Beast Studio

One hundred and seventy-four Am I beautiful?

Liu Wei returned to the shore and picked up his live broadcast mobile phone, "Brothers, we found something!"

He jumped into the water again, raised his live broadcast phone with his right hand, and paddled with his left hand, gradually getting closer to the bird he saw.

Climbing up the tidal flat, the mud was very deep, up to the knees, but Liu Wei had relatively strong strength and stamina, so he didn't have much difficulty walking.

Wearing his ancestral flower pants, he held the live broadcast room and got closer to the big birds standing proudly in the shallow water.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

"Long legs, my mom!"

“The feathers are so beautiful and have a strong layering effect!”

"What kind of bird is this? A red-crowned crane?"

The audience was attracted by its slender and graceful figure, but few people knew about this bird. Liu Wei had not seen anyone type its name on the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Liu Wei said: "Brothers, this is the Oriental white stork, a large wading bird, a national first-level protected animal. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently no more than 3,000 in the world.

It mainly lives in the Heilongjiang region and the Russian Far East, but a few years ago it began to migrate south en masse, overwintering in swamp lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and nesting here to reproduce.

But I didn’t expect that there would be Oriental white storks in Death Valley, which in turn proves that the natural environment in the Shennongjia forest area is well protected!”

More than a dozen Oriental white storks were walking slowly in the water with long strides. In fact, they were not walking very fast, but their legs were too long, so the distance they covered with each step was larger, and it looked like they were walking faster.

Its neck and mouth are very long, and the neck is very flexible. When hunting, it will often stretch out its neck, lower its head slightly, and then plunge its long and pointed mouth into the water.

Liu Wei's eyes were shining. As the audience didn't say, his feathers were so beautiful.

From the outside to the inside, the colors are clear, the layering is strong, simple and elegant.

The feathers on the body are mainly pure white. The wings are wide and long, and the large coverts, primary coverts, primary flight feathers and secondary flight feathers are all black with a green or purple sheen.

The base of the primary flight feathers is white, and the inner primary flight feathers and secondary flight feathers are all silver-gray except for the feather edges and tips, gradually turning to black inward.

Liu Wei said excitedly: "Brothers,

I can’t wait to take photos of its graceful figure. The Oriental White Stork is a bird that is not very wary of people. It should be said that it is easy to get close to humans. Because of this, before there was no strict crackdown on wildlife crime, it Often killed by criminals.

After years of popularization and supervision by regional forestry bureaus, ordinary people have a deeper understanding of nationally protected animals, and the protection of the Oriental white stork has attracted more people's attention.

I'm going to get close to it soon, brothers, it's even more beautiful up close. "

As Liu Wei said, his sudden arrival did not disrupt the Oriental White Stork's group eating plan.

They were alert and looked back at Liu Wei, but since they had come into contact with so many people, they were no longer surprised.

Coupled with Liu Wei's animal intimacy, it works particularly well for such a docile animal.

He easily blended into the group of oriental white storks.

Take a live broadcast phone and shoot them carefully.

"Anchor, are you a voyeur?"

"Awei, I think you can become a paparazzi if you don't live broadcast, hahahaha!"

"The white stork still doesn't seem to have any reaction, just letting Awei take pictures!"

"Oriental White Stork: I'm so beautiful, why don't you let me take pictures of you? Take pictures with all your strength, the pictures are beautiful and pretty!"

"The barrages are all screenwriters, awesome!"

Liu Wei always pays attention to the body changes of the Oriental White Stork. The master photography consciousness in his brain prompts him to observe every moment that can be captured by the lens.

The black-tech live broadcast phone in my hand is a high-configuration camera.

Whether you can take good-looking photos depends on the photographer's ability to capture the shot.

Liu Wei noticed that an Oriental white stork picked up a small fish from its mouth. When swallowing the small fish, its neck would tilt back so much that it almost touched the feathers on its back.

Standing on the same spot with its slender legs and its body at an inclined angle, the entire Oriental White Stork seemed to be in an S-row shape.

The shape is reflected in the lake water, with the green grass on the shore as a foil. This scene is so beautiful.

Liu Wei took a live broadcast mobile phone and took a lot of pictures. There was a big gap between the photos taken and the screenshots taken by the audience who were watching the live broadcast.

Although viewers watching the live broadcast already felt that the scene they saw was beautiful, the images captured by Liu Wei were completely improved to several levels after simple processing.

In professional terms, this is called physical art. It is pleasing to the eye once you take a look, and you will have endless aftertaste if you look at it several more times.

Liu Wei took the live broadcast mobile phone and walked to the Oriental White Stork. The White Stork turned its head and said "Dedede~".

It seemed to be reminding Liu Wei not to disturb it while it was hunting, and to wait until it was full before talking about anything else.

Liu Wei smiled and said: "Don't eat it yet, let's see if the photos I took for you are beautiful?"

The white stork's eyeliner is vermilion, and its eyes are very small, like a jade stone dotted with black ink in the middle, so you can't see the change in its eyes.

But it was looking down at its phone.

"Damn it, it's really watching!"

"Will you see our barrage?"

“Brothers, let’s type beautiful words!”

"Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful~"

"A bunch of pigs, can it still recognize Chinese characters?"

"Hahahaha, brother upstairs, I recommend you to become the Secretary-General of the United Nations and get your $10 membership fee back!"

Liu Wei noticed that when the Oriental White Stork first started to look at the photo according to his prompts, it turned its head slightly, and then kept staring at the photo. It had discovered that the immobile white stork in the phone was itself.

It was mesmerized!

I am so beautiful by myself.

The next moment, it made the same gesture again.

Liu Wei thought it was imitating the action in the photo, but it stayed there for a long time, and then Liu Wei realized that it might mean to let him continue taking pictures.

Liu Wei, who had just acquired master-level photography skills, became more interested.


"Okay! That's it!"



Gradually, the Oriental White Stork entered the role and began to cooperate with Liu Wei.

The body changes into various postures and manners.

"Hahahaha, I found that the white stork is so narcissistic!"

"Hey, that's great, you've learned how to pose!"

“Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!”

"It's so beautiful, I feel like I'm seeing a fairy playing in the water!"

"I can't stand it, Damn, they're all cultural perverts!"


The audience has completely jumped out of the excitement caused by the violence they saw in the Leopard Cave yesterday. They are admiring a master's work, which is like a painting but not a painting, shallow and light. The song "Mountains and Flowing Waters" naturally plays in their minds, and they are intoxicated by it.

So beautiful!

This feeling is relaxing and comfortable.

"When the gunshot of life has been fired,

I bleed, I'm hurt~


Liu Wei originally wanted to play a piece of light music to suit the occasion, but he clicked the wrong song and "Gun of Life" rang several times.

The audience suddenly jumped out of the comfortable environment they had created and felt unhappy, especially when some viewers came to their senses and found that they were still working overtime in the company, damn...

"Mmp, Ah Wei, you are so stupid!"

"Fuck, this is the first time I've done anything dirty in this live broadcast room!"

"What a fucking bummer!"

"Will the BGM be played? Are you going to play "Gun of Life" at this time? Are you going to fight?"

"Awei, tell the truth, did you do it on purpose? I'm angry!"


Liu Wei looked at the barrage and was furiously yelled at.

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