Beast Studio

Four Hundred and Two God’s Prophecies

The rhinoceros walked into the swamp and looked around, seemingly looking for the best place to bathe.

Several black crows landed on its back, and it was not angry at all. Instead, it welcomed these birds to come and move around.

Because the crow is using its sharp beak to catch those mosquitoes that Cook hates.

The crow stood firmly on its back, catching mosquitoes from time to time, occasionally moving its head and calling a few times into the jungle on the other side of the swamp, as if to prove that its call was very pleasant, but in fact it was a response to itself. The biggest misunderstanding.

Anyway, when Liu Wei listened, the cries of the black crows were a bit hard to hear.

Cook found a position that satisfied him, moved slowly in the swamp, and slowly sank his body.

The black crows knew what Cook was going to do next. They flapped their wings and flew away from the rhino's back.

The muddy water in the swamp gradually covered Cook's body. Cook gasped in the water, and many bubbles came out of his nose and mouth.

The only place on the body where mosquitoes are still entangled is the two fowling ears.

It slapped its ears, then rolled its body and wallowed in the muddy water.

Roll half a circle to the left, then roll back half a circle to the right... over and over again.

This feeling is so comfortable.

"The rhinoceros is so happy to be washed!"

"Naughty guy, he actually likes playing with water so much!"

"I'm going to take a shower too, let's take a nice shower!"

"Little sister, do you want to come together?"

"Can I add one more?"

Liu Wei ignored the comments from Lao Sepikou in the live broadcast room. At this moment, he felt that rhino bathing was more interesting.

"Brothers, Cook needs to apply a layer of mud all over his body to prevent mosquito bites. From its appearance, we can see that its skin is very thick and armor-like. It was used by humans to make armors and shields during the Cold War Age. , enough to show the thickness of rhinoceros skin, but there are many wrinkles on its body, and the skin in the middle gaps is relatively thin, and mosquitoes like to get in there to harass it.

Many animals get angry because of mosquito bites.

The most typical ones are horses, especially fierce horses. Rhinos and elephants are also famous for their bad tempers. On the surface, they don't react excessively, but in fact, when they are upset, they really can't vent their emotions to mosquitoes and flies. The only way to protect your body is to take a bath and wrap it in mud.

I can clearly feel that Cook is in a much better mood now!" Liu Wei analyzed Cook's rolling body while filming it.

"I am also the most annoyed by mosquitoes. The buzzing bugs are so noisy!"

"When I went back to my hometown in the countryside in the summer, I wore a short skirt. My legs were bitten and swollen, and they were all covered in bruises!"

"The mosquito bite made Jill itchy, so I would pick it hard until it bled!"

"Brother, you are so cruel to yourself!"

"Toilet Water Fengyou Essence, a must-have item for summer!"

When talking about mosquito harassment, the audience felt the same and expressed their own experience and anger of being harassed.

Liu Wei smiled and said: "The rhinoceros can't scratch its own itch. It will either rub on the gravel ground like a horse, or roll in the muddy water like it is now. The cold feeling brought by the muddy water can eliminate part of the itch. Feel it!”

Cook soaked for a while, stood up, and walked out of the swamp. The surface of his body was covered with a layer of moist black mud, and there were also some rotten leaves and debris stuck to it.


Cook let out a long cry, a sound so loud that it echoed in the jungle across the swamp.

Liu Wei: "Brothers, it is expressing its feelings at this time. I think it must be saying that it feels comfortable!"

"Hahaha, feel good, feel good!"

"God feels so damn good!"

"I thought I was watching a female anchor dance!"

At this moment, the barrage on the live broadcast mobile phone was consistent, and the three words "Comfortable" were scrolling.

Lamar's vision never left Cook for a moment. He was waiting for Cook to calm down and go up to meet it again, arousing Cook's memory of him.

Cook has finished taking a shower now. According to his original plan with Liu Wei, he should try to get close to Cook.

Rama turned back and asked Liu Wei: "Liu Wei, do we want to follow him now?"

Liu Wei smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry, Rama, watch Cook's steps carefully!"

Rama stared at Cook's limbs, but didn't see anything, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Liu Wei analyzed: "Its steps are very lazy. Of course, it is usually in this state, but if you observe carefully, you will find that it seems to be hesitating. After taking a few steps forward, it will stop for a moment and move slightly. It is very likely that it is... When judging where he wants to go, I boldly guess that Cook would like to find a comfortable place to sleep now. We know that rhinos have very high requirements for sleep quality."

Rama's expression became surprised, and he did not fully believe Liu Wei's words.

Being able to analyze the living habits of rhinos based on their footsteps sounds a bit misleading.

However, Rama thought for a while and quickly found evidence to prove Liu Wei's analysis based on his own experience.

For the Indian rhinoceros, its daily life is very simple, including eating, sleeping, pooping and peeing, and taking a bath.

When they first arrived, Cook was making poop, which meant that he had just eaten, and then took a bath. According to the routine of life, he should go to bed next, and he would get up again after sleeping to continue eating.

Cook's hesitant steps are just a manifestation of his laziness. His whole body is now a little tired.

In order to prove his reasoning, Liu Wei picked up a stone from the ground and threw it into the swamp next to Cook. The stone fell into the water and made a loud splash, but Cook just stopped. , didn’t even look back, and moved forward after a while.

If it were in its initial state, it would probably rush over.

Now all he can think about is where to sleep. There was no time to pay attention to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei smiled and said to Rama: "Look, Cook's mood is very stable now!"

"Oh~", Rama responded in his heart. Even a fool could see that the rhinoceros didn't want to pay attention to them, but Rama admired Liu Wei's observation and reasoning about the beast's behavior and habits from the bottom of his heart.

Cook walked not far forward. There was a large stone on the edge of the swamp. Dense herbaceous plants grew out of the cracks in the stone, extending outward like a parasol. Under the umbrella was an open space of more than ten square meters.

The open space is relatively flat, with yellow soil. When Cook stepped on it, it formed a footprint. The soil was relatively soft.

Cook stopped, looked back at Liu Wei and Lama, and did not feel the threat they posed. Then he turned his body and fell to the ground, lying on his side and sleeping.

"I'll wipe it! I really fell asleep!"

"Awei is so amazing, he does whatever he says!"

"I seriously suspect that the anchor is just guessing randomly!"

"Guessing it right once may be luck, but guessing it right twice is strength. Otherwise, how can we explain that Awei takes a bath when he is told to take a bath, and sleeps when he is told to sleep!"

"What live broadcast are you watching? Haven't you listened to Ah Wei's analysis? I'm still talking nonsense here, I'm really a Buddha!"

Liu Wei looked at the barrage and smiled and said: "Brothers, calm down, the new viewers need to integrate slowly, we give them some time.

Does it matter whether you guess or not? The important thing is that the result is like that. After spending time with an animal for a long time, you can also summarize its life patterns, and then guess what it is going to do based on the state it displays. This is not a difficult thing, right? "

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