the falls of the previous few people, this person jumped off on his own initiative when he was prepared.

In addition, he himself didn't suffer any injuries, so going down from this height, with the realm of a middle-level beast master, there will be no serious problems.

"Then let me add some ingredients for you."

I saw Xiao Zi opened her palm, and in the palm, there were tumbling black sands of incomparable fineness.

The next moment, all the sand rushed towards the center, and a purple lotus platform with a black belt emerged.

Heisha Liantai].

Silently, the radiant lotus platform was thrown out by Xiao Zi.

Its flying speed was quite fast, and it caught up with the man in black in an instant, and directly put it on his head.


The dazzling black and purple shield descended to envelop it, and countless electric snakes circulated around it.

Crackling, the man in black began to tremble all over, and the laser turret in his arms had already come out of his hands, and he didn't know where it fell.

"Boom", the sky was full of dust, he was directly pushed to the ground by Hei Lian, and his whole body sank into the ground.

Only one head was left exposed.

"Okay, it's over." Lin Yu clapped his hands, walked forward, and came to him leisurely with Xiao Zi.

Seeing this head sometimes showing pain, always showing struggle, and sometimes showing despair, Lin Yu said softly:

"Can you tell me your history now?"

After fighting for a long time, he didn't even know who the opponent was.

The only thing they knew was that they had their eyes on the Molten God Bull and wanted to take it away.

But he definitely couldn't give away the divine cow.

He would like to see, just because of fighting for a pet beast, who came up to kill him, what kind of power they have to back them up.

"I killed these four people, and their revenge might come later, so I have to prepare for it first."

Plans raced through his mind.

"Damn it..." The man in black who had been planted in the ground had already lost his luster in his eyes.

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【Beast Familiar: Opening Contract Fallen Angel】【】

In this case, his life is obviously in Lin Yu's hands.

Glancing at Lin Yuhou faintly, he said: "You are finished, our senior brother will not let you go, and the teacher..."

Lin Yu smiled angrily when he heard the words.

What kind of standard villain speech is this?

It's endless, right?

"It's not like I don't have one if I want to fight for connections." The corners of his mouth twitched.

Besides, it was the opponent who moved first.

Leaving aside the series of murderous intentions that followed, just when he was hiding in the cave, the opponent's attack that wanted to bulldoze the entire cave was enough to hold them accountable.

If he was a weaker ordinary student, he might have been crushed to death by a stone on the spot.

"Okay, I'll wait." Lin Yu said with great interest, "You should tell me about their identities. If you are a riddle again, I don't need to say more about what will happen, right?"

According to his speculation, there must be a beast master above the senior level in the opponent's camp.

Is that the teacher?

Or is it both?

Hearing this, the man in black suddenly burst out laughing.

Although he looked very embarrassed, his spirit was extremely uplifted at the moment, as if thinking of Lin Yu's next end.

"I admit that you are very strong and a genius, but in front of our senior brother, you are nothing." He said with some relief, "He is a high-level beast master, and he can easily kill you with just one move... .”

"Then where is your brother now?"

Although there was a thump in his heart, Lin Yu continued to speak calmly.

"I'm right here."

Suddenly, a cold voice came from above.

Lin Yu was startled, then raised his head suddenly.

An elegant man with white hair who looked about twenty-seven or eighteen years old appeared above him at some point.

The man walked in mid-air with his feet firmly on the ground as if he was stepping on flat ground.

His eyes were calm, and he looked a little calm, and he didn't launch a sneak attack when he was not paying attention.

"Good guy, are you the king?" Lin Yu raised his brows, wanting to give him a thumbs up.

It's pretty cool.

He looked carefully, and there seemed to be two miniature black mechanical crystals under the opponent's feet, exuding pure waves.

It is suspended in the air, creating the visual effect of walking through the air.

"So that's the case..." Lin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling extremely powerful determination in the opponent.

He just floated quietly like this, but the surrounding sky trembled unbearably, as if it would split open at any moment.

Obviously, the murderer who chopped up the Molten Bull has been found.

After looking around for a while, the man's calm eyes finally showed some waves.

He looked at Lin Yu, and slowly said: "It seems that my juniors have been killed by you..."

"Brother Li'm here!" The head exposed on the ground was ecstatic at first, and then immediately shouted, even crying in his tone.

Lin Yu didn t say a word, but his whole body was already tense, and he just looked at each other quietly.

Pressure, the man in front of him brought him unprecedented pressure.

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【Beast Familiar: Opening Contract Fallen Angel】【】

"What do you think you should do to make up for our loss?" Seeing that Lin Yu did not say a word, Li Yun continued.

The corners of Lin Yu's mouth curled up sarcastically.

Although the other party kept saying that he was seeking justice for his junior brother, he didn't feel any trace of grief in the other party's tone.

Obviously, this should be a self-centered person.

The unknown junior brother did not make his emotions too ups and downs. On the contrary, it was the fallen Molten Bull that attracted a lot of his attention.

"They did it first..."

Before Lin Yu finished speaking, he suddenly felt a crisis, and while opening his eyes wide suddenly, he turned sideways.

Li Yun raised a finger and swiped down quickly.

Amidst the intense light shining, a cyan sword energy dashed past like thunder.

A deep gully was left at Lin Yu's original position.

Obviously, he also knew that he was wronged, and he had no idea of ​​reasoning with Lin Yu at all.


Although it was Li Yun's random blow, after seeing Lin Yu dodging easily, he still raised his eyebrows in surprise.

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