Beast Studio

Six hundred and sixteen Black Widow

The hunting team worked very efficiently.

Almost all the wild dogs that escaped were hunted down, and the one or two that were missed also ran away, even out of their territory.

In the evening, after the hunting team left, Brad's disappointment had not improved.

His hair has been scratched into a chicken nest.

A confused cry came from his mouth.

"hy? hy?"

Liu Wei accidentally discovered that several little guys were still alive.

Little Hei Zai and the other cubs emerged from the haystack, wagging their tails and ran to the body of the wild dog.

After wild dogs are killed, the killing team will not deliberately dispose of their bodies and let them decay naturally in nature.

The little black boy circled around the wild dog's body several times, humming.

Liu Wei walked over.

His presence disturbed several cubs.

Can they survive without the care of their families? It became a problem that Liu Wei was worried about.

Brad's expression improved slightly and he reached out to touch the paparazzi's body. When the little black boy looked back at him, his eyes changed, filled with anger and ferocity.

It bit Brad on the back of his hand.

By the looks of it, it's very hard.

But it was so small that its baby teeth couldn't even penetrate the skin on the back of Brad's hand.

It is still shaking its head vigorously and biting. This is the gene it carries in its body to attack prey.

See this scene.

Liu Wei's eyes were also red.

Obviously, the little black boy regarded them as enemies. The paparazzi seemed to know very well who destroyed their family and who killed their parents and relatives.

As the new leader of the wild dog pack, Xiao Heizai is fulfilling his mission.

"Nonono! You can't do this. Your behavior will bring disaster to you." Brad pushed away the little black boy's mouth and pointed to the wild dog corpse on the ground, "Same as your parents, Will be killed by humans.”

"We can't help you. You have to survive on your own and with your brothers and sisters. You have to learn to get along with humans and forget hatred..."

At this point, Brad choked up.

He thought he had said the most unintended words. What does the hunting team's killing have to do with these cute little guys?

Why must wild dogs be forgiven for their killing behavior?

But if they want to survive on the Australian continent, they must do this.

Liu Wei hugged the little black boy with both hands and stared into the black boy's eyes. The little black boy shook his head vigorously, swung his body and struggled.

"Live well,

Take your companions with you and remember your father's teachings. From now on, you will be their support. "

Little Hei Zai slowly stopped struggling and looked at Liu Wei's expression.

He was stunned for a moment.

Then the corners of his mouth twitched twice, revealing a fierce side.

"Yes, that's the expression. You are an apex predator, and you need to be strong to defend the dignity of your ancestors!" Liu Wei repeatedly warned.

He wanted the paparazzi to survive.

This means that before they have enough strength to actively hunt, they will eat vegetarian food, such as berries, for a long time, or they will become opportunists who are despised and reviled by other animals and eat carrion!

Liu Wei knew very well the path the paparazzi was going to take next, "Stay strong and live!"

After saying that, he put the little black boy on the ground.

"Uuuuuuu~, I'm crying! Where are you!"

"Awei is really serious this time! I can feel it!"

"The way the anchor looked at the little black guy at the end was amazing!"

"Little black boy, my fate is up to me!"

Liu Wei looked at Brad sitting on the ground, "Let's leave! Professor Brad!"

Brad stood up, shook his hands, and said angrily, "Liu, this is the most rude behavior I have ever seen in my life!"

Liu Wei nodded.

Things have already happened, and he doesn't want to discuss Australia's laws and Australians' attitude towards wild dogs.

"This is their national condition!" Liu Wei thought of a more polite word to sum it up.

Up and down the foothills.

Brad was in no mood to stay any longer. As he packed up the tent, he muttered, "I don't want to stay in this damn place, not even for a moment!"

Liu Weidao said, "Professor Brad, it's getting dark soon, let's go tomorrow morning!"

"No! Liu, I know you have your own things to be busy with. Don't worry about me. I will leave safely!"

Liu Wei stopped trying to dissuade him and walked forward alone with his backpack on his back.

Before dark, leaving the foothills, whether it was the wild dogs attracted by the dead dogs or the escaped wild dogs running back, they would be a great threat to Liu Wei.

After finding a suitable camping location, Liu Wei set up the tent and closed the live broadcast room very early to rest. He needed to adjust his emotions.

The temperature in the rainforest is low in the morning.

Liu Wei came out of the tent, the edges of his shoes were wet with dew, and he soon received the first ray of sunshine.

Raise your head, close your eyes, feel the warmth brought by the sun, relax your body and mind, and digest everything you saw yesterday.

After breakfast, he turned on the live broadcast and said with a smile, "Good morning, brothers!"

The greeting barrage keeps scrolling.

Many viewers stayed up all night last night, discussing the Australian federal government's hunting policy with a black screen.

