Beast Studio

Six hundred and forty-six open-air hotel

The American alligator blinked twice and opened its mouth again to face Liu Wei.

Liu Wei stretched out his mobile phone holder to take a picture of the crocodile's big mouth. The crocodile was eager to move, acting restless and might bite him at any time.

“An American alligator will replace about two to three thousand teeth in its lifetime. I remember when I was teaching about swamp crocodiles, I said that crocodile teeth are alveolar teeth, which are easy to fall off and grow very quickly.

By constantly changing their teeth to match their strong bite force, they are used to capture large prey. In actual combat, American alligators have killed jaguars and black bears, making them the top predators in North America! "

Liu Wei went on to popularize science, "I have also told everyone that species such as crocodiles have established an excellent immune system through hundreds of millions of years of evolution.

Today I will borrow an American alligator to give you a detailed introduction to science.

There is no doubt that the American alligator has an enviable innate immune system, which is the first primitive line of defense in all vertebrates.

In 2008, Louisiana chemists discovered that serum extracted from reptiles could destroy 23 strains of bacteria and significantly reduce the number of HIV viruses.

These bacterial molecules were identified as enzymes that destroy a class of lipids.

Chemists' research hopes to transform this enzyme into new antibiotics to treat diseases such as AIDS.

Enzymes aren't the only defense the American alligator has to destroy pathogens.

Bisho's team has identified and isolated peptides called electropositive antimicrobial peptides, which are molecules with a positive charge. The scientists developed a nanoparticle and used electrostatics to separate these molecules from a complex mixture of alligator serum proteins. picked out.

The scientists found a total of 45 peptides, of which 8 were chemically synthesized and evaluated for their antibacterial properties. Five peptides could kill some E. coli and the other three destroyed most E. coli and showed some resistance Bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus are active!”

"It means listening to the heavenly book!"

"I feel so uneducated!"

"What's going on? Watching live broadcasts now requires knowledge."

"Other live broadcast rooms don't use it, but this live broadcast room really doesn't work!"

"Ever since watching Awei's live broadcast, I feel like my bragging skills have become much more advanced!"

Liu Wei looked at the audience's barrage, shook his head and smiled, "Simply put, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the common opportunistic pathogenic bacteria in clinical practice and is widely distributed in the human body's skin, intestines, respiratory tract and even urethra.

The complex protein in alligator serum has the ability to kill Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Therefore, intestinal diseases, skin diseases, etc. that occur in humans will not appear in alligators.

We know that the living environment and food supply of crocodiles are far less clean than those of us humans.

But under normal circumstances, the lifespan of wild American alligators is about the same as that of humans, and farmed ones will be longer.

Now everyone can feel the power of the alligator’s immune system!”

"Awesome, you can live forever after drinking crocodile blood!"

"In history, there was actually a Taoist priest who used crocodile blood to make elixirs!"

"Wake up, wake up, everyone, it's the 21st century, you're still making elixirs, you're still immortal, you must have read too many fantasy novels!"

Liu Wei stretched out his hand and rubbed the American alligator's forehead, "I'm sorry for making you suffer just now. In fact, my friend O'Neal likes you, but there is an inner barrier between you that cannot be overcome.

He is afraid of you and his actions are rude, but you never express your tenderness. Maybe I am the only one in this world who can understand you!"

The American alligator moved its head and slowly closed its mouth. It seemed that it could understand Liu Wei's words.

"Brothers, let's go comfort the big shark!" Liu Wei stood up and waved to the American alligator.

It remains in its original still state and continues to enjoy the moisture of the sun.

Liu Wei walked up to O'Neal, and O'Neal kept picking up stones on the ground with his right hand and throwing them into the river.

He glanced sideways at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei took off his diving suit while paying attention to O'Neal's expression.

"Shark, are you still angry?"

"Liu, you lied to me, and your deception has left an eternal shadow in my heart!" O'Neill threw the stone and turned back.

“It’s that serious”

"Of course I'm going to have nightmares tonight about fucking crocodiles!"

"Hahaha, just get used to it. We will encounter more ferocious beasts during the rest of the journey!"

Liu Wei originally wanted to comfort O'Neal, but when O'Neal heard this, he frowned again.

"Liu, I was worried that I would starve to death if I participated in Mr. Bei's show. If I participated in your show, I was worried that I would die at any time!" O'Neill said very seriously.

A serious look.

Liu Wei wanted to laugh when he looked at it, he felt like a cute fool!

"Am I still alive?" Liu Wei spread his hands and said, "Shark, don't worry. Nothing is more meaningful than a full meal at this time!"

Liu Wei took out several fresh steak cans and a stone mill from his black technology backpack. He placed the stone mill on the fire and poured oil on it.

O'Neill stared directly at the stone mill, moistened his throat, and all the emotions he had just lost were gone.

After the oil is hot.

Liu Wei put the steak on the stone grinder and fried it.

"Liu, I'm very good at frying steaks, let me do it!" O'Neill volunteered. Listening to the sizzling sound of frying on the stone mill, O'Neill was already salivating.

"Okay, over to you, buddy!"

Liu Wei noticed the American alligator basking in the sun and glanced over.

He walked up to the crocodile's mouth with a few pieces of fresh beef and said, "I'll give you a little favor. It's like an apology! At the same time, it will make you familiar with the taste of more meat and expand your food chain."

Your compatriots who grew up in the wild can find prey everywhere, not just fish and shrimp.

bring it on! Grow your mouth and bite the meat on my hand, showing your desire for food!"

Liu Wei held up the piece of meat and shook it near the crocodile's mouth. The crocodile raised its head and bit Liu Wei. Liu Wei quickly let go and the beef fell into its mouth. After a few simple chews, it was swallowed.

"Beautiful, I like your current desire very much! Come again!" The audience in the live broadcast room looked at Liu Wei happily feeding the crocodiles there, with envy and jealousy.

"I want to feed the crocodiles too!"

"Come on! You can't even feed the chickens!"

“Looks so cool!”

"It does feel good. I bite you and it feels even better to be in the hospital!"

The audience in the live broadcast room undermined each other.

After Liu Wei fed the crocodile and returned to the campfire, O'Neill looked proud and said, "Liu, try my craftsmanship!"

"We can't do without wine at this time!"

"You still have wine," O'Neill exclaimed.

"No red ones. Can I have beer?"

"Of course!" O'Neal took the beer from Liu Wei's hand, pulled the tab, took a sip, raised his head to feel the warmth of the sun, tilted his head to look at the flowing river, and sighed, "Liu, I feel like I'm in the world Best alfresco hotel dining!”

Liu Wei ate the steak and smiled and said, "I told you I won't starve you! You have exerted a lot of energy today, so let's find a suitable place to camp on the shore! Have a rest for the night and continue moving forward tomorrow!"

"Liu, can you tell me in advance what we will encounter next?"

Liu Wei smiled and said: "I'm not sure. Outdoors are very variable, such as venomous snakes, bison, and mountain lions?"

Liu Wei shook his head and took a sip of beer.

O'Neal stared at Liu Wei, swallowed, and showed a stiff smile, "Let's eat first!"

Beast Live Room

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