Fierce rhetoric and confrontation.

After discussing it all night, we didn't come to the desired conclusion.

I saw Liu Wei’s smiling face.

The audience also felt relaxed.

In the words of fans.

Love Liu Wei to death.

Liu Wei interacted and hurried on.

The temperature gradually increased as time went by. Liu Wei stopped, sat on a fallen tree trunk, and took a sip of water.

He patted his butt casually, and accidentally ran his fingers through the gap between the tree trunk and his trouser legs, feeling a bit of coolness.

I raised my hand and saw that there were spider webs stuck on it.

Observing carefully, he frowned.

The spider webs that cling to your fingers are different from other spider webs.

Looking through the sunlight, it looks smoother. Although the fingers are just a little sticky accidentally, the spider webs between the fingers are tightly distributed and have a complex structure.

Liu Wei's first reaction was that it was definitely not a spider he usually encounters at home.

The audience looked at Liu Wei's demeanor at this moment and guessed that something must have happened again!

Liu Wei took two steps sideways, squatted down, and observed the gap between the tree trunk and the ground.

He glanced from the inside out and smiled, "It is indeed you!"


"What the hell?"

"The anchor started talking to himself again!"

"I want to see, I want to see, Ah Wei, show me quickly!"

Liu Wei flipped the camera to focus on the spider he found. The spider was black in color, had slender legs, and had a red funnel-shaped stripe on its tail.

This spider carries its freshly caught prey, a beetle.

The beetle is much larger than it, but it can use dense spider webs to entangle it, and then by constantly trimming the spider webs, it can transport prey that is much larger than itself to its living location.

The audience was a little confused.

I don’t understand why Liu Wei photographed a spider?

"Tch, what did I think it was?"

"When I was a kid, I often saw spiders in the countryside, some as big as a palm. They were so scary!"

"My favorite thing is to use a knife to cut up the spider's body!"

"Let's go, Ah Wei, what's there to see in the spider!"

Liu Wei laughed softly and said, "Brothers, don't despise it, it is very different from the spiders you usually see.

This is also an Australian poison, an old poison listed as one of Australia's twelve great kings - the red back spider.

A member of the genus Black Widow!”

Few viewers have heard of the redback spider, and after all, they are not professional researchers.

But when it comes to "Black Widow", the audience in the live broadcast room has basically heard of it.

The reputation is too big.

The first thing that comes to mind is the role of Black Widow played by Scarlett Johansson.

Cold and vicious.

Even if you don't know about spiders of the genus Black Widow, when you hear this name, you can't help but think of words like "powerful" and "vicious".

Liu Wei “The red-backed spider is a unique species in Australia, but this spider has a very strong ability to reproduce and survive, and many people keep it as a pet.

Now redback spiders have begun to spread all over the world.

I have to mention, it can bite you to death!”

“The web structure of the redback spider is complex, the silk is exquisite, and the layout is tight. It is the strongest silk among all spiders. Once prey is entangled, the fate waiting for them will be to be eaten by the redback spider.

The venom of the redback spider contains super strong neurotoxins. It uses the colloid on the spider web to identify whether the prey has taken the bait. After determining that the prey has taken the bait, the redback spider will inject the venom into the prey's body to soften the prey's body tissues, and finally use The fangs suck it dry. "

"Eh~, it sounds scary!"

“This word sucking is used in a very essential way!”

"Spiders seem to use suction! They break down their prey into liquid and then absorb it into the body!"

"You look like an honest man upstairs. Don't ask me how I know. The sucking that the brother just said and the sucking you mentioned are not the same thing!"

"My head is a bit dizzy. Did I say something wrong?"

Liu Wei smiled and said, "What you said is correct, they were driving just now!"

In just two or three minutes, Liu Wei briefly introduced the red-backed spider to the audience. During this period, the spider on the spider web had devoured the captured beetle, leaving an empty shell hanging on a few spider silks.

Redback spiders are extremely efficient at hunting and feeding.

"If it weren't for this beetle, maybe the black widow's attention would be on me!" Liu Wei continued to stare at the spider web wrapped around his fingers and said, "Brothers, red-backed spiders are extremely aggressive. , it is an active defensive player. Once it realizes that danger is approaching, it will attack without hesitation.

I just accidentally touched its spider web. If I startled it and got bitten by it, today's live broadcast would probably come to an end.

That's a very troublesome thing.

This incident also reminded me that dangers are everywhere in the rainforest, and I will have to be more careful next time.

But before I leave, I want to take you to get to know Black Widow. "

Liu Wei took out a transparent square box and a pair of tweezers. He held the tweezers in his right hand and carefully followed the cobwebs around the black widow. The black widow climbed onto the tweezers.

Putting the tweezers into the transparent square box, the black widow was locked in the box and began to crawl around in a panic.

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